Female | 22
Почему у меня с понедельника болит правосторонняя головная боль?
Здравствуйте... у меня болела голова с субботы 13-го по вторник 23-го, затем она прекратилась и началась снова с понедельника 29-го... болит только правая сторона, боль в виске, на веке, в ухе и еще где-то шея

Answered on 1st Aug '24
Вы страдаете от головной боли, которая продолжает возвращаться. Судя по тому, что вы сказали, вы можете столкнуться с головной болью напряжения. Головные боли напряжения могут вызывать боль в одной стороне головы, вокруг виска, глаза, уха и шеи. Стресс, плохая осанка или недостаток сна могут погубить их. Необходимо регулировать стресс, соблюдать правильную осанку и достаточно отдыхать. Если головная боль не проходит, рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом.неврологдля дальнейшей оценки и индивидуальной консультации.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)
I have a headache especially temples crushing headache at night
Female | 26
You’re dealing with some pretty intense headaches, especially in or around your temples at night. There are a few reasons why this might be happening. One possibility is that it’s caused by stress, not getting enough sleep, or too much screen time – which can strain your eyes. Drinking plenty of water and trying to relax before bed could help make it hurt less. If this keeps going on though, talking to a doctor would be a good next step.
Answered on 11th July '24
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I have an eye problem for recent time head pain in most of time or evening time I have a bones pain in recent time right side and back head pain
Male | 24
If you are feeling pain in your head as well as problems with your eyes, there might be a few things causing this. Sometimes these two things can happen at once. The back of your head hurting could mean that stress or tension is being felt on the right side too. To help relieve them, try taking breaks, relaxing, and doing some easy stretches. If nothing changes then you should see a neurologist.
Answered on 13th June '24
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Brain problem sir no smell and no tatye
Male | 31
Loss of smell and taste might be a signal of different brain problems. It is important to consult a neurologist who performs the necessary studies and suggests a treatment plan. Please do not take these symptoms lightly, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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right side eyebrow ke upar Tej Dard hone ka Karan kya hai
Male | 42
The sharp pain in the right eyebrow area can result from a number of causes such as sinusitis, tension headaches, or migraines. It is best to see a neurologist or a headache specialist for a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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When I press my head backside (the place where it was hit when I fell)... It's bleeding from nose... And we took a CT scan they told there's nothing on it... But now it's strted to bleeding on ears and then the eyes on the side where it was hit
Male | 16
It sounds like you are experiencing some serious symptoms, even though your CT scan showed no abnormalities. Bleeding from the nose, ears, and eyes after a head injury can be concerning and should be taken seriously. I strongly recommend that you visit a neurologist or an ENT specialist as soon as possible for a thorough examination and proper treatment. They will be able to assess your condition more accurately and provide the necessary care.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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I'm 21 years old and I take the 2 capsule of the vitamin e 400g and I didn't sleep well and my brain is too much heavy
Male | 21
Seems that insomnia and the sensation that your brain is heavy might have appeared after you consumed two 400mg Vitamin E capsules. The reason is that Vitamin E overdose suppresses the nervous system and symptoms like insomnia which may be accompanied by feelings of confusion. Get enough hydration, eat well, and stay away from Vitamin E.
Answered on 14th June '24
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I have pain in my head in one side only and pain side face swelling also and some times pain side eye vision is getting dull
Female | 38
It feels like you might have sinusitis. Sinusitis can make one side of your head hurt, swell up your face, or affect your sight. This occurs when the sinuses in your face become infected or inflamed. Try putting warm wet towels on your face, drinking lots of water, and using saline nasal sprays. If it still hurts, contact a healthcare provider for further treatment.
Answered on 28th May '24
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Hello, I was wondering if I should schedule a doctor's visit. I had hit the top right side of my head 2 days ago and again today on my right side with the door on accident. I have been feeling nauseous, slight blurry vision, really bad headache on my right side and fatigue. Thank you!
Female | 28
Two recent bumps to your head have caused some unpleasant symptoms: nausea, blurry vision, a headache on the right side, and tiredness. These could be signs of a possible concussion, which happens when the brain shakes from an impact. If your symptoms worsen or continue, please see a neurologist to be safe.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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My left hand is numb and sometimes have a tingling feeling, before it was from finger tips to wrists but it extended till elbows. I consulted a doc and he said that there is no sign of nerve injury as there is sweat in my hand. He said that if there is a nerve problem my hand will not sweat. He also said that it maybe because i may have it some bone or nerve unknowingly, and did not prescribe any medication. However the numbness is still there for nearly 2 days and it has extended till my shoulder joint. I have no feeling in my left hand. No pain no sense no feeling.
Male | 17
You’re having a health issue in your left hand, as notice of the deadness is still staying up to your shoulder. This might result from a compressed nerve or issues in your neck or shoulder. It is essential to make a doctor’s condition, request these tests, and do imaging tests such as MRI. Do not put off these symptoms.
