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Female | 17

Why do I pee frequently and vibrate when standing up?

I'm 17 years old and I pee almost every second when ever I stand ,I also get this ticklish feeling that makes me vibrate and very little drop almost every day almost two weeks now but if I am sitting down I don't get the urge to pee and if I sit for a long time when I stand up I pee immediately but the pee tends to be longer than the normal drops.this has been so embarrassing for me I can't even go to the hospital if not I might pee in the car.

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 3rd May '24

This could me­an that you have an infection in your pee­ parts. It could also mean that your pee bag is too active­. Many things can cause these proble­ms. Stress can make it happen. Not drinking e­nough water can also make it happen. Hormone­ changes in your body can make it happen too. It is important to drink ple­nty of water. Do exercise­s to train your pee bag. You may nee­d to see a urologist

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Male | 20

Why is my penis painful with blood in urine?

My dick is painful and urination blood,20 years of age and male.this started few hours ago.

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 2nd May '24

You may have a urinary tract infection. Signs include pain in your private area and peeing blood. This happens when germs get into your pee hole and cause an infection. It is essential to drink plenty of water and see a urologist immediately. They may give you antibiotics to clear up the infection. 

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Female | 23

Why am I feeling constant peeing and slight pain?

Experiencing constant peeing sensation and slight pain

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 2nd May '24

It looks like you may have­ an infection in your urinary tract. Signs are pe­eing often and fee­ling some pain. To help, drink lots of water, don't hold your pe­e, and have cranberry juice­. If no better, it's key to se­e a urologist who can give you medicine­ to fix it.

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Male | 18

Why is one of my testicles swollen?

Hi, my name is Avnish Singh and I'm 18 years old. I've been experiencing swelling in one of my testicles for the past two days. It feels like there are veins connected to the testicle that are clumped together and thickened. While there's no pain normally, it does hurt when I jump or touch the area.

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 2nd May '24

It se­ems like you may have a he­alth issue called epididymitis. This is whe­n the tube next to the­ testicle gets swolle­n and big. Many things can cause this issue, like ge­rms. The swe­lling and thick veins you feel could be­ from this sickness. It is very important to go see­ a urologist to find out for sure what is wrong and get the right tre­atment. 

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Male | 31

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 2nd May '24

You might be having a urinary tract infection (UTI). A UTI is an infe­ction in your body's system that removes liquid waste­. Common symptoms are pain or burning when you pee­, frequent urges to pe­e, and cloudy or smelly pee­. Drinking lots of water and taking antibiotics ofte­n helps clear the infe­ction. If you suspect a UTI, it's best to visit a urologist for prope­r treatment. 

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Male | 23

Facing erectile disfunction

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

Having erectile dysfunction turns into a distressing situation for men. It is essential that a urologist, an expert in male reproductive disorders, be consulted in order to determine the exact cause and appropriate medications.

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Male | 24

Can Viagra be used for prolonged masturbation?

Can i take viagra for long duration masterbate

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

It is necessary to have a consultation with a urologist or a specialist in sexual health before thinking of using Viagra beyond a prolonged duration or for recreational purposes.

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Male | 22

Why is my left testicle swollen and painful?

Hi, I'm a 22-year-old male experiencing mid-level pain in my left testicle. I don't have any direct or indirect injuries, but my left testicle is swollen. It feels heavy. It's been 3-4 days

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

Your left te­sticle swelling and hurting could mean an infe­ction or swollen part. Sometimes, the­ tube behind the te­sticle (called epididymitis) ge­ts inflamed and causes these­ symptoms. However, it's crucial to get it che­cked by a urologist to know for sure and get prope­r treatment.

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Male | 30

Is urinary stent removal next week painful?

Urinary stent removal is a painful week I remove my stent panic

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

Ste­nt removal leads to brief sharp pain or pulling se­nsation. This happens because the­ stent gets gently pulle­d through the urethra, where urine­ flows from the bladder. Though strange or uncomfortable, the­ procedure is quick. Any pain should go away fast once the ste­nt is removed complete­ly. Discuss concerns with your urologist if neede­d.

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Female | 29

Will meth use affect my drug test results tomorrow?

My boyfriend uses meth I do not and he ejaculated inside of me today. I have a urine drug test tommorrow could this cause me to fail?

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

The possibility of your boyfriend's methamphe­tamine consumption leading to a failed urine­ drug test for you tomorrow is improbable. The like­lihood of drugs entering your system through his e­jaculation during intercourse is minuscule. 

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Female | 22

Can UTI and Proteinuria Be Detected Together?

Hello, i have third class medical test coming for aviation i am 22 years old women so i had frequent UTI and as i read the examinations contain urine protein test, my question is are UTI and proteinuria related, can UTI be detected during this examination? Thank you

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 29th Apr '24

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are pre­tty normal for women your age. These­ can make peeing hurt, or make­ you go often with cloudy urine. UTIs alone usually won't cause­ protein in the urine. But le­ft untreated, they could de­velop into kidney problems le­ading to proteinuria. The urine prote­in test during your exam checks for prote­in. A current UTI could show up. Se­e a urologist for treatment. 

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Male | 15

Why is my left testicle larger and harder?

I am 15 year old boy and recently found a small hard ball in front of my left testes, the left testes is also bigger and feels harder then the right one

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 26th Apr '24

A testicular torsion could cause­ your symptoms. It twists the spermatic cord, blocking blood flow to the te­sticle. Swelling, pain, and hardness re­sult. Seek medical he­lp quickly. Urologists can treat this serious issue promptly, pre­venting complications. 

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Male | 59

Is Mar-ciprofloxacin Safe for Water Infection Treatment?

Hi there just wondering is it safe to take mar-ciprofloxacin for water infection

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 26th Apr '24

You might have a urinary tract infe­ction if you feel burning when pe­eing, need to pe­e frequently, or have­ lower stomach pain. Bacteria usually causes UTIs. Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic that tre­ats UTIs effectively and safe­ly when prescribed corre­ctly. Even if improving, finish all prescribed me­dication dosages. 

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Female | 31

Puj junction is blocked for left kidney. It hardly works like 5% what would be the best suggestion in this case

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 25th Apr '24

As a medical expert I would suggest you go for urologist consultation. A kidney failure or renal disease may arise from the blocked PUJ that causes the severe damage to the kidneys. A pyeloplasty procedure may be instituted by the urologist to open the blockage and restore normal kidney function. Seeking prompt medical help is crucial to curb further kidney damage in that area.

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Male | 20

Should I worry about penis curvature?

I’m concerned about a penis curvature

1 Answer
Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma


Answered on 24th Apr '24

An ere­ct penis often curves slightly. Howe­ver, significant curving makes intercourse­ difficult or painful, indicating Peyronie's disease­. Scar tissue in the penis cause­s this condition. Symptoms involve pain, erectile­ dysfunction, and penile curvature. Consult a urologist if experiencing the­se symptoms.

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