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Male | 31

What Causes White Spots on the Shaft of the Penis?

I have white spots on the shaft of my penis

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

They include Fordyce spots, yeast infection and sexually transmitted infections. A dermatologist or urologist should be visited for proper diagnosis and treatment. Do not engage in self-diagnosis or try to medicate yourself. This can make the condition worse

65 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1172)

me arde la uretra y tengo molestias urinarias, no tengo infección porque no sale en el urocultivo, pero el ardor no se va . se desencadenó despues de un tratamiento con antibióticos para una bacteria estomacal

Femenino | 38

Es comprensible que estés preocupado por el ardor y las molestias al orinar. A veces, el uso de antibióticos puede alterar la flora bacteriana normal, lo que podría causar síntomas como los que mencionas. Es importante asegurarte de estar bien hidratado y considerar la posibilidad de tomar probióticos para ayudar a restaurar el equilibrio en tu sistema. Si los síntomas persisten o empeoran, te recomendaría consultar a un médico. Ellos podrán realizar un examen más exhaustivo y ofrecerte el tratamiento adecuado para aliviar tu malestar. Cuida de ti y busca ayuda profesional si lo necesitas.

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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Penis small erection nahi hota

Male | 30

Erectile dysfucntion can be caused by various factors, including medical conditions, psychological factors, lifestyle, or medications. The size of penis can vary from person to person and is not related to sexual satisfaction or performance.. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to know about phimosis

Male | 23

Phimosis is a condition where the fore­skin on a boy's penis becomes too tight and won't re­tract. It can make urinating tricky, trigger swelling, or cause­ pain. Usually, it stems from the foreskin failing to stre­tch properly during growth. Often, circumcision solves it – that's a simple­ surgery removing the ove­rly-snug foreskin. Getting medical he­lp is crucial if you or someone you care about face­s these issues.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Iam Chiranjit Choudhury my father Jitendra Choudhury have a problem he was suffering PUNLMP and my surgeon told me the malignant polyp was removed from the bladder in last 21st June, and now there was no any problem but September third week we need a check cystosocpy to check there was any repeat or not if repeat then the treatment was needed but now no need to any treatment. So I need to know this is this okay or there was something wrong. And where is the best for me to treatment my father due to we are from lower middleclass family. So I request you please suggest us which was good for me, and is this the right treatment was running or not.

Male | 62

PUNLMP is an acronym for Papillary Urothelial Neoplasm of Low Malignant Potential. This is a non-cancerous growth in the bladder that, however, may become cancerous. The ideal next step to take is to follow your surgeon's recommendation for a cystoscopy in September. This procedure will aid in observing the bladder for any changes. This check-up is the first step in catching any problems that may arise early. Be mindful, that early discovery plays a significant role in the success of such situations. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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