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Female | 23

Why is my period blood black?

Period blood is black wh?

1 Answer

Answered on 30th Jan '25

Dark or black menstrual flow can occur as a result of blood that has taken longer to exit the uterus, often indicating older blood. This can happen during lighter periods or at the beginning or end of your cycle. Factors such as hormonal changes, stress, and various health conditions can also influence flow color. Generally, there's no cause for alarm. However, if you experience unusual symptoms like severe pain or significant changes in your pattern, a consultation with a gynecologist is advisable to ensure everything is well. 

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Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (236)

I am loosing weight continuously and getting slim like anaemia patients skin is so dull and sagging and I feel dizzy sometimes, get tired easily can't sit longer because my blood cells stops working so I have to move every moment

Female | 23

Anemia results from a deficient number of healthy red blood cells in the bloodstream. Low red blood cells mean asthma, dizziness, and quick weight loss. Your skin can also become pale and saggy. More spreadsheets with foods high in iron such as spinach and beans are advisable. Your doctor can also give you iron pills to increase the number of red blood cells. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi my wife suffering with feaver and vormtings and legs pain.. yesterday blood test done..WBC below 3800 but she is looking very sick ...

Female | 24

Based on her symptoms—fever, vomiting, leg pain, and a low white blood cell count—she likely has an infection. This can cause significant discomfort. Antibiotics may help her immune system fight the infection. Make sure she stays hydrated and gets plenty of rest to recover faster.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I. T. P. Prblm in one year

Male | 9

I.T.P. stands for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. This can occur when your immune system mistakenly attacks the blood platelets your body needs to stop the bleeding. Symptoms include easy bruising, tiny red dots on the skin, and gum bleeding. Treatment may include medications or, in more severe cases, procedures to increase the number of platelets. Don't forget to visit a hematologist for the right treatment.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have uric acid content high( 7)in my body will it cause any further problems

Male | 17

This may be followed by pain in your joints, swelling, and ruddiness of your skin. For this, foods rich in purines, obese individuals, and those who have certain medical conditions are factors that trigger its occurrence. Drinking a lot of water, eating a nutritious diet, and consulting a hematologist for medications are some of the things you can do to lower uric acid levels.

Answered on 26th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Affected by both dengue and typhoid platelet decrease to 9000 in 6 Days admitted in ICU injecting platelet will increase platelet in blood? What is the proper treatment

Male | 38

With your platelets decreasing to only 9000, you need to act quickly. Your symptoms include a high fever, body pain, and bleeding. These could be caused by infections like dengue or typhoid. For treatment, you will undergo a platelet transfusion along with medications such as antibiotics. You’ll need to stay in the ICU so your condition can be monitored closely until your platelets increase. To help with your recovery, make sure to get plenty of sleep and eat healthy food.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Systematic increases in immature granulocytes Good morning, Firstly, I will mention that I suffer from numerous chronic inflammatory diseases, as this may be relevant. These include Ulcerative Proctitis; Atrophic Gastritis; Last year, I also underwent two cervical electrosurgery procedures due to advanced dysplasia (CIN3). (The last colposcopy and colonoscopy did not reveal any suspicious changes) For a year now, my blood morphology tests have been showing an elevated level of immature granulocytes: The latest test (May '24) showed: Immature granulocytes IG - 0.09 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 1.00; Norm: 0-0.5% The rest of the blood morphology is normal, leukocytes in urine - within the norm. Previous results (April '23): Immature granulocytes IG - 0.05 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 0.7; Norm: 0-0.5% (and a very slightly elevated MCV) Even older (January '23): Immature granulocytes IG - 0.04 thousand/µl; Norm: 0-0.04 thousand/µl Immature granulocytes IG % - 0.6; Norm: 0-0.5% (and a very slightly elevated MCV and basophils) There is a clear upward trend since last year. I initially thought this was due to extreme stress (CIN3, LLETZ etc). Now I am not so sure... Are these results very concerning and indicative of a cancerous process? Can chronic inflammatory states cause an increase in IG, or is it rather some kind of “acute” disease state? Could the fact that I rode a bike to the laboratory (medium and short-term physical effort) affect the increase in results? I would be very grateful for your response and advice. Best regards, J.

Female | 40

Raised levels of these are often linked to chronic inflammation similar to stress, in this case, it is important to control them initially. With the status of attempted diagnosis for specific inflammatory conditions, your previous experience, and the new procedures on the lookout for anything new, don't hesitate to let a doctor know. It would be helpful to get solid advice from your healthcare provider concerning your test results. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 22 years old and having normal diet frequently .But i don't see my muscle mass is increasing. It's like khana kha raha hui par pata nhi kaha ja raha hai. (1)Can u suggest me better diet plan in terms of increasing my muscle density. (2) Can i take whey protein powder as form of daily protein intake without doing gym ?

Male | 22

To do this, eat foods such as chicken, fish, eggs, and beans for protein. Also, have a lot of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for your health in general. It is alright to take whey protein powder as a supplement, but it would be most effective if used with regular exercises that build muscles. Always keep in mind that working out is essential for muscle development!

Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am a 26-year-old female. I have night sweats weight loss over 50 pounds hair thinning all lymph nodes have lumps and currently finding new ones. No pain in them. Double vision, headaches, constipation and diarrhea positive mono nucleus test but negative for mono, bruising and legs, bruising, and ribs, stomach and abdominal pain.

