Male | 17
Почему я вижу кровь в стуле?
Мне 17 лет, мальчик, уже три дня вижу кровь в стуле и небольшую боль. Такое случается и раньше, но через один-два дня все проходит.

Хирургический гастроэнтеролог
Answered on 15th July '24
Иногда кто-то может увидеть кровь в стуле. Это может быть вызвано геморроем и небольшим разрывом заднего прохода. Причиной боли может быть запор или воспаление. Чтобы помочь в этом, попробуйте пить больше воды, есть продукты, богатые клетчаткой, и не тужиться слишком сильно, когда идете в туалет. Если эти меры не принесут результатов в течение нескольких дней, обратитесь к специалисту.гастроэнтерологкоторый даст вам соответствующий совет, адаптированный для вас.
69 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1130)
Hi sir I am Amresh Jha 25 years old I am unable to weight gain I took cancellation a gestroloist he did endoscopy fir celic I have no symptoms but doctor confirm celiac deses endoscopy biopsy final report is atrophic mucosa i want to know what's means atrophic mucosa and I have a doubt I eat gutkha also it's a gluten issue or gutkha also effect small instentine
Male | 25
The "atrophic mucosa" means the lining of your gut is unhealthy. Eating gutkha can hurt your gut, but it does not relate to gluten. With celiac disease, you may have diarrhea, weight loss, and feel tired. The fix is following a strict no-gluten diet. This means avoiding foods with wheat, barley, and rye. By doing this, your gut can heal up and you will feel better overall.
Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach ache since 2 days ant tlc count 11100 as per reports
Female | 28
Stomach aches are possible due to numerous causes. So when you have 11100 TLC, it indicates the possibility of a certain infection in your body that the immune system fights against, which makes your stomach ache. Be sure to consume enough liquids, and light foods, and sleep well. When the pain doesn't go away or worsen, go to a gastroenterologist for treatment.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have got hemorrhoids this id out side from backbum not in side
Male | 26
You might have external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels downright back near your passage that can be sore and itchy. They can be caused by the straining of bowel movements, obesity, or pregnancy. The application of warm baths, over-the-counter creams, and fiber-rich foods are some of the ways to help with the symptoms. It's important to check with a gastroenterologist if the problem persists.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Male | 23
Drinking alcohol frequently can lead to digestive issues and chest pain. These symptoms may be due to gastritis or acid reflux caused by alcohol irritating your stomach and esophagus. To help alleviate your symptoms, try to reduce or stop drinking alcohol and opt for a healthier diet with smaller meals. Drinking plenty of water can also aid digestion. If the issue persists, please seek medical advice.
Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hey .I got my gallbladder removed onthe 3rd October 2022 but I still get pains on right side .I'm always bloated what is scaring me Is i feel like my muscles or nerves are stiff and always in pains.what could cause more unexplainable complications after gallbladder removal and should be done .I go to the doctor they give me ulcer medd and pain blocks
Female | 32
Having lingering discomfort after gallbladder removal isn't unusual. However, ongoing right-side pain might indicate complications. You could potentially be dealing with post-cholecystectomy syndrome. This condition sometimes occurs due to affected bile ducts or digestive troubles. Consulting your gastroenterologist is crucial for relief. Additional tests or medications may be recommended to manage persistent symptoms. Take care!
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Good morning I have on and off diarrhea and severe abdominal pain m weak no appetite its been 7 daes
Male | 38
You're dealing with diarrhea, intense belly pain, feeling weak, and no appetite for a week. That's rough! It might be a stomach bug or food poisoning causing these issues. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. Stick to plain foods like toast and rice. But if it persists, consult your gastroenterologist right away.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have been feeling neausea leading to vomiting heartburn weight loss I can't keep any food down I have lots of wind but it's not as bad as it use to be it's slowly getting better I can't take certain smells lately eg food perfume etc it makes me nausea i would brake out in sweat and fever like I can't breath I am hungry but I'm scared to eat everytime I get I vomit it out again I sleep alot and have a slight constipation but I do atleast poo twice a day what can be the cause of me feeling this way it's been more than a month now please help
Female | 34
You may have symptoms of gastritis, which is the inflammation of the stomach lining. Stress, some drugs, and H. pylori infection are common causes of this. For relief, eat smaller portions but more frequently., avoid foods that are spicy or high in acid, and try to manage your stress. There’s also ginger tea that can help with nausea. When these signs won’t go away, seek a gastroenterologist's help.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
i am a 19 year old female currently about to be 36 weeks pregnant and for the past week ive had horrible diarrhea i did have fevers but they stopped two days ago now only the diarrhea remains and its only gotten worse it seems. ive been to urget care and my obgyn but they haven’t given me the answers im looking for, waiting on some test to come back. my question is my diarrhea has been bright yellow and its been every other hour. since my fever went down ive started getting pain in my stomach everytime i get up and move mainly due to needing to go to the bathroom ( baby is completely fine says the doctors and i do feel her moving the same as before) when i go to use the bathroom its like i cannot get it out only little bits of the diarrhea and now today it is black. so far its like every ten or so minutes my stomach starts hurting and i need to go back but its so swollen and has started to bleed a little bit from so much diarrhea that it really hurts but yet barley any comes out should i try a stool softener?
