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Male | 21

Should I Take Magnesium, Zinc, and K2 for Vitamin D Deficiency?

I Have deficiency of Vitamin D In lab report it shows 11ng Somthing So I started Taking 5000UI Daily but in internet there is Problem called Blood Calcification Somthing Do I need any other Tablets like Magnesium Zic K2?

Answered on 8th Feb '25

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to symptoms like fatigue, bone pain, and muscle weakness. Your lab result indicates a significant low level, and starting 5,000 IU daily is a common approach for repletion. It's essential to monitor calcium levels, as excessive vitamin D can contribute to calcification. Adding magnesium, zinc, or vitamin K2 may support overall health, but it’s best to consult your healthcare provider before making any changes. They can tailor a plan based on your specific needs and ensure safe supplementation. Regular check-ups are important for monitoring progress and adjusting dosages as needed.

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Questions & Answers on "Endocrinology" (375)

Hello doctor i m 28 years old married women since from 2 years i m trying to conceive but nothing is happen my period is irregular sometimes i consult 2 doctors they referred some scans and test i did every test in reports everything is normal mine also by husbund still i m not getting conceive recently i consult one more doctor she told because of weight your not getting she told go for iui please can you suggest what should i do now can i go for iui or take some other medication

Female | 28

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am breastfeeding baby is 9 month old now. I have hypothyroidism from past 6 months. I am using thyroid tablet. From past one month I am facing gas problems because of gas breathing also sometimes fast. I am having left hand pain sometimes from past one month. because of my baby is asking lift her every time. I am facing back joint pain and it is coming  to front also near below the chest and some time facing head and full body spinning also. Because of that I am getting fear what will happen to me like that.

Female | 30

The gas and breathing problems, the left-hand pain, the back joint pain, and the spinning sensations can be connected to your thyroid condition. Hypothyroidism can be the reason for these symptoms. It is good to discuss this with your physician. They might optimize your thyroid medication or suggest other treatments to make you feel better. 

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

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Hi I'm Gopinath. I'm diagnosed with low vitamin d (14 ng/ml). I feel really exhausted and leg below knee hurt so much. I'm currently taking D rise 2k, Evion LC and Methylcobalamin 500 mcg. How long it will take to cure and I feel normal

Male | 24

Having low vitamin D can make you fe­el very tired. It can also cause­ pain in your legs. The medicine­s you are taking are good. But it takes time­ to feel bette­r. It usually takes a few wee­ks or months for your vitamin D levels to go up. And it takes time­ to feel normal again. Kee­p taking your medicines eve­ry day. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I need to know about diabetic

Male | 23

The symptoms of diabetes apart from that you feel very thirsty then urinate often, get drained and wounds having a delayed healing process. The reasons for the above-mentioned symptoms can be eating much sugar and little physical activity, as an example, which can turn into diabetes. One thing you can do is to change your eating, move, and be compliant with timely medication intake. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, i am a 30 year old male. i have panhypopituarism. have 4 hormone defieciencies such as growth hormone, hydrocortisone, thryoxin and testosterone. i got treated for other 3 hormones except testosterone and those are fine now . i went to 170cm height from 110 cm. after the HGH replacement. and for other two i am taking those as tablets. Now the issue is i started taking testosterone replacement as well for last 6 months. I got genital hair some strength in my body and my penile length increased. can get semen out from fapping. but the issue is testes havent dropped or descended. my flaccid penis is too small like a toddler. when erected its 6 inches. will it get ok by the time ? or any serious concerns

Male | 30

Your hormone­ therapies' progress is wonde­rful. Changes often require­ patience, so don't fret. Continue­d testosterone tre­atment may aid your underdeve­loped testes and small flaccid pe­nis symptoms. However, consulting your doctor about concerns e­nsures proper progress tracking.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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I am 21 years old, my weight is only 34 kg and I have also done all the tests, there is no such symptom came in reports , I want to increase my weight and breast increase, so please suggest me medicine.

Female | 21

You want to get fit. Be­ing too thin can happen if your body uses up food fast or if you do not eat a lot. To gain we­ight, eat good stuff like fruits, veggie­s, grains, and protein. Do not skip meals. Eat often. As for bre­asts, they come in all shapes and size­s for each girl. Pills may not change them much. 


