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Male | 16

Почему у меня ухудшается зрение и кружится голова, когда я стою?

Мне 16 лет, и я столкнулся с проблемой: когда я стою, мои глаза затуманиваются, и я чувствую, что кровь течет от головы вниз.

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd Aug '24

Похоже, у вас ортостатическая гипотония, то есть падение артериального давления, когда вы встаете. Это может вызвать нечеткость зрения и ощущение прилива крови из головы. Важно проконсультироватьсякардиологили к врачу общей практики, чтобы поставить правильный диагноз и назначить лечение.

4 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Heart" (199)

Hello.. Iam 65. It's been a week I had my mitral valve replacement. Doctors replaced my mitral valve with mechanical valve.Is mechanical valve safe for me? As my age is 65..? Please reply me..

Female | 65

Mechanical valves are safe for most patients, even for those who are 65 years old but there are some risks. Patients with mechanical valves need to take blood thinning medication for the rest of their lives to prevent blood clots from forming on the valve, which can be a serious complication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Should someone be concerned if their doctor states in their file after an echocardiogram that "a left superior vena cava is not present"? Is this a good or bad thing?

Male | 5

The absence of a left superior vena cava is a rare anatomical variation where the vein is not located in its usual position. It is generally considered a normal variant and not inherently good or bad. While it usually doesn't cause health issues, it can bring challenges during certain medical procedures.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

How cost DVD, CABG cost. My mother suffering form heart pain now checkup to hospital engio graphic then two tissue blocked...... Doctor advice to me DVD CABG operation will be done... I wants to cost of this.... Operation

Female | 65

Depending on hospital you choose, it ranges from 3.5L to 6L.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Smruti Hindaria

Dr. Smruti Hindaria

I'm suffering from heart palpitations

Female | 57

Heart palpitations can have various causes, and a cardiologist or a primary care doctor can evaluate your symptoms and provide appropriate advice. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Saans lene me takleef hath pair me jalan or chakkar aana

Male | 40

This can be indicative of various underlying medical issues, specifically when you are experiencing fainting problems. Seek immediate medical attention immediately for a proper evaluation and diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

I am 41 years of old,male, I am feeling chest pain for many days, having bp of 150/100, now left arm pain ,back pain light headache is coming and going, consult doctor taken ECG carried out blood test telling that no problem,because of High BP you have this problem, but pain is consistent, what to do

Male | 41

Get 2D echo, TMT done. Consult a cardiologist.. Dr Dhananjay Zutshi, cardiologist. 9855844417.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dhananjay Zutshi

Dr. Dhananjay Zutshi

I am kumkum Maity age 44yrs bp high during 2yrs,palpitation , please help me

Female | 44

Please visit a cardiologist for a proper diagnosis. Based on some tests and evaluations, the doctor will identify the cause of your symptoms and suggest a suitable treatment accordingly. Regular follow-ups with the doctor is must to monitor your condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Chest pain sholder pain left side jyada rightside kam hai

Female | 28

Chest pain occurs because of issues related to the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, or even gastrointestinal system. Don't ignore severe pain or accompanying symptoms like shortness of breath or dizziness. Consult with a professional, preferably a cardiologist or general physician.. for a proper evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

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