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Male | 33

There is pain in one side of the stomach and the stomach remains bloated and more gas is produced.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Undergo USG abdomen. Take omeprazole once a day for 7 days. Consult a general physician after usg and he will prescribe you the line of treatment.

48 people found this helpful

Dr. Izharul Hasan

Unani Dermatologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

you can try this natural treatment, hope get complete cure.
Itrifal kishnizi 10 gm + Qurs Mullayan 2 pills bed time with normal water for 1 month.

83 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Hello, why when i touch my ear i feel some wall? is that my eardum?

Male | 21

When you touch your ear and feel a firm structure, it's likely the ear canal that you are sensing. The eardrum is deeper inside and not usually accessible to touch.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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So the thing is I just want to know that I got 4 dozes of rabies vaccine and the dose was completed 9 days ago and i was exposed to a dog lick on my wound so do I have to get another dose and how long after can I get another dose

Female | 14

You finished your rabies shots just 9 days prior, and the­n a dog licked your wound. No need for more­ shots at the moment. It's understandable­ to feel worried still. Ke­ep an eye out for fe­ver, headaches, or muscle­ aches though. If any of those crop up, check back in with your vaccine­ doctor. They can determine­ if extra doses are ne­cessary for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sugar ni h fir bhi sugar ki tablet kha le to

Female | 20

It is not advisable. If you have taken the medicine mistakenly then talk to a doctor or if concerned about having sugar then also talk to a doctor and get tested yourself

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Should i take amlodipine if my blood pressure is low?

Male | 53

No... this medication is for high BP... self medication is always harmful.. better get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Swelling near anus aria after hemorrhoids and fisser surgery

Male | 20

Post-surgery swe­lling around the anus is normal. This occurs while healing from he­morrhoid or fissure procedures. You may e­xperience discomfort, pain, or itchine­ss. The swelling should reduce­ within days. Contact your surgeon if swe­lling worsens or persists.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Basi rote khana se sugar baad jata h kya

Male | 53

Yes, eating roti & sabzi can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, especially if you consume a large quantity or have certain health conditions like diabetes or insulin resistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother get faint and after some tyme she used to get normal but it happening from last two months and it happen 2 tym in a weak

Female | 45

Its important to see a doctor Fainting can indicate serious issues.. It may be due to heart problems , low blood sugar, or hydration. The doctor may recommend tests to know the root cause or refer to a specialist. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My friend ate 10 amlokind at a time what should I do ?

Female | 17

Consuming 10 Amlokind tablets at once­ is extremely conce­rning. You might experience­ worrisome symptoms like dangerously low blood pre­ssure, dizziness, and a sluggish heart rate­. This reaction could occur due to the me­dication excessively dilating blood ve­ssels. Promptly contacting a poison control center or e­mergency service­s is vital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it safe to take betacap plus 10 along with nitrofurantoin SR

Female | 24

Taking certain me­dicines together isn't a wise­ idea. Betacap plus 10 and nitrofurantoin SR don't mix well. Combining the­m could make you dizzy, give you low blood pressure­, and other unpleasant effe­cts. Always consult your doctor before using these­ medications simultaneously. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am mouma manna I am 20 year women For about 6-7 months, I have cold, cough and fever except for 10 days in 1 month.

Female | 20

Possibly you are suffering from a regularly occurring cold. Some of the common symptoms are runny nose, cold, and fever. Your exposure to viruses can bring this about. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, and consume a well-balanced diet. Also, consider good hygiene so that the virus does not spread. If your symptoms are still not relieved, see a doctor.

Answered on 6th Nov '24

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Hello doc, I'm suffering pain on the left side of my stomach for the past few days. It reduces and increases at regular intervals. Sometimes it is like my full stomach is paining. Please advise. I am taking tabs for the LASIK surgery which I took recently.

Female | 35

You can get alternative therapy done and get the meridians balanced. i.e acupuncture acupressure

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My 5 year old son swallowed a coin. The x-ray shows that the position of the coin is not complicated and the child is not showing any kind of discomfort. within how many hours will the coin normally pass through the system? what should I do next?

Male | 5

If your child shows no signs of distress and the swallowed coin is in the simple position it should move on its own within 24-48 hours. But you should closely watch your symptoms, stools, and bowel movements during this period. You needs to refer to the pediatric gastroenterologist for further investigations and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm having a premature white hairs

Male | 20

Experiencing premature white hair is common and can be influenced by genetics, stress, health, and age-related factors. Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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