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Male | 26

Why do I have stomach ache?

Pachis hai aur pet ke Nichole hisse me Darden h

1 Answer
Dr. Gaurav Gupta

Surgical Gastroenterology

Answered on 3rd Aug '24

You are experiencing some pain in the lower region of your abdomen. This can be caused by various reasons such as gas or indigestion. In some cases, the pain is also caused by their muscles. To remedy the situation, do breathing exercises, drink more water, and stay away from spicy dishes. If the pain doesn't go away or gets worse, it's advisable to see a gastroenterologist.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hepatology" (149)

Hai i am male 49 years, from few months my platelets count reduced up to 27000. Gastro dr. do sonography and endoscopy, and find compensated cirrhosis of liver. i want to Know what is the long term effect and what kind of diet should i take. Thanks

Male | 48

If your doctor has suggested that you are suffering from compensated cirrhosis, this means the patient is in the early stage of cirrhosis. such patients need to be evaluated thoroughly for the cause of cirrhosis. Also these patients need to be under regular follow up with liver specialists to diagnose and treat complications when and where these complications arise. Also these patients need to be under strict liver-related diet control. Diet is generally modified and custom made for each and every patient. Hope this clears your doubt and reach out if you do have unresolved queries!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can you smoke while taking periton and Becomplex with iron

Female | 18

Both Periton and Becomplex with iron can be affected by smoking. This means that smoking can reduce their effectiveness and even cause harm to your body. If you smoke while taking these drugs, you may experience nausea or shortness of breath due to irritation of the stomach and lungs. So, if you want your medicines to work better, don't smoke.

Answered on 20th June '24

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किडनी ओर लिवर में परेशानी न भूख नही लग रही है

Male | 50

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your abdomen ultrasound report initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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In my liver test SGPT is 42 and GAMMA GT is 57 more than normal range

Female | 35

Since your SGPT and Gamma GT levels showed higher values, your liver test result is fine, but slightly elevated. It may be a sign of the disease process that is manifesting itself in the form of liver damage or inflammation. Consult with a hepatologist is important. They can propose the right therapeutic methods which suits your situation best.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Anti - HBs -Ag (antibody to Au antigen ) Results positive . That means what

Male | 26

You are diagnosed with antibodies that are against the hepatitis B surface antigen which means you are being protected from hepatitis B. It means your body has successfully fought off hepatitis B infection or you have been vaccinated against it. You may not have any symptoms, but it's important to keep your health by eating healthily, exercising, and avoiding alcohol to keep your liver in good shape. Ensure to get regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your health.

Answered on 19th July '24

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I have symptom of jaundice for last 7 years

Male | 22

Having jaundice for 7 years is not usual. Jaundice is when your eyes and skin turn yellow. This occurs when your liver does not work well. Infections, liver problems, or blocked bile ducts can cause it. Tests will be required to know what is causing it. After knowing the cause, treatment will be given to make your liver work better and reduce jaundice.

Answered on 27th May '24

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i am hep b Patient. I am 44. i have been on livolin for 3months now an dthe doctor recommended Rain soul to me today and i wanted to asked if it is ok. i also want tell that i did some test and they are as follow: 1. liver function test 2. hep b viral load

Female | 44

Thank you for looking after your health proactively. The remedy Livolin is largely recommended for liver assist, which, on the other hand, can have some antioxidant advantages, though. The first step in starting or changing a supplement is to consult your healthcare provider for safety, especially since you have hepatitis B. Assessing your liver function and viral load should be a priority for the sake of your health. The wise decision in such a case is indeed a medical consultation instead of using supplements alone. I suggest that you have a deep talk with your physician in order to check whether the new entry fits to your health needs and your treatment plan. It’s your own precious life and you are making the best decisions to control your health.

Answered on 16th Dec '24

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Female | 48

If your fatty liver has been diagnosed and you are also suffering from abdominal pain, it is very crucial to see a gastroenterologist for further analysis. They can suggest certain dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes and further tests or treatments depending on a the patient’s situation. For effective management of the fatty liver disease, it is very important to seek professional medical advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalam o alailum doctor i m 2 years old girl i found my hepatitis positive there is no body for help me what should i do

Female | 21

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 35 mg twice a day, pittari avleh 2 gms twice a day, send her report initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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I am suffering from chronic liver disease from may 2017. I was fine but now my serum bilirubin in 3.8 and early 10 days 5.01 without any symptom

Male | 55

• Cirrhosis is a late stage of liver scarring (fibrosis) induced by a variety of liver disorders and conditions, including hepatitis and persistent drinking. When your liver is damaged, whether through illness, excessive alcohol intake, or another cause, it attempts to restore itself. Scar tissue arises as a result of the procedure.

• It causes scar tissue to grow, making it harder for the liver to function (decompensated cirrhosis) and is considered to be potentially fatal by nature. The liver damage is often irreversible. However, if detected early and the underlying cause is addressed, additional damage can be reduced and, in rare cases, reversed.

• It often has no signs or symptoms until liver damage is extensive.

• On damage the following signs/symptoms can be seen  - Fatigue , easy bleeding/bruising , Loss of appetite, Nausea, pedal/ankle odema, Weight loss, Itchy skin, Yellow coloured eyes and skin, ascites(fluid accumulation in abdomen), spiderlike blood vessels, redness of palms, absence/loss of periods (not related to menopause), libido and gynecomastia(breast growth in males)/testicular atrophy, Confusion, sleepiness, and slurred speech (hepatic encephalopathy)

• Usually, the total bilirubin test shows 1.2 mg/dL for adults and 1 mg/dL for children under the age of 18. The normal value for direct bilirubin is 0.3 mg/dL.

• Normal findings may differ somewhat between men and women, and results may be influenced by particular diets, drugs, or severe activity. Bilirubin levels that are lower than normal are typically not a cause for worry. Elevated levels might be a sign of liver injury or illness.

• Higher-than-normal amounts of direct bilirubin in your blood may suggest that your liver isn't adequately removing bilirubin. Elevated indirect bilirubin levels may signal other issues.

• Gilbert's syndrome, a lack in an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of bilirubin, is a frequent and innocuous cause of high bilirubin. Further tests may be ordered by your doctor to explore your situation. Bilirubin test results can also be used to track the evolution of specific illnesses like jaundice.

• Further laboratory investigations such as AST(aspartate aminotransferase), ALT(alanine transaminase), ALP(alkaline phosphatase) and GGT(gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase); Total Albumin, Lactic Dehydrogenase, Alpha protein, 5’nucleotide, mitochondrial antibody and PTT levels need to be determined and procedures such as CT scan, MRI (for liver tissue damage) and biopsy (in case of chance of any cancerous growth) need to be performed.

You can also visit hepatologist for detailed treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sar main ek kidney transplant patient hun mere liver mein ggt bada hua hai और लिवर फैटी भी है फर्स्ट स्टेज

Male | 38

You have a transplante­d kidney, and your liver has higher GGT. This is an e­nzyme that indicates liver issue­s. Additionally, you have early-stage fatty live­r, where exce­ss fat accumulates in liver cells. Fatigue­, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice are possible symptoms. Maintaining a nutritious die­t and regular exercise­ can be beneficial. Howe­ver, consulting your healthcare te­am is crucial

Answered on 23rd May '24

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