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Male | 25

Have I developed right ear ringing in 2 weeks?

Ringing ear Right side within 2 weeks

1 Answer
Dr. Rakshita Kamath

Ear-Nose-Throat (Ent) Specialist

Answered on 12th Sept '24

There could be a lot of causes of ringing in the ear. Get evaluated by your local ent who will examine the ear and also give hearing testings.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

I have been using sudafed nasal spray for about 5 days for a nasal drip. I stopped yesterday and have been feeling extremely congested like my sinus is swollen. Could this be rebound congestion? I've been using sinus rinse and a little relief but just feels like there could be some swelling

Male | 40

You could be suffering from rebound congestion. This is common when people use nasal sprays such as Sudafed for more than a couple of days. It may cause you to have swollen nasal passages with a feeling of being more congested. The saline sinus rinse is excellent at relieving the swelling. It's best to avoid overusing the nasal spray to prevent rebound congestion.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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Measles, swollen hands&feet plus dizziness

Female | 20

Measle­s might be the cause of your swolle­n hands, feet, and dizziness. This highly contagious virus spre­ads through coughing or sneezing. It has no specific tre­atment. Rest, drink fluids, and care for yourse­lf until it passes. If infected, avoid othe­rs to prevent spreading me­asles.

Answered on 24th June '24

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I’m a 22 female. One day, probably 3 days ago i started feeling my voice cracking. It felt funny, didn’t have any other symptoms, have happened to me before. In the evening i went to concert and tried that “wooh“ and couldn’t. Sounded awful. I didn’t thought anything serious, later after talking a while, it got better. Had some lozenges. Next morning i had almost no voice. Well, I thought whatever, and went to work (as a barista). Almost all of the time my colleague talked. But i had to a bit as well. As day went on it got worse n worse. Hard to swallow. Sore throat. Nothing else. Had Decatylen (pills and spray), herbal lozenges, GeloRevoice, teas, NAC, vitamin c with honey. One time it was acid, then antacid worked. But not this time. I don’t know what to do anymore

Female | 22

It sounds like you’re experiencing laryngitis, likely due to vocal strain or a mild infection. The symptoms you describe—voice changes, soreness, and difficulty swallowing—are common in these cases. To help, ensure you stay well-hydrated, rest your voice as much as possible, and consider warm saltwater gargles for the throat. If symptoms persist or worsen, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment. Prioritizing your vocal health is important, and seeking guidance can provide you with the best path forward. 

Answered on 19th Jan '25

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I am a 24-year-old bachelor student. I have been experiencing a persistent runny nose, frequent sneezing, nasal blockage, and difficulty breathing through both nostrils as one is always blocked alternately. These symptoms worsen when I consume cold drinks or fruits. Additionally, physical exercise and changes in the environment exacerbate my condition. This has been ongoing for the past year, and despite seeking treatment from 2-3 doctors, including homeopathy, I have not found relief. Now, I am exhausted from the ongoing symptoms and would like to identify the root cause and pursue appropriate treatment.

Male | 24

You might have allergic rhinitis, triggered by things like pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. Seeing an allergist can help identify your triggers and recommend treatments such as avoiding allergens, taking medications, or getting allergy shots. Proper treatment is important for feeling better and enjoying life without discomfort.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Suggestive of left maxillary sinusitis with right maxillary antral polyp and rhinitis

Female | 18

The symptoms indicate an inflammation of the left maxillary sinus and the presence of a polyp in the right maxillary antrum, and sinusitis symptoms such as rhinitis as well. As a result, the person may experience a stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, and a discharging nose. In case of sinusitis nasal discharge, accompanied by facial pressure or pain sometimes by a fever, can be either due to germs or from the immune system. Nasal pips are whenever the tissues of the virtual with a nasal or similar cavity show the presence of small swellings. The treatment of disease includes some of the most common allergy medicines, antibiotics, and in some cases, surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello. In a month I will have a nasal septum surgery (Septoplasty). I would like to know how to prepare for the surgery, what tests to perform, how long the procedure will take, how long the recovery will take after the procedure and whether I should have a new CT scan of the face (the old CT scan of the face is 2 years old). I would also like to get an opinion based on the documentation of the CT scan of the face whether my case is serious? : CT scan of the paranasal sinuses - examination performed without intravenous contrast agent In the posterior ethmoid on the right side, inflammatory thickening of the mucosa up to 7 mm. In the posterior ethmoid on the left side, inflammatory thickening of the mucosa up to 4 mm. In the alveolar recess of the right maxillary sinus, inflammatory thickening of the mucosa of approx. 1 mm In the medial wall of the right maxillary sinus at the level of the middle nasal meatus, a loss of continuity of approx. 2.5 mm - variant The frontal sinuses and the sphenoid sinus on both sides, the maxillary sinus on the left, are normally free of inflammatory thickening of the mucosa. The ostia-ductal complexes are patent on both sides Aeration of the middle nasal turbinate on the left, type II The mucosa of the middle nasal turbinates and the inferior nasal turbinates was significantly thickened on both sides. The bony nasal septum in the upper part is deviated by up to 6 mm to the right, in the lower part it is deviated by up to 4 mm to the left

Male | 28

To get your nasal septum surgery, you need blood tests and maybe a nasal swab. The surgery is expected to last from 1-2 hours. The recovery time may be different, but you might have to keep still for a few days. Your old CT scan is nice, but doing the new one preoperatively is a good idea. Your case is not so serious, however, the surgery will be a positive thing for you in terms of breathing and reduced infections.

Answered on 6th Nov '24

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Sir Naku గొంతు infection వచ్చింది సార్. నేను వెంటనే ENT హాస్పిటల్ కి వెళ్ళాను.దానికి నాకు కొన్ని మందులు ఇచ్చారు డాక్టర్ గారు. అవి ఏంటంటే paracetamol tablets and multivitamin tablets and ferrous sulphate and folic acid tablets and cefixime tablet200 ml ఇచ్చారు అందులో ఒక్కొక్క దానిలో ఆరు వేసుకున్నాను. ఆ తర్వాత నుంచి కడుపుతో ఉబ్బరంగా,బరువుగా,ఏదో తిన్నట్టు బరువుగా అనిపిస్తుంది. పొత్తికడుపు పైన పట్టిసినట్టు గట్టిగా సూదిలో గుచ్చుతుంది నొప్పి వస్తుంది. ఎడమవైపు chest కింద కూడా సూదిలా గుచ్చుతున్నట్టు నొప్పి వస్తుంది. అలాగే డాక్టర్ గారు ఈనెల నేను 11న పిరియడ్ అవ్వాల్సిందే ఇంకా నేను అవ్వలేదు. వీటిని కారణాలు ఏమిటి డాక్టర్ గారు.

Female | 30

You're dealing with a throat infection, along with swelling, weight loss, fatigue, and difficulty swallowing. These symptoms could stem from infections, nutritional deficiencies, or hormonal imbalances. It's important to follow up with an ENT specialist for a proper checkup and treatment. In the meantime, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, avoid smoking and hot food, and eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables to support your immune system.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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I need to balance naval system

Male | 35

Pl try home remedies and acupressure for balancing naval system.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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