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Female | 75

Why am I experiencing recurrent fever intervals?

What is the cause of the fever occurring in the intervals of the some days

Answered on 31st Dec '24

Some common symptoms can be warmth, sweating, chills, and fatigue. On top of a fever, it is necessary to observe associated symptoms such as coughing and body aches. The reduction of discomfort can be done by securing the right amount of fluids, rest, and over-the-counter medications if necessary. Otherwise, asking a healthcare professional for help is the best solution, especially if the fever lasts longer than usual or the symptoms worsen. They will carry out a detailed test and prescribe the most suitable medicines. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Sir I have an headache for one year , and sleeping disorder

Male | 27

Headache­s happen for many reasons: stress, lack of sle­ep, eye strain, or some­thing major. Sleep troubles make­ headaches worse. It's crucial to se­e a doctor for a full check-up, figure out the­ cause, and get proper tre­atment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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DT injection medicine how much hours alcohol

ஆண் | 27

If you have a DT injection, it would probably be best if you avoid drinking alcohol for the next 24 hours. It is because drinking alcohol can aggravate the side effects of the injection. Among the potential consequences are redness or swelling at the injection site, mild fever, or feeling tired. To avoid any issues, it's better to wait a day before having alcohol after the DT injection. 

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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I moved to middle east 8 months ago for job, here i get pain in throat and sore throat every other month and it last 4-5 days each times not less than that, in 8 moths i have been sick for 7-8 times. I have never been sick this much in my country ( i.e. Pakistan). Why this is happening is there something serious? Should i be worried?

Male | 32

Moving to a new country with different environmental factors can expose you to various health challenges. Recurring throat pain and sore throat may be due to climate change, allergens, or stress. While it's common to experience more illnesses during initial adjustments, it's essential not to ignore persistent symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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was cleaning my belly button with ear buds. the cotton from the earbuds is stuck deep inside my belly button.

Male | 27

You may experience some tenderness or pain around your belly button. To solve this problem, attempt washing the area gently with warm water and soap. If the cotton wool is still stuck or causing discomfort then it is advisable that you see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 29th May '24

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My mother get faint and after some tyme she used to get normal but it happening from last two months and it happen 2 tym in a weak

Female | 45

Its important to see a doctor Fainting can indicate serious issues.. It may be due to heart problems , low blood sugar, or hydration. The doctor may recommend tests to know the root cause or refer to a specialist. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My dog bite me 2 days ago on my wirst , he is vaccinated against rabies what should i do

Female | 14

First, gently wash the wound with soap and water to lower the chance of infection. Look for redness, swelling, or severe pain, which are all symptoms of an infection. Even if your dog has had vaccinations done recently, it is always crucial to have an examination done by the doctor to assess the severity of the wound and to talk about adequate treatments, such as antibiotics or a tetanus shot.

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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Fatigue. Dull Pain calf leg muscles. Was vitamin d deficient in the past. Often face muscle pain the body

Female | 38

According to the given symptoms, it seems to be that the individual has muscle fatigue and pain due to inadequate vitamin D. It is recommended that you also see a rheumatologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Boobs enlargment problems

Female | 24

BREAST ENLARGEMENT can be due to weight gain or hormonal changes.. . Breastfeeding, menopause or PUBITY can also cause it.. However, if you observe sudden enlargement or PAIN in breast, you should consult a doctor.. Sometimes, BREAST ENLARGEMENT can be a sign of breast CANCER..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Maam so what should i do, i have seen the dosage display on the bottles of each supplement and i am gonna take one tablet of each of them daily so is that too much or is it good for my overall body

Male | 20

Taken together with different quantities of supplements without professional consultation, has the potential to harm. You should consult with a doctor or a nutritionist who knows your body and will prescribe you an individual regimen with the proper dose and supplements to help you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Suffering from Typhoid can you please suggest some medication

Male | 27

Typhoid sufferers need to see a physician without delay. They will be able to diagnose the condition and provide medication accordingly. Generic treatments for typhoid include ciprofloxacin and azithromycin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My name is Nikita mujhe kafi din se vomiting ho rahi hai headache ho raha hai kafi aur 6 7 8 din se fever hai kya bahut jyada fever hai kabhi Kam ho jata hai kabhi jyada ho jata hai bahut Ajeeb si bechaini si hoti hai

Female | 22

It seems like you are going through it. Vomiting, headache, fever for days.  These could be symptoms located in your body that suggest infection. Resting is extremely important, as well as drinking enough fluids and eating light meals. 

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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I have lost weight suddenly periods are regular 28 days got acne along with weight loss and now I eat more than double of my diet still I can't gain any weight

Female | 22

Inability to gain weight even after increased caloric intake may be metabolic diseases. An endocrinologist should be consulted in order to assess your levels of hormones and decide on any additional procedures if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pani pine ke bad bhi gala aur mouth sukhna h aur head thanda sa lgta h ander se

Female | 25

You might expe­rience throat and mouth dryness, de­spite drinking water. Additionally, you might fee­l a slight coolness inside your head. The­se symptoms could result from inadequate­ water intake throughout the day. Ensure­ regular, ample water consumption to maintain throat and mouth hydration. Sucking on sugar-fre­e candies may also help alle­viate dryness. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

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Hello... I would like a suggestion about how to get rid adominal fat.. My weight is normal, less than 60 kg. The rest of my body has normal shape but my waist circumference is around 90. It looks completely out of place.. I eat healthy and I'm not sedentary.. In the past I was overweight. not a lot. i lost all the excess weight, i even weighed less than normal, around 48, ,50. But no matter how little i weighed, the abdomen was still big, it was smaller when i had that way, but anyway it wasnt normal for weighing little. Then i rached the right healthy weight for me but my abdomen never matched the rest. I dont take any pill that could cause this. I had vitamin d deficiency. I've heard it could cause abdominal fat too. What could I do to change this??

Female | 25

Abdominal fat is normally linked to several factors such as genes, lifestyle and hormones. It is important to get advice from an endocrinologist or nutritionist to help explain the underlying cause of your condition. They will recommend particular weight-loss strategies along with treatment that will suit your needs

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been doing high intensity workout past 1 month and on a high protein diet, recently I just did blood test for sugar and kidney function and the result are below ? I just want to know to it's normal or not and what have to do Blood glucose fasting : 96 Urea : 35 Creatinine:1.1 Uric acid : 8.0 Calcium:10.8 Total protein:7.4 Albumin: 4.9 Globulin:2.5

Male | 28

Your blood glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid, calcium, total protein, albumin, and globulin levels were normal according to the blood test results. It is advisable to do it with the help of a doctor, especially a sports medicine specialist or nutritionist, to make your workout and diet better. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 20 years old girl, from few days I am suffering from headache, dizziness and fatigue. I fainted down few days ago, I took medicines from local Dr . before that I suffered from depression , now i have concurred over depression almost but I still have anexity issues, I also fell less energetic and don't want to do anything, what should I do?

Female | 20

The symptoms that you are experiencing can be because of many reasons so I advise you to visit a doctor in person for understanding the exact cause. These symptoms can also be the result of your anxiety. So, it would  be of great help if  you consulted a counsellor for managing your anxiety. You can also try meditation and breathing exercises to lower your stress and anxiety. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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