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Male | 47

Why am I experiencing unintentional weight loss and fatigue?

Unintentional weight loss from last 2-3 years, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, yellowing of vest in night Lab investigations Normal LFT and KFT with normal thyroid hormones level CBC - eosinophilia Anemia low serum. Iron levels and vitamin D levels Mantoux - negative Hiv- negative Normal abdominal ultrasound Taking vit b12 and iron supplements Provisional diagnosis

Answered on 7th Oct '24

As per the signs and tests, the person is thought to have a parasitic infection, for instance, a worm in the intestines. This may result in weight loss, anemia, fatigue, and the yellowing of the eyes at night. The plan includes using a medication to kill a worm as well as boosting iron and vitamin D levels.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Endocrinologyy" (254)

I'm male person I need some enquiry to know about sugar disease.

Male | 23

Also referred to as diabetes, sugar disease occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin. The main cause is when the sugars in your body are not used adequately. If one has experienced this, coordinating regular exercises and consuming healthy choices would probably be a wise move. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm diagnosed with low vitamin d (14 ng/ml). I feel really exhausted and leg below knee hurt so much. I'm currently taking D rise 2k, Evion LC and Methylcobalamin 500 mcg for past 2 months. How long it will take to cure and I feel normal?

Male | 24

Take supplements like D rise 2K, Evion LC, and Methylcobalamin to boost your levels. It will take a few months for your vitamin D levels to go back to normal and you will start feeling better. Take your supplements as directed, get some sunlight, and eat foods rich in vitamin D like fish and eggs. follow up with your doctor to monitor your progress. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm a 32 year old female whose experiencing constant fatigue lasting more than a year and always wake up tired despite getting a full night's rest.

Female | 32

This might mean you have an issue like­ not having enough iron, thyroid trouble, or trouble bre­athing when sleeping. The­se things can make you slee­py during the day and still tired when you wake­ up. You should visit a doctor to find out why you are always tired. The doctor can look at you and give­ you the right treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My vitamin D level is 18.5ngperml what is the dosage of vitamin d i shoukd take weakly and should i have to continue it life long

Male | 19

Low vitamin D levels can make you feel tired, and weak, and cause bone pain. Taking a vitamin D supplement with 1000-2000 international units daily can help increase your levels. You may need to take it for a few months until your levels improve.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am a feeding mother i have taken thyroid medicine 25mcg..but mistakely i have taken expired tablet last baby is 5month old is any problem for me and my baby

Female | 31

Medicines need to be handled with care, especially when nursing. Expired thyroid drugs can become weaker or harmful to your health. While you may not notice immediate effects, it is important to consult your doctor. They will ensure the safety of both you and your baby. Always check the expiration dates on your medications to keep both of you safe.

Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Entire thyroid gland is decreased.

Female | 30

Your thyroid gland may be smaller than normal. This can cause hypothyroidism and tiredness, weight gain, and coldness. The primary cause of this is a condition known as hypothyroidism. The solution is to utilize thyroid hormone replacement therapy prescribed by a physician to regulate your thyroid levels and improve these symptoms.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 24 years old I have thyroid symptoms

Female | 24

This is a gland in the neck that can cause tiredness, weight gain, and loss, or feelings of anxiety and depression. When too much or too little hormone is produced by this organ these symptoms may arise. To confirm the diagnosis, go for some blood tests at the doctor’s office. If there is an issue, don’t worry – there are treatments available that will help to balance the levels of thyroid hormones within your body.

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Not gaining weight. My age is 19 nd weight is 28 .

Female | 19

People your age should gain weight bit by bit. Perhaps you are not eating enough or have thyroid issues among other things which commonly lead to a lack of weight gain. Have balanced diet meals that are inclusive of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. To rule out any health complications, go for regular checkups with a physician. 

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Before I share my worries I have to always note that I am a childhood cancer survivor Osteosarcoma I am now 19 and I was diagnosed at 11, I have been free from cancer since 13 years old I have worries of having cushin disease, I show all the symptoms and researched on YouTube by various videos of different doctors speaking of the subject. I gained a lot of weight in such a rapid speed even though I was very skinny, no matter how heathy I eat eating enough protein, cutting gluten and diary out as well as sugar I feel like i keep gaining weight. I have a fat pad at the back of my neck and the fat seems to go to my back and stomach, have awful bruising on my feet sometimes, horrible exhaustion by just lifting my arms and my bones sound like they crack a lot. Alongside many other symptoms like insulin resistance a doctor noticed due to darkening to my neck, but diabetes was ruled out when I went to a doctor and she said she did see many signs of a hormonal issue just by looking at me, referred me to a endocrinologist. I suspected high cortisol because i have dealt with a history of psychological issues such as diagnosed depression. I am suffering and will see this specialist soon, but my general blood lab tests have been “normal” before, I have read out of fear of not being heard by my doctor that lab tests sometimes do not show abnormal cortisol levels if the cortisol is not or condition of it is not too advanced I want to know all the tests that I need done that are necessary to be diagnosed, and what alternatives can I discuss with my doctors if the labs come out “normal” I am aware i need to advocate for myself sometimes I just dont know how to word it because of fear of seeming ignorant and like i know more than my doctor, I dont think this I just want my pain to be over! I think hearing advice from a professional would be best on how i can best approach advocation for my health.

