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Female | 22

Почему инфекция стригущего лишая повторяется после первоначального лечения?

Я страдаю стригущим лишаем с 2 лет назад, вскоре он прошел, 1 месяц назад снова начался, очень больно, в моем районе нет хороших врачей.

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Стригущий лишай – это кожное заболевание, вызываемое грибком. Таким образом, кожа может покраснеть, зудеть и страдать в результате ее травмы. Для лечения стригущего лишая можно использовать противогрибковые кремы, продающиеся в аптеке. Обязательно очистите и высушите это место. Личные вещи, такие как полотенца, не должны использоваться совместно. Если вам не станет лучше, вам следует подумать о том, чтобы обратиться за помощью кдерматолог.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

my face is dark and acne on it

Male | 17

Dark skin patches and acne can occur due to sun exposure, hormonal changes, or clogged pores. To improve your skin, use gentle cleansers, keep your skin moisturized, and avoid harsh products. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy food, and resist picking at acne to prevent scarring. Also, protect your skin from the sun to reduce further darkening.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I have a grown lump under armpit

Female | 18

This may be a swollen lymph node or a cyst. Diagnosis and treatment must be made through a dermatologist. Such symptoms should not be ignored as it can result in complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Good after ma'am. This message find you well. Actually ma'am scince last 2 &3 year I regularly noticed that problem of hair loss. So ma'am I just want to know hair grow again is possible or not. What I do for grow my hair.

Male | 27

Hair loss can occur due to several reasons like stress, bad diet, or genetic factors. The signs of it are thinning hair or bald patches. To help your hair grow back, try eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, reduce stress, and use gentle hair care products. It can be a slow process, but hair may recover with careful treatment and perseverance!

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Best eczema doctor in gurugram ??

Female | 30

consult nearby urologist for detailed history n physical examination 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankit Kayal

Dr. Ankit Kayal

Hey, I'm 21 I have a wound and it feels bad. It's infected maybe. What can I do?

Male | 21

You may have a cut that has bacteria in it. Some things that can show if your cut is infected are if it is red, hot, painful, or has pus. Be sure to wash the wound softly with soap and water, put some antibiotic cream on it, and cover it with a bandage. Keep an eye on it and go to a doctor if it gets worse.

Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am 34 yrs old female and I have acne and acne marks problem on my face - recently my face has been very dry and acne is coming also I have tight white pores issue which is making my skin look very dull and uneven.

Female | 34

As you are 34 years old, there might be some hormonal issues leading to acne. Consult local dermatologist for treatment who might prescribe you some topical antibiotics benzoyl peroxide or daplin or oral drugs depending upon the situation. It is advisable to use moisturizers, particularly water-based that do not uproot the pores because medication usage might result in dryness and little irritation. Your Skin will be much better after the treatment for Acne.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

I has a problem in my skin. It is soft and week how to solve it.

Male | 18

Soft and weak skin can signal the presence of multiple diseases such as Vitamin deficiencies and connective tissue disorders. I suggest you pay a visit to a good dermatologist who will examine your skin and conduct tests to come up with a diagnosis of the underlying cause. From the diagnosis, the dermatologist can propose suitable treatment to increase the health of your skin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

1 Big pimple in face please suggest thr tables

Male | 30

Usually, the reasons for these pimples are open pores, dirt, and bacteria. They can be manifested as red bumps that are filled with pus. Over-the-counter acne specialty products that contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to clear the acne should be tried, during this period, for the help of the pimple. Next, keep a clean face and do not touch or pick the pimple to prevent scars.

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

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