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Female | 22

Am I experiencing ectopic pregnancy or normal period changes?

Sir , mughe month 28th ko period ate hai 3 days bleeding 4th day only if any heavy work December 28th 2023 ko i got only 2 day period then got bleeding again on 14th January fir 2 day then 28 ko regular period k date ko bleeding but light Ek baar waisa hua then tabse getting 3 day period bleeding little lighter than before and march me to 4th day bhi thoda bleed hua but on regular time 28th of every month from jan to march Took urine hcg test on 18th January 13th feb 14th march from January to march all negative Took blood hcg test on 18th march Got 0.62 ( negative) This is all condition age is 22 Did unprotected sex in dec but date not remembered but he not ejaculated in sex did all tests as it was unprotected just to be on safe r side and we dont want unwanted pregnancy as we do not want baby now did all tests to be on safer side and sure Is there any pregnancy related problem like ectopic pregnancy to worry or period issue only or its getting normal

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 17th July '24

You've had some­ unusual periods and negative pre­gnancy tests. Your light bleeding and me­nstrual changes could result from hormones or stre­ss. An ectopic pregnancy usually involves abdominal pain and abnormal ble­eding, which you haven't mentione­d. Keep an eye­ on your periods. Consider talking to a gynecologist if you're still conce­rned.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I'm in 21st week of my pregnancy and I'm getting clear white discharge from nipples. If is normal. All scans are normal

Female | 29

You don't need to stress about nipple discharge during pre­gnancy - it's a natural thing called colostrum, this whitish fluid is your body's way to nourish the baby soon. If its bothering too much, use mild soap and water to clean the area ge­ntly. But watch for redness, swelling or discomfort - as it warrants medical attention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi i had sex with my bf on 19 when my ovulation was on 18 and after that 5 days ago i had my periods but it wasnt like a period i would have . They lasted 2 days and on the second day it became pinkish and brownish and after that no more blood for the further days too and i had transparent discharge and now i feel nausea

Female | 18

Irregular or abnormal menstrual bleeding can occur due to many reason like hormonal imbalances, stress, changes in contraceptive methods, etc. It doesn't always mean that its about pregnancy. If you are concerned about the possibility of pregnancy, it's advisable to take a pregnancy test to get a clearer understanding of your situation. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A lady is pregnant since 10 days so for abortion which tablet should I give unwanted 21 or 72 pls tell

Female | 36

It's important to prioritize the health and safety first and so i recommend you to consult your gynec for your particular case. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 24 year old female. I was on depo for 2 years. Last shot expired in April. I had unprotected sex in August, less than a week after my period. Took a morning after pill next morning. One week later i had my period again which lasted 3 days with lots of cramping. Three days after i started feeling nauseated and having an upset stomach. Could i be pregnant

Female | 24

Based on what you've told me, the chances of you being pregnant are slim. The emergency contraceptive pill is effective if taken shortly after unprotected sex. Women can experience nausea and abdominal discomfort as side effects of the pill, which do not necessarily imply that they are pregnant.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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How many days after sex I can able to know that I'm a pregnant

Female | 21

After sex, it usually takes 1-2 weeks to tell if you’re pregnant but sometimes there are signs like nausea, tiredness, or changes in appetite which occur when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the womb. To make sure though, take a home pregnancy test; it’s easy and will give you an answer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Had unprotected non penetrative sex (wearing underwear) on day 8 of menstrual cycle. Started vaginal bleeding that lasts only few minutes on day 17 and day 19 (12-10 days before periods) (Did not happen on day 18). First bleeding started with red color then started spotting brown. Confused whether it's spotting before periods or implantation bleeding.

Female | 20

It is impossible to know whether the bleeding occurred because of premenstrual spotting or implantation blood without a physical examination. To get a clear idea, plz visist a gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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