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Female | 38

How Many Chemotherapy Sessions Before Easy Surgery?

Ovranain cancer is which stages are control how many chemotherapy then easy surgery

1 Answer
Dr. Shubham Jain

Surgical Oncology

Answered on 26th June '24

The treatment options, sequencing and expected outcomes may vary based on the stage if disease. Please consult for further advise.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Ive always had discharge for as long as I can remember and at my 8 week postpartum checkup the doctor checked me but said it wasn’t alarming because it’s not bothering me. I am currently 4 months postpartum and noticed I was getting discharge that had a slight odour and the discharge left rashes between my thighs and it got to the point I couldn’t wear underwear because the discharge would get more and I keep getting rashes. I noticed it getting a little bit better when I stopped wearing underwear the smell was still slightly fishy but not too terrible like before but recently after sexual intercourse I bled a little. Now google says it’s either the C word or some infection. I’m aware I should go doctor right away but I’m just not able to do so , my last two screenings for cervical cancer with my Pap smear came negative it was in 2018 and 2021. What’s the reason I bled?

Female | 27

Postpartum, it is normal to discharge but rashes and odor can prove an infection. Sex-related bleeding is not normal and may indicate a problem. This is why it’s important to go and see a doctor so that they can rule out any serious conditions. Cervical cancer screenings are also significant, but they do not detect all problems. If you are experiencing symptoms, do not waste time before seeing a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Her injury was November 06, 2021 C5 incomplete. Does she qualify for Bone Marrow therapy?

Female | 29

Bone marrow therapy is not used to treat spinal cord injuries, including C5 incomplete injuries. Treatment for spinal cord injuries focuses on rehabilitation, physical therapy, and medical management to maximize function and improve quality of life.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, how can we get information on treatment for RHABDOMYOSARCOMA that is stage 4 in a 9 year old boy?

Male | 9

Stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma is a muscle cancer that causes lumps, swolle­n areas, pain, and mobility issues. Rhabdomyosarcoma stems from ge­netics or chemical exposure­ risk factors. The typical treatment approach combine­s surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy. It's crucial to coope­rate closely with the me­dical team oversee­ing his custom care plan.

Answered on 1st July '24

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My Sister aged 67 has been diagnosed with malignant epithelioid mesothelioma. Please recommend good hospitals and doctors in Ahmedabad or around the country with expertise in treating mesothelioma cancer.

Female | 67

Mesothelioma can be successfully treated by the use of systemic therapy and appropriately selected surgical options. Please consult and let us formulate a personalised treatment plan for her.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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You can consult Dr Muzammil Shaikh from Nanavati hospital
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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This hospital have oncology department

Female | 65

Which hospital are you referring to.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a patient of rectal cancer with adenocarcinoma with cignet ring cell carcinoma, and got immunotherapy in ayurvedic through oral medications also got almost cured for three months. But again rectal bleeding and severe pain started and there is wound pist radiotherapy just at bottom inside layer of anus.

Male | 33

It's possible that the wound from your radiotherapy treatment has not fully healed or that there may be other factors contributing to your symptoms. You should communicate openly with your doctor about your symptoms, concerns, and treatment history, as they will have the best understanding of your problems. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My farther is 67year old. He was diagnosed as stage four prostate cancer and we are living in Johor. Can you advise me the specialist in urology oncologist nearby me. Thanks in advance!

Male | 67

Stage 4 prostate cancer is usually managed with medicines that can easily be prescribed. Please share his reports, for optimal guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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With a high level of CA 125 about 56.6 mol. The doc. has decided to remove both my ovaries and uterus.. Dont you think i should do more rest before removing the uterus.? I wish to inform you i have two ovarian cyst. A high level of CA 125 is cancer?

Female | 39

CA 125 can be high in the blood which sometimes shows the presence of ovarian cancer in the body. Special cases when cysts are related to this cancer. The patient might feel bloated, have pain in the pelvis area, and experience problems with eating. It is necessary to get rid of the ovaries and uterus so that the cancer does not get worse. Relaxing more won't make any difference as the surgery will remain necessary. However, it would be best if you stick to the doctor's advice to get the preferred results.

Answered on 5th Nov '24

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Badly i need a good suggestion for my father who is affected in a brain tumor.Some of Doctors suggested me to operation or some are not.In this situation i Don't understand what can i do.

Male | 55

Brain tumors if operable should be operated upon, however if they are in a very critical area or the surgery may be risky, we may need to try some other ways of addressing. Please share your reports and consult for further advise.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir, my mother aged 74 years is been diagnosed Colorectal cancer stage 4. Her adjacent lymph nodes shows metastatic carcinoma (4/5) (H/L) in her biopsy report. She already undergone an operation where some portions of her right colon is removed. Sir i want to know where is the best treatment possible in india? We are residing in Kolkata.

Pl get in touch with Dr. Muzammil Shaikh at Nanavati Hospital Mumbai. He is the best Oncologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I am Nehal. My brother is 48 years old and we are from Rajkot. He was not well for the last few weeks so we consulted with our family doctor. After a CT scan and a few other tests on Friday, he was diagnosed with a couple of specks on one lung. It's size is 3.9 cm and the biopsy report says it's cancerous. Please refer us to a good place to treat him. We are not so strong financially. Is there any way to save him and treat him from Rajkot only?

Please consult, so that I may be able to guide you appropriately. Lung Cancer in early stages may be cured by a surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why Is radioactive iodine necessary after a thyroidectomy?

Female | 44

Yes, it's necessary to destroy any remaining thyroid tissue or cancer cells and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My relative has mixed ovarian tumour (serous/mucinous type)...what is it and can it be treated successfully ?

Yes Can be treated, 
Contact Clinic

Answered on 23rd May '24

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