Female | 24
ప్రతి నెలా నా పీరియడ్ ఎందుకు ఆలస్యం అవుతుంది?
హాయ్ నేను నేహా నా వయస్సు 24 సంవత్సరాలు మరియు నా ఆందోళన ప్రతి నెలా 7-8 రోజులు ఆలస్యమవుతుంది

Answered on 29th Aug '24
ప్రతి స్త్రీకి రుతుక్రమం వస్తుంది, ఆ సమయంలో వారు ఆలస్యం కావచ్చు. కారణాలు బరువు పెరగడం లేదా తగ్గడం, ఆహారం మరియు వ్యాయామం. అంతేకాకుండా, హార్మోన్ల అసమతుల్యత, పాలిసిస్టిక్ ఓవరీ సిండ్రోమ్ (PCOS) లేదా థైరాయిడ్ రుగ్మతలు సాధ్యమయ్యే కారణాలు కావచ్చు. అయినప్పటికీ, ఈ సమస్య తలెత్తినప్పుడు, సందర్శించడం మంచిది aగైనకాలజిస్ట్. అప్పుడు వారు సమస్యను గుర్తించగలరు మరియు మీ కాలాలను నియంత్రించడంలో సహాయపడే మందులు లేదా జీవనశైలి మార్పులను సూచించగలరు.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
Actually my cycle last period start on 20 th August and end on 25 th August what is my ovulation date plz answer me????
Female | 19
By assuming a standard ovulation cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs at the time of the next period which is 14 days prior to the period. Thus, your last period began on August 20th, hence you are likely to ovulate on or around September 3rd. Some indications of ovulation are differences in the thickness of cervical mucus, slight abdominal pain, and a rise in basal body temperature. You can also use ovulation predictor kits to check for ovulation.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hi. I’ve took 3 pregnancy tests tonight which have all came back positive. Is there a chance of false positive? Or am I pregnant?
Female | 25
A positive pregnancy test means you are most likely pregnant.. False positives are rare, but could occur due to certain medications or medical conditions. It's important to confirm the results with a healthcare provider and schedule prenatal care....
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 24 year old female I am pregnant at 8 weeks but experiencing period for 7 days them water fluid running out side of me
Female | 24
You have bleeding that resembles your period while you are pregnant, and you are also noticing a watery fluid. These are the symptoms that can be associated with a condition called threatened miscarriage. It is important to get in touch with a gynecologist to rule out any serious issues.
Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
How common are external hemorrhoids or piles postpartum?
Female | 23
External hemorrhoids or piles can occur during or after pregnancy due to the increased pressure on the rectal veins and hormonal changes. Hemorrhoids often improve with time and self-care measures such as a high-fiber diet, hydration, and creams.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Miscarriage k lia misoprostol Khai Hy us k bad blood spot hwa
Female | 50
It is best to visit a gynecologist who specializes in reproductive health to properly diagnose and treat any potential complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Sallam im had my periods staring of ramdan that were normal And im having again with large blood clothes and heavy flow why. ?
Female | 21
Experiencing sudden heavy periods with big clots can be concerning. Hormones, fibroids, or medications could cause this. Talking to a gynecologist is the best solution. They may suggest lifestyle changes, medicines, or tests to find the reason and help regulate your flow.
Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hello doctor My partner and i had sex on 31 july this year. I was on diane pills for about 15 days and continued the remaining 6 pills according to the schedule. My partner also did not cum inside. I also have pcos. I took 5 pregnancy tests at different time during the last 25 days which all came negative. I also bleed for 5 days from 13-17 august but since yesterday i am spotting. I also have left the birth control now after taking it for last 4 months and had no sexual intercourse after that. Can i still be pregnant?
Female | Diya
Reasons for bleeding and spotting can be many, especially when you have PCOS. Probably the adjustments you made to the birth control and PCOS could be the triggers for the symptoms you are experiencing. The possibility of you being pregnant is very low, but if you have any worries, you better see your gynecologist.
Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
hi i wanted to know while trying to concieve is it okay to get one day period flow
Female | 32
A short period flow can occur when trying to conceive. Hormonal shifts, stress, or imbalances could cause this. You should track cycles and any strange symptoms. Eating well, exercising, and reducing stress help regulate periods. If concerned, talk to a gynecologist.
Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm 20yrs old . I have got some pregnancy symptoms like tried, leg pain, Vomiting tendency, etc bt in my period date I got bleeding for 2 days. Not overflow but some clotts are there there is anything wrong
Female | 20
Tiredness, leg pain, and vomiting sensation are possible signs of early pregnancy before your periods come. If on top of these symptoms during this same time that you're supposed to menstruate, there has been abnormal bleeding with big clots-it is something serious. You should see a gynecologist for proper assessment and advice about what could be the root cause of it all.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Very very faint line in prega news kya mae pregnant hun
Female | 26
A very light line in a Prega News test may indicate that a woman is pregnant. This can happen when the pregnancy hormone is low in the early stages. Sometimes, it's harder to detect in the beginning. To be sure, wait a few days and take another test. If you still see a faint line, it's best to confirm with a visit to a gynecologist.