Female | 19
Bright yellow diarrhea may indicate bile in your stool, while black diarrhea can suggest stomach bleeding. These symptoms could be due to infections or other medical issues that need attention. In my opinion, using a stool softener may not be ideal at this time. It's important to continue following your doctor's advice closely.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
How to cure Diarrhea ? I am having loose motions about 4 times a day.
Male | 30
Your body is trying to get rid of something bothering it, like a virus, bacteria, or food that didn't agree with you. To help, drink lots of liquids so you don't get dehydrated. Stick to bland stuff like toast or rice. If it doesn't improve after a couple of days, check with a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello, I am a 34 year male, noticed some itching and bulging near anus opening from last week. seems like initial stage of piles. but the pain is unbearable now during excretion. Please suggest should i go for ayurveda, homeopathy or MBBS doc.
Male | 34
You might have hemorrhoids. This condition causes itching and bulging around the anus area. Feeling pain when using the toilet is common. An MBBS doctor can help you with this issue. They will guide you on suitable treatments. Different options exist, like medicines, lifestyle changes, or procedures. The treatment depends on how severe your condition is.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
l have undergone ileostomy
Male | 71
Please share more information about what is bothering you regarding ileostomy, only then i can share proper advice on the matter.
Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Please I see blood stains whenever I go to the toilet to poo..what is the cause pls
Male | 35
The presence of blood stains when passing stool can be due to various reasons, It could be due to hemorrhoids, anal fissures, gastrointestinal bleeding, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or other conditions. Please consult a doctor who's a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have stomach problem from last one year due to acid reflux. On tuesday i faced the same which resulted in severe pain and vomiting. After my stomach pain was gone , I had very high fever which is not going even after taking medications from last 4 days.
Female | 21
Experiencing stomach problems due to acid reflux, severe pain, vomiting, and persistent high fever despite medication, could point to various issues. It could be complications from acid reflux, infections, gastroenteritis, inflammatory conditions, or dehydration. Consulta gastroenterologist for evaluation, tests, and treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I haven't been able to freshen up properly for a few days...and I have stomach pain on my left side.
Male | 33
Gas buildup or constipation could create this unpleasant feeling. Not expelling waste regularly causes issues too. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Fiber-rich foods aid waste removal from the body. Mild exercise like walking helps food move along smoothly. However, if pains persist despite self-care measures, it's wise to consult a gastroenterologist promptly.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have diarrhea and a flu. My stomach has been hurting for the past days I’ve been sick but I never went because it just didn’t come out but now I did and I’m doing it a lot but I’m also fasting so I can’t drink water and be hydrated for the next 14 hours should I be worried??
Male | 15
You might have a virus making you sick. It could give diarrhea, flu, pain. Drink water often. Don't get dehydrated. See a gastroenterologist
if not better soon.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 19 yrs old and today I got tiny lump in my butt hole and yesterday I get chicken rice and got lose motion today and this lump and its discomfort and pain little ..any serious issue are it's normal
Female | 19
These signs might be caused by an illness known as an anal fissure, which is influenced by constipation or diarrhea. Spicy or greasy dishes can make it even worse. You can soak in warm water and keep the area clean. Moreover, it will also be beneficial for you to drink lots of water and consume high-fiber foods to avoid getting constipated. In case the condition continues or becomes severe, visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 19 yrs old. For the past one month, am not able to eat any food. Whenever I eat food, I feel like vomiting. Nowadays I can't eat anything as I feel to vomit. I feel nauseous even when I drink normal water. Losing weight alot. In this one month, I lost 4 kgs. Feeling nerve vibration in my palm. Felt blood taste inside my mouth when I woke up early in the mrng at 4am.
Male | 19
You're struggling with eating habits and nausea. Weight loss, and palm nerve sensation trouble you. Varied causes exist stomach issues, and stress. See a gastroenterologist for symptom evaluation, and treatment advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hi I have a very silly question. I had a gastroscopy without sedation. Is it safe to have 1 glass of wine with a friend ? The numbing throat spray has worn off.
Female | 46
After a gastroscopy, do not take too much force on your body. The glass of wine can hurt your throat because the numbing spray has already worn off. You might feel some mild discomfort or have a little acidity. It's better to wait one or two days before relishing that wine.
Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Iam suffering from irritable bowl syndrome
Female | 17
Many people get irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS. It can make your stomach hurt and cause bloating, loose stool, or hard stool. Things like stress or certain foods might worsen it. Eating smaller meals could assist. Avoiding foods that trigger it, such as spicy items, can be beneficial too. Managing stress helps a lot of people. Drinking lots of water daily and keeping active may ease symptoms for some people.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
i am facing nausea, vomiting like feeling with severe neck pain with stomach pain, and frequent bowel movements since last 4 days
Female | 25
According to your signs of sickness including a hurting neck, unhappiness in the belly a lot, and bathroom usage often, you may have a viral infection irritating your stomach and intestines. These infections can be responsible for causing nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and bowel inconsistency. Make sure to stay hydrated and get enough sleep. You can also eat light foods such as toast or crackers. If your symptoms worsen or don't improve, go to a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 10th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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