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Female | 15

Delayed Menstruation in Teenagers: Causes and Treatment

Why haven't I gotten my period at 15 yet?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

there are SEVERAL reasons for delayed menstruation in teenage girls. Puberty timing varies widely. Hormonal imbalances can delay menstruation. Excessive exercise or underweight can impact menstrual cycles. Stress or medication can also delay periods Consult with a DOCTOR.. 

90 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4863)

I am 20 years old girl i had sex on may 10th night and i had ipill on may 13th after that some side effects had started like white discharge and stomach bloating and severe pain on stomach and now my stomach pain is normal and i dont know if i get pregnant soon

Female | 20

Taking an emergency contraceptive pill (like the i-pill) within a day or two after intercourse may reduce the chances of pregnancy, but it's not a guarantee. If you're concerned about pregnancy, take a home pregnancy test around the time of your expected period.

Answered on 24th Mar '25

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I am suffering from hemorrhoids during childbirth what to do now?

Female | 30

Hemorrhoids during childbirth can develop due to increased pressure on the rectal area. Discuss preventative measures and management options with your doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why is my vagina itchy then when scratched it’s swelling and bleeding

Female | 15

Itching vagina with swelling and bleeding might be evidence of an infection or other medical problem. It is essential to go see a gynecologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Do not scratch the area because doing so would lead to even more irritation and discomfort.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, My Wife is pregnant and has Vitamin D is low and Currently 6th Month is running. The Doctor recommended uprise d3 60k once a week is this okay.

Female | 27

Vitamin D deficie­ncy during pregnancy happens often. It can we­aken bones for the mothe­r and infant. Signs might be unclear, but fatigue and muscle­ aches sometimes occur. The­ advised solution, uprise d3 60k wee­kly, is beneficial since it incre­ases Vitamin D levels. This supple­ment is safe for both mom and baby. Reme­mber to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I'm 17 years old.I lost feeling in my bladder and clitoris.I don't know when the bladder is full.I don't feel any excitement and sex drive anymore.The clitoris is no longer sensitive to stimuli, to touch.A year ago I had a feeling. I had ultrasound and blood tests performed by a gynecologist and a urologist, the results of the tests show no abnormalities. At this age I shouldn't have any problems with it. It worries me that I won't get any pleasure from having sex. What could be the cause? Is there any chance and way to get back feeling in clitoris and bladder? Please help.

Female | 17

There can be a psychological factors associated with the problem.. better get yourself evaluated for best advice.. 

counseling therapy is needed.. 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.

My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hii smita this this when I m pressing my breast than sometime I m getting greenish discharge sometimes water type wat it mean

Female | 30

Greenish or watery breast secretions are warning signs of breast infection or a hormonal imbalance. It is advisable to see a gynecologist, for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Do not wait for the symptoms to get worse and consult a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi doctor .... i have unprotected sex with my boy happend on 25th march i used unwanted 72.. 2 days later i feel very sleepy and spotting...white bleeding.....sometimes stomach pain ....feel eaty spicy food .... very very afaid of pregnancy doctor....all those symptoms are related to get pregnancy doctor?? Morning i feel very sleepy doctor all this are side effects doesn'teffect doctor ....even after used of unwanted 72 will i become pregnancy???

Female | 19

Unwanted 72 is an e­mergency contraceptive­. You did right taking it after unprotected inte­rcourse. Sleepine­ss, spotting, stomach ache, and increased hunge­r are normal side effe­cts. These aren't pre­gnancy signs. The pill works by preventing pre­gnancy. Your body needs time to adjust. Stay hydrate­d and relaxed. The symptoms will pass. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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