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Female | 23

sometimes i have a sharp pain in my anal and reproductive system and i can't move due to this and also pain in my stomach and uneasyness and also feel pressure in my breast due to breathing

Answered on 23rd May '24

For anal and stomach pain and uneasyness, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist for an evaluation of your digestive system 

23 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

Can I eat banana chips during kidney stone

Male | 19

Banana chips can be high in sodium and unhealthy fats since it is fried. If you have kidney stones, you need to limit your intake of sodium and unhealthy fats. High sodium intake can increase calcium excretion in urine, potentially contributing to the formation of certain types of kidney stones.

Answered on 19th Oct '24

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Hlo sir weight gain nhi ho para bht km weight hai na gentic koi prblm hai or khati bhi hu prblm kya hai smjh nhi aari

Female | 20

There could be many reasons for the weight issue.... Consult a doctor for diagnosis. It is IMPERATIVE to take care of your HEALTH to avoid long-term complications that could affect your QUALITY OF LIFE.. So, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a medical professional for proper diagnosis..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it normal that whenever I cry I feel anxious and want to throw up and keep coughing hard and sometimes I do throw up.. No matter what if the cry is hard or normal cry

Female | 30

Strong emotions such as sadness or distress can trigger physical responses in the body, including an increase in heart rate, breathing changes, and muscle tension. It's possible that your body's response to crying involves these symptoms. Dpn't hesitate to speak to your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter is 10 years old. From. Past 4 days having 103 fever. It reduces and again again after some it is very high. Stomach and neck is very. Hot .

Female | 10

A fever of 103°F for four days in a child is concerning and should be evaluated by a doctor soon. Monitor her temperature regularly, ensure she stays hydrated, and seek medical attention immediately. The symptoms of a hot stomach and neck indicate infection or inflammation. Kindly consult a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever, wet coughing, phlegm

Female | 67

Fever, wet coughing, phlegm may indicate respiratory tract infection. Visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Drink fluids to avoid dehydration. Rest and avoid SMOKING. Antibiotics may be prescribed. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms WORSEN.... 


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Age of 8 months cat was bite me 40 minutes ago

Male | 21

If the cat broke­ your skin, you may feel pain, see­ redness, and notice swe­lling. Cat bites can transfer bacteria into your skin, possibly causing infe­ction. Clean the area with soap and wate­r, use an antiseptic, and watch for infection signs like­ more pain or redness. If those­ develop, see­k medical care quickly. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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was cleaning my belly button with ear buds. the cotton from the earbuds is stuck deep inside my belly button.

Male | 27

You may experience some tenderness or pain around your belly button. To solve this problem, attempt washing the area gently with warm water and soap. If the cotton wool is still stuck or causing discomfort then it is advisable that you see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 29th May '24

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Sir can I take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet together

Male | 19

Yes, you can be advised to take both ashwagandha powder and Navnirman tablet concurrently. But, it is always advised to consult with an appropriately skilled healthcare professional from a Ayurveda specialist before combining any medications or herbal supplements.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I took 50 pills ( vitamin C and zinc tablets) at once nothing happened I'm I in danger

Female | 25

Taking 50 pills of vitamin C and zinc all at once can be dangerous!  It may induce tummy pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Too much zinc in your body can also be bad for you. Don't waste any time. Seek medical assistance without hesitation. Water drinking may be useful in getting rid of leftover vitamins and minerals. Your body needs time for healing. 

Answered on 13th Oct '24

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Hi sir My mother age is 54 brain surgery completed in 3 months nothing to any development please tell me the recovery time sir. Please help me sir ??

Female | 54

A 54 yr old woman undergoing brain surgery may experience a recovery timeline similar to many other adults, but again, each case is unique.
The complete recovery process, which includes returning to normal daily activities and regaining cognitive and physical function, can take several weeks to several months or even longer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am a 17-year-old male who was scratched by a cat. This cat is not a house pet, as it lives outside of the house and can wander around the village freely. I was lightly scratched on my hand with some blood. I previously took the anti-rabies vaccine nearly 2 years ago (4 shots) and I don't know whether or not I should take another one. This cat is also not vaccinated against anti-rabies.

Male | 17

Your anti-rabies vaccine­ is still recent. A scratch from a cat might lead to an infection, but rabies is uncommon. Be watchful for swelling, redne­ss, or discomfort near the scratch area. If those­ signs arise, visit your doctor promptly. No need for anothe­r vaccine now since yours is still valid. Clean the­ scratch thoroughly and monitor it.

Answered on 25th June '24

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Should i take amlodipine if my blood pressure is low?

Male | 53

No... this medication is for high BP... self medication is always harmful.. better get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Bukhar aa raha he baar baar tin din Sr

Male | 36

You've had a fe­ver returning for three­ days. Fevers often happe­n from illnesses like colds or flu. Othe­r fever signs are chills, body pain, he­adaches. To feel be­tter, rest lots. Drink plenty liquids. Take­ over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen to cut fe­ver. But if fever pe­rsists, see a doctor.

Answered on 26th June '24

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