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Male | 31

My wife is 7 months pregnant. Two weeks ago I started taking finasteride 1 mg to battle hairloss. Last night me and my wife had intercourse and I ejaculated in her vagina. Could this have been harmful to the baby?

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Its not recommended for use during pregnancy as it can harm the developing fetus. Finasteride may cause abnormalities in the male genitalia of a male fetus if a woman is exposed to the medication during pregnancy. But the presence of finasteride in semen is likley to be low. Kindly consult a gynecologist asap.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Dear Madam, I HAVE 21 YEARS and I not get regular periodic , and I am unmarried and working in a private firm, What is the solution for regular period

Female | 21

first we have to find out the cause of irregular cycles , dietary ,lifestyle changes ,including recent weight gain or weight los, hormonal test including thyroid profile , and shall be treated accordingly

Answered on 23rd May '24

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High blood pressure and 31 weeks pregnant

Female | 22

Well in that case contact your gynecologist immediately. They may prescribe medication to control your bp, recommend bed rest or reduced activity, and monitor your condition closely. Maintain a low-sodium diet, stay hydrated, and manage stress.
High bp during pregnancy can pose risks, so follow your doctor's guidance for a healthy outcome for you and your baby.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My period date date is 17 may, what will be my ovulation date

Female | 33

In a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation usually occurs around 14 days before the start of your next period. Since your period date is May 17, you can estimate your potential ovulation date by subtracting around 14 days.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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hi,my mom, who is 55, experienced menopause a decade ago. However, she has recently noticed some unexpected bleeding. I thought menopause meant no more periods. Why is she bleeding after 10 years of menopause? Should we be concerned, and what should we do about it?

Female | 55

An abnormal vaginal bleed after menopause could indicate the presence of uterine cancer or endometrial hyperplasia and hormonal imbalance. I recommend that your mother consult a gynecologist immediately. A gynecological oncologist is a specialist who can diagnose her in more detail and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Genital warts problem on private part

Male | 25

If you have genital warts on your private parts, consult a professional, preferably a dermatologist or STI specialist. They can diagnose and provide appropriate treatment options. Avoid self treatment and practice safe sex to prevent transmission to sexual partners.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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why is it tht my girlfriend is still bleeding yet she removed the ectopic pregnancy

Female | 19

An ectopic pre­gnancy removal can cause blee­ding. Healing takes time. Ble­eding may be the body's me­thod for eliminating remaining tissue. Se­ek medical care if se­vere pain, heavy ble­eding, or feeling unwe­ll occur. Monitor for unusual symptoms closely. The body nee­ds time to recover fully. Ble­eding is a normal process, but e­xcessive blee­ding warrants medical attention. Don't ignore pe­rsistent or concerning symptoms. 

Answered on 16th July '24

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Hi , i am unmarried last two months I was don't make intercourse I have. Periods August 12 and September 14 now October 14 was my period days Today October 26 my late 12 days I have taken pregnancy test October 23 their is negative result if their any chance for pregnant And also last month 3 weeks I was fasting. only my nipples was pain no other symptoms if their any chance for pregnancy plzz tell me

Female | 21

It is highly likely that you are not pregnant because you mentioned that the test was negative. Nipple pain could be attributed to hormonal changes, stress, or even caffeine. However, if you are still concerned, it would be wise to pay attention to your symptoms and periods. 

Answered on 28th Oct '24

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I’m cramping and I’m very bloated and I have not started my period yet

Female | 23

Your body might be dealing with premenstrual symptoms. Cramping and bloating often indicate that your period is about to begin. These symptoms are due to the hormonal changes that occur in your body. Water drinking, eating healthy, and getting rest can play a big role in feeling better try these ones. However, sometimes gentle exercises like walking can also help. 

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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Hi I have taken pregnancy tests and they’ve come back negative.. I have irregular periods but within the last week I’ve noticed my boobs have gotten harder, my lower tummy is tender and hard, I’ve had awful mood swings and I’m very emotional, and I’m always hungry

Female | 25

Symptoms you may be experiencing can be due to hormonal changes, which may not be indicative of pregnancy. An irregular period can cause the hormone levels to fluctuate, leading to tender breasts, bloating, and mood swings. Stress, diet, and lack of exercise can also be the reasons why your body is affected this way. Try managing stress, eating healthy, and gentle exercise to help balance your hormones.

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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