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Male | 38

Why no relief from severe left stomach pain?

Having severe pain in left site of stomach,drink eno also but no relief

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 24th Feb '25

Severe discomfort on the left side of your abdomen can arise from various issues, including digestive problems, muscular strain, or even conditions related to the spleen or pancreas. While antacids like Eno might help some symptoms, persistent pain warrants further investigation. I recommend monitoring your symptoms, noting any accompanying changes, such as nausea or fever. If the pain continues or worsens, seeking advice from a gastroenterologist is important for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

Sir my promblem is feeling incomplete Bowles and sometimes pain burning in stomach so I went near gastro department they suggest me colonoscopy and endoscopy Total reports is normal doctor said me that You have ibs .. is ibs is permanent curable? What foods should I excercise is good ibs?

Male | 29

Dealing with not fee­ling all empty after going to the bathroom and tummy trouble­s, I get it. Irritable bowel syndrome­, or IBS for short, commonly brings these issues. It's a lasting condition ne­eding ongoing care. Cutting out things that trigger it like­ dairy, spicy eats, and caffeinated drinks might provide­ relief. Staying active re­gularly also helps manage symptoms. Don't forget to drink ple­nty of fluids and de-stress, as these­ can worsen IBS. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Hi my girlfriend is having periods since the day before yesterday today morning she felt pain in her stomach particularly on the left side also accompanied by swelling we are suspecting it to be stomach infection but aren't sure about it yet

Female | 20

Your girlfriend might be experiencing acute appendicitis. Symptoms of this are sudden stomach pain on the lower right side with swelling. Appendicitis is when the appendix gets inflamed. If you think this is the case, you need to go to the hospital straight away because surgery is usually the only way to get rid of the inflamed appendix and avoid complications.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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My niece's stool occult blood test is positive and sigmoid colon is thickening at acute stage

Female | 7 month

Blood hidden in poop is occult blood. A swolle­n part of the sigmoid colon needs tre­atment fast. Look out for stomach pains, changes in how you poo, or losing weight. Infe­ctions, inflammation, or growths may be the problem. Doctors must do more­ tests to find the reason. The­n you'll get medicine or surge­ry.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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27 years old woke up having cold sweat. Body temperature very low and Feeling giddy. having watery diarrhoea

Male | 27

You may be down with gastroenteritis or stomach flu. The most common symptoms are chills, cold sweat, low body temperature, vertigo, and fluid-runny diarrhea. Lufta can be triggered by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Consume more water to maintain proper body fluid balance or eat bland meals. .

Answered on 21st June '24

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My daughter keeps getting worms but I don’t know why

Female | 6

Your daughter might have­ a pinworm infection. Pinworms are tiny creature­s that enter the body via the­ mouth. When infected, itching ne­ar the bottom frequently occurs at night. Your doctor can provide­ medication to remove the­se worms. Proper handwashing is crucial to preve­nt spreading the infection furthe­r.

Answered on 30th July '24

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I am 36 years old and I'm suffering from lower left side pain. I've been suffering since 2014 and the hospital state doctors have failed to diagnose my illness.

Male | 36

Dp mri and send 7389676363

Answered on 4th July '24

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I'm having chest pain in the middle, below my ribs, it feels tight, and aches, and causes a sharp pain when I move forward, and I, wondering it it is just aside reflux or should I got to the hospital?

Female | 17

You should see a gastroenterologist for the assessment of your symptom of chest pain. Whereas the acid reflux might be a possible cause but it is necessary to rule out the other serious diseases like heart problems. Immediate medical attention should be sought without delay to establish an early diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am a 19 year old female currently about to be 36 weeks pregnant and for the past week ive had horrible diarrhea i did have fevers but they stopped two days ago now only the diarrhea remains and its only gotten worse it seems. ive been to urget care and my obgyn but they haven’t given me the answers im looking for, waiting on some test to come back. my question is my diarrhea has been bright yellow and its been every other hour. since my fever went down ive started getting pain in my stomach everytime i get up and move mainly due to needing to go to the bathroom ( baby is completely fine says the doctors and i do feel her moving the same as before) when i go to use the bathroom its like i cannot get it out only little bits of the diarrhea and now today it is black. so far its like every ten or so minutes my stomach starts hurting and i need to go back but its so swollen and has started to bleed a little bit from so much diarrhea that it really hurts but yet barley any comes out should i try a stool softener?

Female | 19

Bright yellow diarrhea may indicate bile in your stool, while black diarrhea can suggest stomach bleeding. These symptoms could be due to infections or other medical issues that need attention. In my opinion, using a stool softener may not be ideal at this time. It's important to continue following your doctor's advice closely.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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I have issues in my anal as lymph came out of anal n it's hurts when poop tym it's very unbearable pls suggest me what's this so I can get treatment.

Female | 44

It seems that you have an ailment known as an anal crack. This condition is characterized by cracks in the skin around the anus, which can lead to blood and/or injury in the rectum. This may be from being constipated, having diarrhea, or simply surviving hard stools. To relieve the pain and the healing process, you should see a dietician who will give you foods rich in fiber. Also, a glass of water every day and the use of over-the-counter creams to cover the corroded area can be used to help ease the pain and promote the area to heal. For sure, the area troubles you, however, you are urged to seek help if the techniques have failed and no improvement has been noticed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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