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पुरुष | 29

Почему я чувствую боль в груди и головокружение?

Сэр, у меня проблемы с дыханием с 1 месяца, и даже после глотания пищи возникает чувство боли в горле, а после еды у меня болит верхняя часть груди, верхняя часть горла, левая рука. и голова выглядит вот так, сэр. Что мне делать, сэр? И когда я занимаюсь бегом, я начинаю чувствовать себя совершенно нормально.

1 Answer

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Кажется, что вам трудно дышать и есть. Кусочки еды, застрявшие в горле, и ощущение жжения в груди и горле могут быть вызваны кислотным рефлюксом. Боль в левой руке и головокружение могут быть признаками проблем с сердцем. Лучше пойти вкардиолограньше, чем позже, проверьте свое сердце и получите несколько советов по борьбе с кислотным рефлюксом.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Heart" (199)

What should I do for very high cholesterol

Male | 35

If you have a level of cholesterol that is way higher than normal, a cardiologist consultation is a must sooner rather than later. They will, therefore, be able to prescribe medications as well as recommend lifestyle changes like taking a balanced diet and exercising. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have problem tht .some times my heart beat start running fast . I feared that I will die I become restless . It started sweating. My whole body become cold . I saw to a psychtharist who told me it panic attack . And started medicines . When a episode again came i saw a physician who did my ECG and found my pulse rate 176 he said it is PSVT . He started medicines what i do . I m very confused . What is it whom i believe . And what I do . Pls help .


Thanks for your query
"As" per your clinical history is concerned please attach your report -(CBC,ECG,TSH) to confirm diagnosis.

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Discomfort around centre of the chest. Shortness of breath. Sometime there is light pricking pain on left side of the chest. Having gas problem. Please give me an opinion and also suggest a doctor.

meet cardiologist once , to rule out underlying cardiac issues as u r suffering from chest discomfort with shortness of breath 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What are the early symptoms of high blood pressure seen after thyroidectomy?

Female | 39

High blood pressure after thyroidectomy can occur due to hormonal imbalances and stress response during surgery. Early symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, and nausea. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 41 years of old,male, I am feeling chest pain for many days, having bp of 150/100, now left arm pain ,back pain light headache is coming and going, consult doctor taken ECG carried out blood test telling that no problem,because of High BP you have this problem, but pain is consistent, what to do

Male | 41

Get 2D echo, TMT done. Consult a cardiologist.. Dr Dhananjay Zutshi, cardiologist. 9855844417.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm suffering from heart palpitations

Female | 57

Heart palpitations can have various causes, and a cardiologist or a primary care doctor can evaluate your symptoms and provide appropriate advice. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter 26 years old normally has pulse rate above 100. Her health is otherwise normal. What should I do?

Female | 26

It is important to consult with a physician in order to determine the cause of your daughter's high pulse rate. It could be due to an underlying medical condition, such as an overactive thyroid, or it could be due to lifestyle factors, such as stress or dehydration. The doctor can evaluate her and recommend any necessary treatment. In the meantime, it is important to make sure she is engaging in regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough rest.

Answered on 2nd Sept '24

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My eyes goes red and heart beat go fast after drinking

Male | 31

If you drink and your eyes turn red or your heart starts beating fast, it could mean that you are allergic to alcohol. This happens when your body cannot process alcohol properly. To help yourself feel better, try reducing your intake or not drinking at all. Also, drink a lot of water and get enough sleep so that your organism can recover.

Answered on 10th July '24

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How can I feel better about my average heart rate? It’s beating very slowly at the moment. I’m

Male | 19

Your HEART rate may be normal for you.... Consult DOCTOR...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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