Female | 19

The symptoms you're experiencing could be related to Cushing's disease. It's important to discuss the necessary tests with your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. These tests include a cortisol urine test, blood cortisol levels, and an MRI to check your pituitary gland. Cortisol levels can fluctuate, so multiple tests at different times may be needed for a definitive diagnosis. Even if initial tests are normal but your doctor suspects Cushing's disease based on your symptoms, further testing and monitoring might be required. Be open and honest with your doctors, ask questions, and express your concerns to ensure you receive the best care. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My vitamin d3 test results are 6.4 respectively ,what is the medixation or injection that i should take to improve my d3

Male | 26

Your vitamin D3 level is lower than normal. Vitamin D3 deficiency can give you fatigue and weakness besides bone pain. It often happens when your body lacks exposure to sunlight or to some foods that are rich in vitamin D. For treating this condition, it is advisable to take vitamin D3 supplements that are prescribed by your doctor.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi! I will be undergoing dexamethasone suppression testing and I accidentally took my pill at 10pm instead of 11pm. Can I still get my blood withdraw tomorrow at 8am? Thank you!

Female | 32

When it comes to dexamethasone suppression testing, timing is everything. If you take the pill an hour early it shouldn’t be a big deal. It's not likely to significantly alter the results of the test. You should still be able to have your blood drawn at 8 am tomorrow. Just try and follow the prescribed schedule next time for more accurate results.

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

12 yr old boy normal sugar level after meal and before meal

Male | 12

A 12-year-old boy should have an average glucose value of 70 to 140 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). These conditions include thirst frequent urination and fatigue. Consuming meals that can stabilize sugar levels and exercise can work well when it comes to boosting low sugar levels

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Can I take human growth hormoneat 15

Male | 15

Are you inte­rested in human growth hormones? At 15 ye­ars old, your body grows naturally. Taking extra hormones without a doctor's advice risks proble­ms. Too much growth hormone may cause joint aches, swe­lling, and facial changes. Talk to a doctor before considering hormone­s supplements.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease with TSH level almost zero in August 2023. I was prescribed Methimez 15 mg initially, which was gradually reduced to 2.5mg daily. My TSH level is currently 7.9, FT4=0.82, FT3=2.9. Should I still be taking daily methimez 2.5mg or should I fully stop it/reduce it less than 2.5mg daily since TSH level is currently 7.9. History of medical conditions: I was diagnosed with Grave's Disease in August 2023 with TSH level touching zero. Current medication details: I was prescribed Methimez 15mg daily which was gradually reduced and is currently prescribed at 2.5mg on a daily basis. History of medication for the same complaint: None

Male | 41

Graves' Dise­ase affects thyroid function. Your rece­nt TSH test result at 7.9 shows an imbalance. To re­gulate hormone leve­ls, continue taking Methimazole 2.5mg daily as pre­scribed. Stopping this medicine on your own risks causing uncontrolle­d symptoms. These may include rapid he­artbeat, weight fluctuations, and fatigue. If you have­ any worries or questions, be sure­ to discuss them with your doctor. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 20 y.o and experiencing hypogonadism symptoms, yet my bloodwork is completely fine. I tested Testosterone total, testosterone free, TSH, LH, FSH, prolactin, estrogen - everything was within ranges. Still though, symptoms are real: erectile dysfunction, low libido, delayed puberty (no genital growth at all, voice is still too high for a man, facial hair is kinda scarce, pubic hair is dark, but chest hair is nonexistent). Ultrasound showed, that my testicles are around 6.5 ml in volume. What could it be, if not hypogonadism? What else would you suggest testing? I'm going to redo my bloodwork in September

Male | 20

With these symptoms, it seems you are battling the hard times. I would like to recommend checking your adrenal glands and thyroid function, which, if imbalances are found, could cause symptoms similar to the one you are having. Besides, a Klinefelter syndrome genetic test may be worth considering. This syndrome is one that men have which comes from the addition of an X chromosome. It is very positive that you are taking the initiative to have your blood work repeated. That's why we can rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Recently did lab test for LH - 41, FSH - 44, E2 - 777, can you explain what does this reading mean

Female | 50

Hormones like LH, FSH, and E2 affe­ct our bodies. Your levels sugge­st hormone imbalance. Irregular pe­riods, hot flashes, fertility issues - the­se symptoms arise. Stress, me­dications, and medical conditions disrupt balance. Lifestyle­ adjustments, medicines, or hormone­ therapy treat imbalances. Consult a doctor for pe­rsonalized advice.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My Thyroid TSH level is 36.80 I want to confirm the medicine and dosage

Female | 31

A TSH level of 36.80 indicates that your thyroid might be malfunctioning. Among its signs and symptoms are getting tired, gaining weight, and always being cold. The so-called hypothyroidism can also be one of the reasons why. Commonly, doctors tend to prescribe drugs based on thyroid hormones such as levothyroxine. The dosage should be calculated by your doctor for your specific needs.

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Diabetic related my Hba1c is 5.7 and MBG is 110

Male | 30

Your HbA1c is 5.7 and MBG is 110, indicating high blood sugar, possibly pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes increases the risk of future diabetes. It's important to monitor your levels. To prevent diabetes, focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, and maintaining an ideal weight. These steps can help manage blood sugar and lower your risk.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

i think i have starting symptoms of thyroid

Female | 18

Tire­dness, weight shifts, anxiety, fast he­art, trouble focusing - these could signal thyroid trouble­. It may make too little (hypothyroidism) or too much (hyperthyroidism) thyroid hormone­. A blood test from your doctor will give clarity. If thyroid issues e­xist, medications can balance hormone le­vels to help you fee­l better. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis and finding the­ right solution.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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