Answered on 6th Sept '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Best treatment for endometriosis
Female | 21
Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the lining of your uterus is relocated outside the uterus. As a result of this, some women experience pain and heavy menstruations. And also, it may cause difficulties for women in getting pregnant. It can be treated with the help of pain relievers hormones, or surgery. A better treatment option would be the one suggested by a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Iam 21 years old me and my boyfriend have sex on jan 16 with condom it's already 9 month's and my periods are coming Monthly Monthly in this 9 months still I can get pregnant
Female | 21
The combination of having sex while using a condom on Jan 16 and then having periods regularly after that indicates that you are not pregnant. Early pregnancy signs can be a missed period, nausea, and breast tenderness. You can also take a pregnancy test yourself for more confidence.
Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am 64 year old . I have itching in vegina . Redness , skin allergy , plz give me medicine or doctor consultation .
Female | 64
If you’re feeling itchy, red, or allergic around your vagina, this might be vaginal dermatitis. Such symptoms can also result from irritants such as soap, perfume, or fabrics with which this area comes into contact. To relieve them, use mild fragrance-free soap and wear 100% cotton panties. Apply a light moisturizer as well. If these signs persist or worsen after some time has passed, please seek medical attention from a gynecologist for further evaluation.
Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have been spotting for 15 days ,it started on the day of menstruation and hasn't stopped since. Is it a cause for concern?
Female | 26
Spotting for such a long period can be alarming. It may occur as a result of hormonal changes, the presence of fibroids in the uterus, or even infections. Yeast infections or pelvic pain could be related to other symptoms and menstrual disorders. Monitor your symptoms closely and schedule an appointment with a gynecologist for a health checkup. Diagnosing the cause is necessary to ensure the right treatment is given.
Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I did abortion 3days i was on first trimester back and i only out clots in 2 hours and i drink anti inflammatory ibrufen pills and my bleeding stops immediately until today n still have mild morning sickness, is the abortion complete
Female | 32
A miscarriage is a natural ending of a pregnancy, which is what you had. A miscarriage can be indicated by passing clots and the bleeding ceasing after taking ibuprofen. Your bleeding stopping might mean the miscarriage is complete. However, it is still necessary to consult a gynecologist to get a confirmation. Nausea and vomiting in the morning can continue after a miscarriage.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Aoa Dr mai un married hu Meri age 18 hai or mujhe apse aik personal question Karna ha Jo Mai sherm ki waja sy apni mama yh Kisi Dr sy nai kar pa Rai...mujhe na vagina ma urine wali side pa nail lagny ki waja sy cut laga h or pain b ha...Mai abi tak oska koe hal nai kiya na opr kch lagaya jis sy wo cut thek ho jy....plz ap koe hal bta dyn koe cream tube yh kch b plz Mai bht pareshan hu...
Female | 18
It is crucial to keep that area clean to avoid any infections. The pain and cut you are feeling might be irritated by nail contact. Gently clean the area by using warm water and don't use any creams without telling your doctor first. If the pain stays or you see any redness or swelling, it's better to go to a gynecologist for the right diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
i missed my period for 15 days now, not pregnant with my tubes tied . what could be the problem
Female | 44
Not getting your period when you're not expecting a baby, and after having your tubes tied, can feel worrisome. Potential culprits: stress, weight fluctuations, hormonal imbalances, or medical issues like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Some signs: bloatedness, tender breasts, mood swings. Simple fixes: drink H2O, eat well-balanced meals, manage your stress levels. However, if your periods keep being irregular, talking with your gynecologist is wise.
Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Irregular period after 12 years
Female | 22
It is okay for periods to act weird when starting again after twelve years. Things like stress, changes in weight, food, or working out can make your cycle odd. Other reasons could be too much or too little hormones or medical things. Write down your cycle and signs. If it keeps happening, go see a gynecologist. Sometimes, weird periods can be fixed by changing how you live or with medicine.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
In the month of July my period date 17 but in the month of august it came on 10 and in the month of September it came on 5 th and now in October I came on 4 why like this ? After marriage this is happening
Female | 19
Stress, shifts in your routine, diet, or exercise can all have an impact on your menstrual cycle. Your body is getting used to the new changes. Track your period on a calendar. If you have any abnormal symptoms like severe pain, heavy bleeding, or irregular cycles for a long time, it is good to see a gynecologist.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 11 days late when I took a pregnancy test there was a faded line and then disappeared any idea what that can mean?
Female | 22
Having a faint line without a missed period is confusing. It happens when you test too early, have chemical pregnancy, dilute urine, or defective test. Sore breasts and fatigue are signs. To clarify, use the first morning urine. Track periods, consult a gynecologist if unsure.
Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
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