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Best Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Jayanagar

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Shruthi K Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Shruthi K



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Dr. Veena Rao Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Veena Rao



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Dr. D A Satish Skin Lightening Treatment

Next available - Saturday

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Consult Dr. D A Satish

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Dr. Priyadarshan K Skin Lightening Treatment

Dr. Priyadarshan K

Hair Transplant Surgeon

31 years of experience

Available Today

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Dr. Vidya T.s Skin Lightening Treatment

Dr. Vidya T.s


29 years of experience

Available Today

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Dr. Pavithra N Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Pavithra N



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Dr. Radhika Kaujalgi Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Imtiyaz Db Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Dr. Yogeesh R Skin Lightening Treatment
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Consult Dr. Yogeesh R


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Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy Skin Lightening Treatment
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Dr. Govind Mittal Skin Lightening Treatment

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Govind Mittal

Top 10 Skin Lightening Treatment doctors Near Jayanagar

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Shruthi K


10₹ 700
Dr. Veena Rao


26₹ 700
Dr. D A Satish


43₹ 500
Dr. Priyadarshan K


31₹ 600
Dr. Vidya T.s


29₹ 700
Dr. Pavithra N


20₹ 300
Dr. Radhika Kaujalgi


15₹ 500
Dr. Imtiyaz Db


28₹ 500
Dr. Yogeesh R


28₹ 750
Dr. Parthasarathi Dutta Roy


23₹ 500

Every time you leave the house, you expose yourself to the sun, pollution, bacteria, and a number of other potentially harmful elements. As a result, your skin will become dull, rough, dry, and dark. You could start to look older than you are, which can be detrimental to one's self-esteem. Skin lightening operations, fortunately, are a remedy to this problem that may help you reclaim your youthful glow. We've put together a list of the best Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Jayanagar & nearby areas in Bangalore, that can help you seem younger, brighter, and more energised!

Frequently Asked Questions


1)What is the average consultation fees of a Skin Lightening Treatment doctors in Jayanagar & nearby areas in Bangalore?

A Skin Lightening Treatment doctor's consultation costs typically vary from Rs.500 to Rs.1000 ($7 to $14). Furthermore, it may alter depending on the locality.


2)Precautions to take after the Skin lightening treatment?

After skin lightening operations, we typically recommend that you start using chemical-free products to wash your face. Apply petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel to the affected areas to calm your skin during the healing process. Because your skin will be more sensitive after the treatment, start using a decent sunscreen and avoid touching or washing your face vigorously for a few days. If there is any swelling or pain, our dermatologist might suggest using ointments and painkillers.   


3)Is the skin lightening permanent?

The therapeutic results are long-lasting after a continuous regimen of up to 10 sessions, although you may need maintenance sessions at longer intervals after that.


4)How much does skin lightning treatment cost?

Skin lightening treatments can be performed in a variety of ways. As a result, the cost of skin lightening therapy is determined by the type of treatment, technology used, and the number of sessions necessary.


5)How long before I can see the skin lightening treatment results?

After your first session with the I.V Glutathione skin lightening therapy, you may expect to notice effects in 2-4 weeks.

Questions & Answers on "Skin Lightening Treatment" (2536)

I got burn with sulfuric acid in my left hand middle finger, i wash it with colder than room temperature water to several times. But it's hurt so much,its like burning. Because sunday all nearly clinics are closed. So what to do.

Male | 25

It can cause burns and pain by touching the skin. Cold water makes it cold. Then take Ibuprofen or other painkiller plus cover it tightly with a bandage after wrapping it with moist and cool dressing.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I am 32 yrs old and facing very stubborn dandruff in my head and grey hairs appear so rapidly in my head and beard?

Male | 32

Yes dandruff grey hair will be cure permanently by homeopathy medicine you can consult me online for treatment

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

Dr. A.Amin Homeopath Fee-2OOO Rs

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