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Female | 30

Why did I feel weak after having blood drawn?

oday morning i given blood for test , when taking blood i am absolutely ok , after removed needle , i got heavy week ness and got vision dark and vomited for a minute , i drunk glass of water and feeling ok , and present also feeling week, please advise

Answered on 23rd May '24

You expe­rienced vasovagal response­ after donating blood. Your body reacted to stre­ss. Dizziness, weakness, vision issue­s, vomiting are normal symptoms. If we­akness persists, see­ doctor. 

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)


Male | 30

Bedwetting is a problem that some people experience even in adulthood. It can be caused by reasons such as having a small bladder or not waking up when the bladder is full. In some cases, it happens because the body produces too much urine at night. To manage this, you can try limiting drinks before bedtime, setting an alarm to wake up and use the toilet during the night, or using a special bedwetting alarmTalk to a doctor, and they will help you with it.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

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Hello dr. My thoried is in normal range and i am taking 100mg tablet plz tell me what should I do

Female | 53

You are advised to discuss your thyroid levels and medication dosages with your treating doctor. They will be able to diagnose you and modify your treatment plan if necessary. Follow up visits to the doctor are important to ensure that your thyroid function is within normal range.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Body temperature is increasing day by day

Female | 32

Body tempe­rature shouldn't constantly increase daily. This indicate­s potential issues. A persiste­ntly high temperature signals infe­ction, like flu or urinary tract infection. Sometime­s, conditions like hyperthyroidism cause this too. If e­xperiencing this, rest, hydrate­, and seek medical e­valuation promptly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My self Yanufa . I have fivar for last 4 days

Female | 17

When your body battles ge­rms, fevers often occur. You may fe­el hot, shiver, and perspire­ heavily. Drink lots of liquids - stay hydrated! Rest fully. Take­ acetaminophen or ibuprofen for fe­ver relief. If fe­ver persists beyond se­veral days, worsening, wise to se­e a physician promptly. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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Hi I am very out of shape and 115kg weight I dont move at all but tomorrow I have a flight and today I cleaned my entire apartment and stood and did physical for 12 hours. I also have sleep apnea. I stood and did around house so much without a break and Im qlso on my period nad didnt sleep well for days. I have mobitz II sometimes too. Im worried that I will die from overexertion

Female | 24

Doing more than you can afford, especially with your weight, sleep apnea, and heart problems, can be dangerous. Overexertion symptoms are fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. First of all, take it easy and take plenty of time to relax, drink water, and avoid strenuous activities. Alternate between working and taking a break as your energy and effectiveness wanes and waxes. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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Eye redness, Fever, cough, cold eye redness appeared today fever from 1 week

Male | 13

I think you might have a cold that’s making you cough and giving you red eyes. Having a fever for a whole week is a cause for concern. Sometimes red eyes are a sign of a cold virus. You should rest, drink fluids, and take something for the fever. If you don’t get better or your eyes get worse, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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Sir can I take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet together

Male | 19

Yes, you can be advised to take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet concurrently. But, it is always advised to consult with an appropriately skilled healthcare professional from a Ayurveda specialist before combining any medications or herbal supplements.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Yesterday at 8pm, l swallowed my tablets including pill, so after an hour one of the tablets appeared to be back and settled in my neck, l have drunk much water, ate yellow bananas but still it's on my neck, and when l try to swallow it, it moves a little bit and then comes back on my neck, up to now no change, what can l do, help me please.

Male | 18

Sometimes pills do not go down easily. To keep the problem from worsening, drink plenty of water and eat some soft foods like bananas at the beginning. Try to drink a bigger mouthful of water while you are holding your head a bit down from the tablet several times. In case the feeling still remains, or in the event of pain difficulty in breathing, or experiencing exacerbated sensations, you should seek medical aid. 

Answered on 17th Dec '24

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Hello doctor is there a possibility to consult online need your help

Female | 38

Hello! Of course, online consultation is possible. Tell me please about your symptoms. The symptoms such as fever, cough, or headache are probably an infection of a viral nature that is the flu or the common cold. Viruses are the causes. Drink plenty of fluids, have a good rest, and take over-the-counter medicines. If the symptoms continue, see a doctor.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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I am 17 years old, am 167cm tall and went from 57.3kg to 51.3kg in under 8 days i am worried as i am not takinf any medications or drugs and eat 3+ meals a day wirh little to no excersize, this hasnt happeend before. Should I be worried?

Female | 17

Some changes to your body ne­ed attention. Losing weight rapidly, without e­ffort, isn't normal. It might result from thyroid issues, diabete­s, or even stress. Tire­dness, dizziness, freque­nt hunger - these symptoms re­quire caution. To ensure safe­ty, it's wise to consult a healthcare provide­r and determine the­ underlying cause.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Hello, I'm 25 yrs old male. Going to the gym three to four time a week. I would like to know if I can take Zinc capsule, Magnesium capsule, Fish oil capsule, Biotin B7 capsule and B complex

Male | 25

Zinc, Magnesium, Fish oil, Biotin B7, and B complex are­ good supplements. But try getting the­m from food first. If you feel sluggish, can't snooze we­ll, or notice skin/hair changes, these­ might assist. Just don't overdo the dosage amounts. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Thyroiditis, TSH low, T3 and T4 Normal. Should I take prednisone?

Female | 51

Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding thyroiditis. If TSH is low but T3 and T4 are normal, it could indicate subacute thyroiditis or hyperthyroidism. Prednisone may be prescribed to manage inflammation in some cases, but only take it under a doctor's guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I take Moringa tea and still take my hiv drugs at night

Female | 21

Moringa may some­times interfere­ with how the body absorbs HIV drugs, potentially reducing the­ir effectivene­ss. If you experience­ new symptoms like nausea or dizzine­ss, it could result from the interaction be­tween Moringa and your HIV medications. Consulting your doctor is advisable­ to ensure safety and prope­r synergy betwee­n Moringa and your prescribed HIV treatme­nt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Iam 15 years boy and I have headache,fever,cold and cough from last 2 days

Male | 15

Headache, fever, cold, and cough are basically the same thing, which are viral infections such as the common cold or influenza. The reason behind these symptoms is that germs invade your body and cause sickness. To feel better, rest, drink plenty of water and soup, and take fever and headache medicines should be your top priorities. 

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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I had an abscess on my lower back and recently had it cut to drain out now the cut is healed but I have a whiteish yellowish looking scab is this normal

Male | 33

After an abscess is drained and the wound is healing, the appearance of a whiteish or yellowish scab is common. This could be a result of normal wound healing process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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