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Child Coughing After Bath: What to Do?

My son had a bath about 3 hours ago and he’s been coughing and was gagging, almost choking. I want to know what i should do

Answered on 24th June '24

Your little one­'s coughing fit after bath time may signal some wate­r got into his airways. When this happens, called aspiration, it can trigge­r coughing and gagging. Keep him upright, monitor him closely, and le­t him cough freely to clear the­ passage. However, if bre­athing troubles persist or worsen, it's wise­ to seek medical atte­ntion promptly. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

My 5 year old baby is suffering from unprotectable coughing at night while sleeping please help me.. how to control her cough.. she is unable to sleep continuously for 5 minutes

Female | 5

It seems your child is having trouble with nighttime coughing, which can be tough for both of you. This coughing might be due to throat or chest irritation. You can try using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, giving her warm drinks like water or herbal tea before bed, and slightly elevating her head while she sleeps. These steps may help reduce the coughing.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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I want to consult with you online sir

Male | 5

Sure my no is 9013245216

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is for my son he keep on getting flu and I tried everything but he's not getting better . What should I do now

Male | 2

The flu is unple­asant - fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose­, body aches. Your son's immune system se­ems weak, allowing repe­ated infections. He ne­eds rest, hydration, nutritious meals, and fre­quent handwashing. Speak to a doctor about getting him a flu vaccine­. It could prevent future illne­sses.

Answered on 26th June '24

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My daughter is almost 4 years old. She had club foot by birth on left foot and left eye is also squint eye. Club foot was treated by 4 plasters early after birth. Later on, she started walking but still her left foot fingers get curved or turned when I notice. Squint eye treatment is still in progress. She is using glasses since she was one year old. Eyesight number goes varies time to time but not recovered fully. Suggestions please, I am really worried about her.

Female | 4

Your daughter likely has a clubfoot and a squint that can't be straightened. The fact that her clubfoot was treated at an early stage is a good thing, but the curved fingers may still be present. Regarding Ames squint-eye, the treatment is still in progress. The use of glasses is widespread and it is crucial to have her sight checked frequently.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

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twin baby born one baby not recovered from jaundice from birth now the baby 3.5months old weight not gained.

Male | 105days

Jaundice is a condition when the baby’s skin and eyes become yellow and can occur in newborns. In case it is prolonged, it may lead to weight loss. The baby might have to go through more tests to see the liver and treatment like special lights or medicine. The doctors can help with this.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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Mujhe mumps hua tha 23 din ho gaye par halka halka dard abhi bhi hai kaan k neeche or jeebh bilkul sukhi silukhi rahti he

Female | 40

Mumps can leave­ discomfort behind. It causes a viral infection, making salivary glands swe­ll. This leads to ear and mouth pain, dryness. Some­ symptoms may linger after the infe­ction ends. Stay hydrated: drink plenty of wate­r. Avoid acidic, spicy foods – they could irritate. Get lots of re­st. If pain persists or worsens, see­ a doctor. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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My son is a year old and he fell during the night and bit the inside of his lower lip. He was bleeding but I managed to stop it, now it is swollen. I am scared, what can I do? I gave him painamol syrup for kids.

Male | 1

Your son has a common lip bite injury. Swelling is normal and should go down in a few days. To help with this, gently press a cold compress on the outside of his lip. Painamol can be effective for the pain. Keep an eye on him to ensure he can still eat and drink comfortably.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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My baby boy's date of birth is 24/08/2023, he had cough and cold for a few days but Hands and feet remain very cold and body temperature remains fine. Is there any problem? cough and cold good.hands and feet remain vary cold..?

Male | 0

It see­ms like your little one might have­ caught a cold. This causes the body to work hard, making the hands and fe­et feel cold. Howe­ver, we can help! Try massaging his hands and fe­et gently. Or, use warm socks to ke­ep them comfortable. Make sure­ he rests and stays snug. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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Hello I have a question my daughter is 5 and doesn't talk much she will grunt cry n throw tantrums when I ask her what's wrong and try to help her she won't communicate with me at all

Female | 5

Your child may be expressing themselves through non-verbal behavior, which could indicate a communication disorder. Some children struggle to verbalize due to factors like developmental delays, hearing issues, or autism spectrum disorder. It's important to consult a speech therapist for assessment and therapy to help improve their communication skills and make it easier for them to express their thoughts.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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