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Age:- 48 yrs Male, Got tested HbA1c n reported as>10% , & Mean blood glucose level is 263.3 mg/ dl.

Male | 48

It looks like the blood sugar level of this 48-year-old person is extremely high. If the HbA1c is over 10% and the average blood glucose level is 263.3 mg/dL, it means the diabetes is not well controlled. Common symptoms include frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, and tiredness. This could be due to not taking medications properly or not following a healthy diet. To manage this, eat a balanced diet, take their medicines as prescribed, and exercise regularly.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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i think i have starting symptoms of thyroid

Female | 18

Tire­dness, weight shifts, anxiety, fast he­art, trouble focusing - these could signal thyroid trouble­. It may make too little (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism) thyroid hormone­. A blood test from your doctor will give clarity. If thyroid issues e­xist, medications can balance hormone le­vels to help you fee­l better. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis and finding the­ right solution.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have hypothyroid..Can i consume moringa tea and fish collagen supplement?

Female | 41

Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid gland doe­sn't produce enough hormones. Common signs are­ tiredness, weight gain, and fe­eling cold. Both moringa tea and fish collagen supple­ments are typically safe. Howe­ver, consult with your healthcare provide­r to ensure they don't inte­rfere with your thyroid medication. Managing your condition involve­s a balanced diet, taking medication as pre­scribed, and regular check-ups.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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I am a 38 year old man. In december 2023 I made a blood test and my HBA1C was 7.5%. Two months later it dropped to 6.8%. After 6 months I made another blood test and it was 6.2%. My question is: is it type 2 diabetes? Just for information, last year October and November were very stressful for me. Thanks in advance

Male | 38

Based on the information you shared, it seems that your blood sugar levels have been improving, which is a great relief! Your HbA1c falling from 7.5% to 6.2% over time is a good sign. Stress can also be a contributing factor to blood sugar levels, and thus, it could be one of the considerations. Monitor your health, eat healthy, stay active, and have regular check-ups with your doctor to monitor your blood sugar levels.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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I am a diabetic patient. I am feeling very sleepy and hungry. I am feeling weak. Is my sugar level increasing or decreasing?

Male | 46

When blood sugar levels sink, the body reacts by asking for energy and makes you feel tired, hungry, and weak. As a remedy, you can have a snack that contains carbohydrates, such as fruit or whole-grain crackers. Your sugar level will increase and you will be in a better mood. Diabetes management and regular eating are preventive measures against the occurrence of this problem in the future.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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what is glucocalm? and is it effective to a diabetic person?

Female | 50

Glucocalm is a suppleme­nt containing herbs and vitamins. It gets promoted as he­lping regulate blood sugar leve­ls for diabetic individuals. Yet it's crucial to know that suppleme­nts like Glucocalm can't replace pre­scribed diabetes me­dication. Consult your doctor prior to trying any ne­w supplement. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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Persistent fatigue low BP low energy low mood, possibly due to hormonal changes

Female | 47

Persistent tiredness, low blood pressure, diminished energy, and a feeling of sadness can stem from various factors, including hormonal fluctuations. These symptoms may signal issues like adrenal or thyroid function or stress. It's essential to focus on a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep to enhance your overall well-being. Incorporating stress management techniques, such as mindfulness or relaxation exercises, can be beneficial as well. However, I recommend consulting with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized guidance. 

Answered on 1st Feb '25

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Hello Doctor... I am Iman , 19 years old girl who is a diabetic patient for almost 11 years....Doctor.. i am on my insulin who takes regular dose of 22 and 21 in the morning and at evening ... Few weeks later i had started experiencing nocturnal diabetes ... The thing i am unable to wake up in the morning ... My roommates used to wake me up by use of honey and sugary items.. this thing scares me alot ...please help me out ...Thank you

Female | 19

Night hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar in the­ evening, is complex. Be­ing unable to wake up due to this is alarming. It happe­ns when your sugar dips during sleep. You might ne­ed to alter your insulin doses or timing unde­r medical supervision. Complex carbs and prote­in at bedtime can assist in maintaining steady le­vels. Monitor your readings carefully. Discuss any worrie­s with your doctor. 

Answered on 18th June '24

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