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Male | 19

Risks of Taking 3 Hydrocodone 5-325 MG Without Prescription

What happens if you take 3 HYDROCODONE ACETAMIN 5-325 MG without a prescription.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Without a prescription, taking thre­e HYDROCODONE ACETAMIN 5-325 MG tablets is risky. Harmful effe­cts include drowsiness, dizziness, bre­athing difficulties, potentially leading to coma or de­ath. Seeking immediate­ medical attention at the ne­arest hospital is crucial. Honesty about consumption ensure­s appropriate treatment from a doctor.

49 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

My friend age is 32 due to some issues he ate 10 table spoons of salt before 30 mins now he is not responding the calls is there any problem with that

Male | 32

This can lead to a condition known as salt poisoning. Signs may include extreme thirst, vomiting, weakness, and confusion. When your friend does not answer calls, it is a severe symptom. The brain and body could be affected. Please seek immediate medical attention. This is an emergency that may be fatal.

Answered on 6th June '24

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Reduce Clinic Visits Save your time and money from the hassle of visits.

Male | 44

You can take online consultations and get lab technicians come for home visit to take blood samples and send reports to drs online to avoid travel and waage of time .

Answered on 12th July '24

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My 5 year old son swallowed a coin. The x-ray shows that the position of the coin is not complicated and the child is not showing any kind of discomfort. within how many hours will the coin normally pass through the system? what should I do next?

Male | 5

If your child shows no signs of distress and the swallowed coin is in the simple position it should move on its own within 24-48 hours. But you should closely watch your symptoms, stools, and bowel movements during this period. You needs to refer to the pediatric gastroenterologist for further investigations and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 18 years old and have joined gym since a year. I am 6.2 feet tall and I think this to be the reason for not gained weight. My current weight is 64.I have been using whey protein from 6 months but no result. I am vegetarian and eating high calorie food still unable to gain weight. Do you recommend me to take creatine and is it totally safe as a late teen

Male | 18

It would be better if you consulted a nutritionist or dietitian to get an individualized meal plan. When you are 6.2 feet tall, it does not mean that weight gain is impossible. It would rule out or treat other underlying medical conditions such as thyroid disorder, metabolic disease. Consult a specialist before taking creatine or any other supplement, in order to make sure it is safe for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I watched some video thay says everybody can take malityvitemin and omega 3 tablet one capsule pre day it's good or bad for health

Male | 25

Taking a multivitamin and omega 3 supplement may have health benefits for some but you need to talk to your doctor for personalized advice based on your specific nutritional needs and health conditions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to viscose veins can be cure

Female | 19

Varicose veins can be managed and their appearance reduced through various treatment options. Lifestyle changes, such as exercise and wearing compression stockings, can help alleviate symptoms. Medical procedures like sclerotherapy, endovenous ablation, vein stripping and ligation, vein surgery, etc are available for more severe cases. So its best if you get it checked with a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mam Naku ఒళ్లంతా నొప్పులుగా ఉంది. జ్వరం కూడా వస్తుంది అప్పుడప్పుడు. నీరసంగా ఉంటుంది.మేడ దగ్గర గడ్డ లాగా తగులుతుంది. పొత్తికడుపు పైన పట్టిసినట్టు ఉంది. దాని కారణాలు ఏమిటి.doctor garu.

Female | 30

Frequent fevers and body pain can be signs of an underlying infection, inflammation, or other health issues like a viral illness or autoimmune condition. It’s important to consult a general physician or an internal medicine specialist to get the right diagnosis and treatment. 

Answered on 9th Oct '24

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he has a high fever from many days

Male | 6

Such fever last for more than 3 days may be a symptom of a serious disease. You are advised to see a doctor right away.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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20 dinon se bukhar hai theek nahin Ho Raha hai kya Karen

Male | 29

A fever lasting twe­nty days without improvement signals something ne­eds attention. Feve­rs come from infections like colds or flu. Whe­n a fever persists this long, you must se­e a doctor to discover the root cause­ and get proper care. Me­anwhile, make sure you re­st up, drink lots of liquids, and take the fever me­ds your doctor prescribes. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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We have swineflu and my GP Prescribed me mypaid forte, 2 pills 3 times a day. I allready had my pills For the evening, but I forgot I took it. Then now walking past it for some reason I took another one - but as I swallowed 1 pull I realised that I allready took this pill. Is it dangerous? I tried to vomit but could not get it out.

Female | 38

Taking an extra dose of medication, especially in this case, can be potentially dangerous and may lead to overdose or adverse reactions. Swine flu is a serious viral infection, and taking medication as prescribed is crucial for proper treatment. However, taking more than the prescribed dose can lead to harmful side effects.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Regarding Dog Bite, Dog has bitten me before 8 to 10 years and I haven't took any vaccination. So now what should I do.

Male | 23

Dog bites are dangerous and you can catch infections or even rabies, although it happened many years ago. Pay attention to the following signs: redness, swelling, or warmth around the wound, headache, or fever. The extent of inflammation is still a consideration for you to take the vaccinations. No worries, the first stages of the therapy are the most effective. Consult a doctor for the perfect evaluation and tips.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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I am 23 yrs old should I get hpv vaccine or not

Female | 23

Yes, one should get the HPV vaccine. It prevents different strains of the virus which causes genital warts and cancers. It is best to consult a gynaecologist or your primary care physician to discuss this and get vaccinated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a swollen red hot arm after injecting

Female | 29

When your arm ge­ts red, swollen, and hot, it's likely re­acting to the injection. The inflammation happe­ns because your body see­s the injected substance­ as foreign. Infections could also bring such symptoms. Putting something cold on it and raising your arm may he­lp. But, if it remains the same, you ne­ed urgent medical care­.

Answered on 19th Oct '24

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Twinrab 1500/2.5 injection can I take two injection at a time

Female | 76

Taking two doses of Twinrab 1500/2.5 simultaneously is not advisable. There is a need to stay within the therapeutic range as directed by your doctor to prevent any side effects. If you have anything about your immunization plan, please go to an experienced doctor preferably a medical specialist of infectious diseases.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why my fasting blood suger level is increase when i not to eat suger added foods.

Male | 63

When you ingest the sugar-added foods, it may bring your blood sugar levels to a higher level. On the other hand, if your fasting blood sugar levels are still high even when you do not include sugar-added food, it is a symptom of some medical complications. My suggestion is that you go to an internist, who is focused on hormonal evaluations and diabetes diagnosis and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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