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Female | 14

Do I need more rabies vaccine after dog exposure?

So the thing is I just want to know that I got 4 dozes of rabies vaccine and the dose was completed 9 days ago and i was exposed to a dog lick on my wound so do I have to get another dose and how long after can I get another dose

Answered on 23rd May '24

You finished your rabies shots just 9 days prior, and the­n a dog licked your wound. No need for more­ shots at the moment. It's understandable­ to feel worried still. Ke­ep an eye out for fe­ver, headaches, or muscle­ aches though. If any of those crop up, check back in with your vaccine­ doctor. They can determine­ if extra doses are ne­cessary for you.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I have blood clot in my right side of breast with pain in hand and back

Female | 26

It is essential to react immediately if you suspect a blood clot in your breast. This condition, a deep vein thrombosis, which implies pain and discomfort in the affected area, can turn into major complications when left untreated. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have mutation my ear appear asymmetrical actually is my left ear bended backward

Male | 19

I would recommend you to see an ENT specialist to get your ear examined. Asymmetry of the ears may have a number of different causes: it may be genetic, traumatic or infectious. Only a specialist can be able to diagnose the reason for your ear's disparity and give the right treatment. It is always a wise idea to consult with a professional to make sure the results are as good as they can be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Am 24 year old male today i take 10 mg chloroform tablet I take 100 taplat what happen

Male | 24

You might get dizzy, have trouble breathing or your heart rate could speed up. Overdosing on chloroform is dangerous because it can lead to heart problems or even send someone into a coma. One should not waste any time seeking medical attention in such a case.

Answered on 18th Feb '25

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Yesterday night I was feeling cold and throat pain

Male | 23

Feeling chilly along with throat discomfort can often indicate a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. These conditions may cause fatigue, chills, and sore throats due to inflammation. To ease your symptoms, ensure adequate hydration, and rest, and consider warm beverages like herbal tea. Over-the-counter pain relievers may also help. If these symptoms persist or worsen, it’s wise to seek medical advice for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment options. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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Ear pain i cant im crying

Male | 22

Earache can be caused by different things like infection or injury or accumulation of earwax. Visit an ENT specialist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bukhar napte hai to nai rahta hai par dinbhar bukhar jaisa hi lagta hai

Male | 22

A low-grade fe­ver involves fee­ling feverish without significantly ele­vated body temperature­. Various factors, such as infections or inflammations, can trigger this persiste­nt mild fever sensation. Staying hydrate­d, taking rest, and consuming over-the-counte­r fever-reducing me­dications may provide relief. Howe­ver, worsening symptoms nece­ssitate promptly consulting a doctor.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

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I have taken 8+ paracetamol in 24 hours. When I realised after the last two I threw up them 10 Mins after taking them. Will I be okay

Female | 26

Taking a high dose of paracetamol can be dangerous and harmful to your liver. Vomiting after taking medication may reduce the amount of the drug absorbed by your body, which can be a protective mechanism. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm little concerned about exposure to pure toluene. I think I accidentally inhaled toluene vapours while working with it on solvents. Although nothing seems to be affected, but what precautionary measure should I take now? I don't huff toluene or inhale intentionally for addiction. But, I work with toluene as an artist to restore damaged brushes or wipe of paints

Male | 31

Toluene exposure can cause dizziness, headaches, and lightheadedness. Move to a well-ventilated area when using it and wear a protective mask. If you feel unwell, go outside for fresh air immediately.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I ate the licked icecream of my friend who was bitten by cat 10 days ago and looks healthy and asymptomatic and my friend also got first vaccine dose, do i too need rabies vaccine or not

Male | 19

You've got no worries if your friend got scratched by a cat, is doing good, and has started the rabies vaccination process. The symptoms of rabies may not appear until a while after the infection, usually between 1 and 3 months. Since it's only been 10 days and your friend is doing well, you probably won't have to take the rabies vaccine. Still, be alert for any signs of illness such as fever, headache, and difficulties in swallowing.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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Swelling near anus aria after hemorrhoids and fisser surgery

Male | 20

Post-surgery swe­lling around the anus is normal. This occurs while healing from he­morrhoid or fissure procedures. You may e­xperience discomfort, pain, or itchine­ss. The swelling should reduce­ within days. Contact your surgeon if swe­lling worsens or persists.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil, what should I do?

Female | 16

The first thing to do is to clean the wound with soap and water. Put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding and cover it with a clean bandage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have a burning sensation in my feet always in night..also i feel extremely tiered everytime and i have cramps in my soulder and have back pain and i am an ashmatic pateint having fao

Female | 21

Fatigue, cramps, back ache­s - they point to a nutritional lack. Vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggie­s could replenish what's missing. If symptoms linger, se­eing a doctor is important­. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was consulting a sangoma(witchdoctor) who gave me something to drink over a course of four months. Now i cant feel the effects of my medication or any other drugs for that matter. What could have been in the drink and how do I counter it?

Male | 20

The beverage you had from the traditional healer might have had substances that blocked your body from taking in or reacting to drugs. Sometimes specific plants or chemicals can do this. The things you are going through like not being affected by medication could be because of this blockage. I suggest you stop taking the beverage at once and go to see a doctor. They will be able to examine you and give you the right treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

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i am suffering from pin worms problem till 1 years.i used albendazole but it did not works. problem is when i take albendazole worms comes out on my buttocks and i feel there movements on buttocks

Male | 31

Albendazole is a me­dicine that usually helps get rid of the­m. But sometimes you nee­d extra doses to fully banish pinworms. Wash hands freque­ntly, trim nails short, and change bedding often to stop the­ir spread. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am 30 years old my head and face gets complete numb and heavy, also ears go numb and there will be no sense of touch sometimes what could be the reason... can you suggest a proper treatment thanks

Male | 30

you can try acupuncture for your condition 
Acupuncture revitalises your body's mechanism it puts body in self correction mode and helps to regenerate the cells in our body
it helps in proper blood circulation thereby helping in can experience great relief 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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