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Female | 27

Have been having constant headaches for weeks now. Especially when I wake up in the morning. The headache is one the two sides of my head, most time one sided, most time all around my head or forehead. The headache gets worse when I sleep and wake up and in the evening before bed. I feel my head pounding.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Experiencing constant headaches for weeks, particularly upon waking up, with pain on one or both sides of the head, forehead, and sometimes all around the head, could be due to tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, sinusitis, sleep related issues, neck problems, or dehydration. Since it is severe please consult a neurologist or headache specialist in your locality. 

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Perhai ma Dil ma na lagna, lack of concentration, perhtay waqt aisay lagna ka sir phat Jai ga , Kuch yad na Hona, cheezain bhol Jana, yad kiy hua bhol Jana

Female | 22

Memory trouble­s, concentration issues - those symptoms can re­sult from stress, poor sleep, die­t. Try getting enough rest; e­at nutritious foods; do deep breathing e­xercises to relax. Also, organize­ your schedule and prioritize tasks. Staying focuse­d becomes easie­r that way.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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How bad can memory loss get with fibromyalgia?

Female | 45

Fibro fog in fibromyalgia can cause mild to moderate memory issues but it doesn't lead to severe memory loss.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am going through Autonomic nervous system disorse, Whole body weakness, Heaviness, Middle of chest weakness, Depression because of it..

Male | 39

Autonomic nervous system disorders can have various causes, and a comprehensive assessment is necessary for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment .DEPRESSION can be a result of chronic illness. Seek medical attention for diagnosis and treatment options. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife has been recently diagnosed by one of neurologist a retinal migraine issue, she faces migraines headache in 2 or 3 months once only. Now the doctor has suggested few medicines which I think is affecting her mental health. She is prescribed with propranolol 25mg daily twice, topiramate 20 mg daily twice Due to this she always feel sleepy, dizziness, harsh behaviours, mood swings, lack of appetite, lack of focus, lack of confidence, feels awkward cannot stay awake, cannot use mobile for long time, headache affects her head daily in the evening mostly. She is using these medicine since two weeks, before she doesn't have these issue. She only had a migraine and she once had a spot in her right eye which goes after a week. But she has a small lump behind her ear which doctor mentioned it as a swellon nerve. Kindly please suggest is she getting correct treatment because her Condition is getting worse day by day in terms of mental health. She has a family history of migraine her mother and sisters.

Female | 34

Propranolol and topiramate sometimes result in symptoms such as drowsiness, lightheadedness, mood changes, and an inability to concentrate. You or she must discuss this with the neurologist who prescribed these drugs because they could fix this issue by adjusting dosages or prescribing different medications that would be effective against migraines without affecting mental stability. If the lump located at the back of her ear is not yet diagnosed then it should also get checked into by the doctor to find out if there might be any connection with other signs.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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Severe headache and small bump in the right side of head

Male | 21

It may be a result of a recent head injury or tension headache, among other risks. The bump could be a consequence of the pain. One of the ways that can be helpful is to put a cold pack on top of the bump. Lie down afterward for a short rest. If this still doesn't go away, it is advisable to ask for a healthcare professional's opinion for your own safety.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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I am 63 year old ,I was diagnosed with diabetes recently and having medication for that ,there were no symptoms of diabetes but my glucose level was 12.5 % Habc , I am taking medicine for BP also and BP is normal generally . I walk daily for around 40 minutes but off late after walking 15 minutes I feel uncomfortable as i loose balance , vertigo. feel drowsy and unable to walk . Otherwise I am normal w3hole day and no issues in driving ,walking etc during the day ,problems occurs as above during evening walk only .I don't smoke but have whisky twice /thrice a week in moderate quantum. please advise on vertigo issue . having eslo-tel 2.5 Mg one tablet a day for BP before bed and medicine for diabetes

Male | 63

You might have postural hypotension, dizziness that occurs when your blood pressure drops suddenly, especially after walking. This may cause you to feel unsteady or dizzy. You should drink plenty of water and move slowly. You may need to change your medicine or lifestyle to get help.

Answered on 10th July '24

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im facing a problem in which my legs start to become hot for just of 5-10 seconds. Whats the reason behnid this?

Male | 27

Many people­ feel sudden warmth, calle­d hot flashes. These happe­n frequently for women, but me­n can get them too. Hormonal changes or re­actions cause hot flashes. Stress, caffe­ine, or alcohol may trigger them. Staying cool, avoiding spicy foods, and re­laxing can help manage hot flashes. If the­y continues being problematic, spe­ak to your doctor.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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What causes sudden faint

Male | 16

Sometime­s, people faint unexpe­ctedly. This occurs when blood doesn't re­ach the brain sufficiently. It might be low blood pre­ssure, or maybe the he­art rate dropped suddenly. Rapid standing, de­hydration, and low blood sugar often cause fainting. To avoid it, stand up slowly from seate­d positions. Also, drink plenty of fluids regularly. Eating freque­nt meals helps maintain stable blood sugar le­vels.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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For the past 3 weeks now maybe longer I’ve been experiencing severe headaches. I ended up going to hospital for a head CT but they never did one and just put it down to stress which I know it’s not the case there’s definitely something wrong. I returned to work yesterday and was completely fine until I woke up this morning with a severe headache again and in pain all over. My throat has swelled up and I’ve been vomiting all day. I’ve taken codeine that has eased the pain a bit. I just don’t know what to do or what could be causing this. My GP has been no help either and I can’t continue risking taking anymore time off work

Female | 18

Having severe headaches, throwing up, swelling of the throat, and general body weakness is odd. It could be an indication of a serious problem that needs immediate attention. You should see a doctor who will carry out proper examinations and tests to establish the root cause. If possible, think about getting a second opinion without any delay.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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I am experiencing hair fall, double or blurred vision, balance disorder, slurred speech, dizziness, ringing in ears, fatigue,nausea and severe headache. do I have brain tumor?

Female | 16

In light of your stated symptoms, it is possible for you to have a brain tumor. But it is also necessary that you see a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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