Answered on 18th June '24
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I am 26 years old . I having tinnitus from Saturday morning ( 3 days back). And tinnitus is present in one ear , started suddenly. I don't have any history regarding ear disease. From last 2 days I am having chills with shivering which comes and go away after 2 hours and feeling sleepy.
Female | 26
You have tinnitus which is the ringing in the ear and you have chills with shivering too. Tinnitus is caused by many different things like loud noises or stress. The chills could be because of an infection. Get lots of rest, drink enough water, and if necessary go to a doctor for more help.
Answered on 9th Oct '24
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Have been having constant headaches for weeks now. Especially when I wake up in the morning. The headache is one the two sides of my head, most time one sided, most time all around my head or forehead. The headache gets worse when I sleep and wake up and in the evening before bed. I feel my head pounding.
Female | 27
Experiencing constant headaches for weeks, particularly upon waking up, with pain on one or both sides of the head, forehead, and sometimes all around the head, could be due to tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, sinusitis, sleep related issues, neck problems, or dehydration. Since it is severe please consult a neurologist or headache specialist in your locality.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm male and I'm 18 old And I suffer feeling something like an electric shock when moving the neck from the right side? Is multiple sclerosis related to this?
Male | 18
This symptom is called Lhermitte's sign. It might be nothing serious, but can indicate multiple sclerosis or other issues. See a neurologist to identify the underlying cause precisely. They'll examine you thoroughly and recommend suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I misread numbers a lot, for example I had to do an essay of 2000 words I clearly saw 2000 but days later I heard it was 1000 and I went to check it again and it was seriously 1000. And whenever I see on my laptop huge paragraphs all over my screen, my eyes feel weird like I cant focus or something. Is it normal?
Female | 19
You could have an eye issue called asthenopia. It happens when your eyes get tired from reading words or screens for too long. Some reasons are looking at screens for hours or using the wrong glasses. To help, take breaks often, adjust the lighting, and maybe get an eye exam for new glasses.
Answered on 25th July '24
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It feels like there’s something pressing on my temples. I can also feel back pains and my joints are cracking when I move them. What do you think it is?
Female | 19
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 22 years old and female whenever I was 19 suddenly I got headache with gums pain that lasts for 3 years last year I am just lying down on bed and fear of death occur I thought this 2 month and suddenly panic attack occur now I have fear of deatg still with stomach problems and those pain that occur when my food getting late i feel light headache and whenever i eat severe headache and gum pain occur that lasts whenever i sleep i just want to know what is basically my issues
Female | 22
Your phenotypes of headaches, gum pain, fear of death, panic attacks, stomach problems, and headaches after eating could be connected. You could have a condition like migraines, anxiety, or a digestive issue. Get a doctor's opinion for the right diagnosis and treatment. In the meantime, try to eat regular meals, manage stress, and get plenty of rest.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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I am a neuro patient,I am suffering from brain tumour,I have undergone radiosurgery proton beam therapy, But now I feel mentally very week,I am a service holder but I am not able to take work pressure So I want to know is there any solution of these problem
Female | 46
You find yourself to be mentally down as a result of the treatment, which was proton beam therapy for your brain tumor. This is a natural outcome because the treatment hurts the healthy brain tissue. Some usual symptoms are fatigue, memory problems, and a problem concentrating. Make sure you rest, eat the right foods, and keep in contact with your healthcare team. Alongside counseling, look into this support program for a solution.
Answered on 3rd July '24
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I have been having severe head pain for over r years now which I have used different medications like pain relief, at times the head pain last for 3 days before I will feel little relief
Female | 26
Headaches that last long are tough. You might have migraines. They bring throbbing aches, noise/light bothers you, feeling nauseous. Stress, hormones, and foods can cause them. Try relaxing, sleep routine, note triggers. If it doesn't ease, see a doctor. Managing migraines takes effort but help is out there.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
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Headache from last 20 day . I have taken painkillers but it is not going?
Male | 19
Persistent headaches lasting for 20 days despite painkiller use warrant a visit to a neurologist. It's essential to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I used tap water to flush my nose out as I was congested before realising and then about 1 hour later used boiled water as I know it shouldn’t be tap water I’m In Northern Ireland what are chances of me getting brain infection I’m worried now No symptoms it was 2 days ago when will I know if I’m clear of infection
Female | 31
Using tap water to flush your nose can be unsafe. Tap water may have bad germs. But, do not worry too much about it. Getting a brain infection from this is very rare. Since you used boiled water later, you are likely safe. If you have no signs after two days, you are likely okay. But, look out for bad headaches, fever, or stiff neck. These could mean infection.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can you please identified my problem of headpain that occurs once in a year in the month of March and April
Male | 23
Seasonal migraines seem like your issue. Head pain comes back yearly, same time. You might feel sick, sensitive to light or sound, also vision issues. To avoid these, stay hydrated. Get plenty of sleep. Keep stress in check.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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