Female | 26

According to the symptoms, there may be an underlying serious illness. You should seek medical attention immediately for a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. They can mean different things such as infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancers. Do'nt wait any longer before visiting a doctor because these signs need urgent care. Your healthcare provider will do more tests to find out what is wrong with you and give you the right medication.

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Answered on 7th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi I'm asraf musalman I want know about my blood report

Male | 27

It is important to develop accountability that would help find ways to rectify the issues that might be caused by certain things like symptoms, nutrition, and lifestyle factors. Such examples are anemia, infections, or nutritional deficiencies, which can be easily fixed by a better diet and correct vitamins. To get a more definite response to your tests and required actions, you must talk to your healthcare provider first. They can recommend a personalized approach and a program for you to take care of your health in the best way possible.

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Last 2 months ago mu ultrasound report spleen size is 10 cm normal.but this time my report spleen size 12.1 cm is this dangerous ?

Female | 22

Ge­tting bigger spleen from 10 cm to 12.1 cm can be­ bad sign. It can mean infections, liver proble­ms, or blood issues. You might feel pain in be­lly or feel full fast. More te­sts like blood work or scans may be nee­ded to know why. It is important to see a doctor for the right care­.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi doctor..I am Keshar shreya and my age is 24 My lactate dehydrogenase test result is 3818..what must be the reason

Female | 24

Monitoring your lactate dehydrogenase­ levels shows care for he­alth. An elevated LDH value­, like 3818, signals potential issues. This might involve­ muscles, liver, or heart. Tire­dness, muscle aches, bre­athing difficulties - these could arise­. The wise step is to consult a doctor. They'll conduct furthe­r assessments, pinpointing the root cause­.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am having red mucus in colour, please consult a doctor

Female | 21

Red mucus is often a sign of bleeding in certain areas of your body, such as the nose, throat, or stomach. If it’s coming from your mouth, it could be related to a lung issue. This might be caused by an infection, irritation, or a more serious condition like pneumonia. It's important to see a doctor for an evaluation. They may run tests such as blood work, X-rays, or a bronchoscopy to identify the cause. Treatment for the bleeding will depend on its source, so it's best to get checked as soon as possible.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

What is aids Can you explain how hiv falls in anyone

Male | 20

AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It's a severe condition that is unable to be healed, which is caused by a virus called HIV. HIV, which is the root of AIDS, weakens the human immune system. It is for this reason that the body can not ward off infections. Among the many symptoms of AIDS, the main ones include rapid weight loss, frequent fevers, and extreme tiredness. The most preferable treatment option is to explain HIV through the use of protection drugs during intimacy and not to use needles.  Early screening and taking the required medications could help manage the virus.

Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello doc. Can an adult male contract hiv if he ingested breast milk of an infected person.

Male | 32

The likelihood of an adult male contracting HIV through consuming infected breast milk is extremely low but not impossible. HIV typically spreads through specific fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Symptoms of HIV may include fatigue, fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes, though many remain asymptomatic initially. If you have concerns about potential exposure, consider consulting a healthcare professional for guidance and testing. Remember, early detection and treatment can greatly improve health outcomes, so seeking expert advice is always a wise choice. 

Answered on 29th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

hello i want to check it my blood report resurlt any one can help for this

Male | 31

It's essential to review your blood report with a healthcare professional to understand your results accurately. Please visit a general physician for a detailed interpretation and appropriate advice based on your condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Vit b12 very low less than 100 Hscrp very high 20.99( taken at the time of menstruation) Hb slightly low 11.6 Bun creatinine slightly low Iron was very low 34.46 AVG bld glucose slightly low 88

Female | 19

It looks like there are certain elements that are below the required levels in your body. For it to function properly, your body needs them. Feeling tired, weak, or unlike yourself can be signs of insufficient amounts of these substances. When some substances are too many, then it may mean that the body is fighting something. To help you feel better soon, you might have to take such supplements like Vitamin B12 or Iron among others. 

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

10:48 Investigation Observed Values HAEMATOLOGY Units Blological Ref. Interval Complete Blood Count Haemoglobin 12.2 Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 14700 gm/dL cells/mm² 12-16.5 Differential % Leucocyte Counts: Granulocytes 71.6 % 40-75 Lymphocytes 23.1 % 20-45 Mid Cell 5.3 % 1-6 Platelet Count 2.07 Lac cells/mm² 150000-400000 LPCR 22.2 % 13.0-43.0 MPV 9.1 fl. 1.47-7.4 PDW 12.1 % 10.0-17.0 PCT 0.19 & 0.15-0.62 Total RBCs MCV (Mean Cell Volume) 4.17 Million cells/uL 4-4.5 72.7 fl. 80-100 MCH (Mean Corpus. Haemoglobin) 29.4 pg 27-32 MCHC (Mean Corpus. Hb Conc.) 40.4 g/dl 32-35 HCT (hematocrit) 30.3 RDWA RDWR 40.4 11 % fL 36-46 37.0-54.0 % 11.5-14.5

Female | 48

According to the blood test results you provided, the total white blood cell (TLC) count is above the norm, which may be indicative of an infection or inflammation in the body. High TLC may come with symptoms like fever, fatigue, and coolness of the body. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to find the primary cause of the increased TLC level by conducting more tests and getting a doctor's opinion for suitable treatment.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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