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Female | 27

Why am I experiencing postpartum bleeding after sex, along with discharge, slight odor, and thigh rashes?

Ive always had discharge for as long as I can remember and at my 8 week postpartum checkup the doctor checked me but said it wasn’t alarming because it’s not bothering me. I am currently 4 months postpartum and noticed I was getting discharge that had a slight odour and the discharge left rashes between my thighs and it got to the point I couldn’t wear underwear because the discharge would get more and I keep getting rashes. I noticed it getting a little bit better when I stopped wearing underwear the smell was still slightly fishy but not too terrible like before but recently after sexual intercourse I bled a little. Now google says it’s either the C word or some infection. I’m aware I should go doctor right away but I’m just not able to do so , my last two screenings for cervical cancer with my Pap smear came negative it was in 2018 and 2021. What’s the reason I bled?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Postpartum, it is normal to discharge but rashes and odor can prove an infection. Sex-related bleeding is not normal and may indicate a problem. This is why it’s important to go and see a doctor so that they can rule out any serious conditions. Cervical cancer screenings are also significant, but they do not detect all problems. If you are experiencing symptoms, do not waste time before seeing a doctor.

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Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

One of my Family friend memeber aged 19 years only is a patient of Acute Lukemia diagonaside at Kolkata Tata Medical Centre 0n 12/08/2019, Approx Treatment cost is more than 15 lacs as Hospital informed. Finanacial condiion is very poor. Need complete financial help or complete free treatment in any hospital within India. Please Help us.


Please send these reports -(CBC ,CRP, LFT and PET scan.

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Esophagus cancer history we r so worried plz tell she survive???

Female | 48

Consult with an oncologist who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific situation. They will consider factors such as the stage and type of cancer, previous treatments, and any other relevant medical history. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My brother in law is diagnosed liver cancer by the Doctors in Cuttack, Odisha. He is relatively poor with almost no resources to support the treatment. With my limited income of around Rs 8 lakhs per year, I need to support him. The Regional Research center named " Acharya Harihar Cancer Research center" at Cuttack seems having no modern technology to treat the same ( Please correct me, if I am wrong). Request you to guide me which hospital can be the best choice. I can spend maximum upto 3-4 laks from my savings. Thanks in advance for the help. he needs immediate treatment.

Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, Mumbai

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does they treat for last stage of Cancer

Male | 38

The end-of-life phase cancer therapy focuses on symptom management and quality of life enhancement instead of cancer treatment. Symptoms may be severe pain, weight loss, fatigue, and difficulty breathing. The causes of cancer are different but can be genetic, lifestyle factors, or environmental exposure. Treatment may include palliative care such as pain management and supportive therapy for the person to be more comfortable.

Answered on 26th Oct '24

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One lady suffering from uterus cancer have you any option for treatment without kimo

Female | 55

Chemotherapy is a common treatment option for uterine cancer, however there are some alternative treatment options available depending on the specific situations, like surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy to help fight cancer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir, I am a 30 yrs old Indian Army soldier presently treated in Pune Command Hospital and have stomach cancer. I had gone through Laprotomy operation (found GIST of High Grade in Histopath) on 30 Nov 2018 and post op PET scan revealed certain other tumours in 1 segment of liver, multiple mesentric lymph nodes in Stomach after which I would be on chemotherapy treatment IMATINIB from 3 Jan 2019 for the same. But on 28 Jan 19 there was found Ascities (No Malignancy)for which the next CECT on 4 feb shows the disease progression even after the running drugs. Plz suggest the best treatment with your valuable opinion. Suggest any hospitals in Pune/ Mumbai.

Homeopathic treatment is Best

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Life expectancy when chemo stops working ovarian cancer

Female | 53

It depends on the stage of cancer and how aggressive it is. Get 2nd opinion 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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He is infected of perenial fistula. And for years ,almost 9 surgeries was operated for him. And his colonscopy result before 1 and half year said normal. But now when MRI is taken ,shows some small tumors and may be T4N1MX adenocarcinoma cancer IS created but the other results like colonoscopy says normal , biopsy result says non diagnostic, CT SCAN result says it is better for him to take the test after 6 months, the blood test says normal and other organs like kidney, liver...are all normal. He has normal medical result apart from the cancer and now he is taking chemiotherapy treatment so what shall I do

Male | 64

When you have adenocarcinoma, you must stick to the treatment plan your doctor gives you. Chemotherapy is used often for treating this type of cancer. Just try to follow the treatment schedule, eat well, and get enough rest. 

Answered on 19th June '24

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I have blushing on my chest that come and go after cool down the redness gone completely but I also have lump underneath of lower inner quadrant of right breast I have this lump since 5 years is it sign of cancer

Female | 18

I recommend you to go to the breast specialist urgently to get a full diagnostic examination. Mass in the breast may be a sign of breast cancer, but not all the causes are the same.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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Granulomatous cheilitis I had this problm frm last several mnths

Female | 36

You can try Tab Rebagen 100 mg thrice a day for 14 days. You can take this medicine after meals.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father became positive in tumor cells of p63 and ck19. I want to get him treat in reasonable and good hospital

Male | 64

CK19 and P63 are markers of cells that may be cancerous. For a better understanding and correct advice, please share his reports and consult.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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If I have a mastectomy do I need chemo?

Female | 33

That will depend on the cancer's type, how advanced it is, and if it has spread. Ask your medical team they will suggest the best treatment plan based on your specific situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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