Female | 42
Neden miyom nedeniyle ağır dönemler yaşıyorum?
6 yıl önce oğlum doğduğundan beri ağır adet dönemleri geçiriyorum. Miyomum olduğunu biliyorum ama o zamandan beri bakılmadı. Sırtım ağrıyor, karnım ağırlaşıyor ve vermekte zorlandığım kilolar alıyorum. Kendimi sürekli şişkin hissediyorum ve bu günlük hayatımı etkiliyor. Hangi seçeneklere sahibim?

Jinekolog/Kadın Doğum Uzmanı
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Belirtilerinize göre sıkıntılı dönemler ve buna bağlı şişkinlik, zaten bildiğiniz miyomlardan kaynaklanıyor olabilir. Miyomlar rahimde bulunan kanserli olmayan büyümelerdir ve ağır kanamaya ve yakındaki organlara baskıya neden olarak kilo alımına ve rahatsızlığa neden olabilirler. Bununla başa çıkmak için bir ziyaret etmelisiniz.jinekologBir kontrol için randevu alın ve ilaç veya ameliyat dahil tedavi seçeneklerini tartışın.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
Muje periods tym se nhi aate 2-2 mheene upper ho jaate hai kya kru
Female | 19
Several factors may take the lead in causing irregular periods, including pressure, weight changes, and hormonal imbalances. It is vital to consult with the gynecologist to figure out the cause of the problem and get it extensively treated.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm a girl aged 18 and having pain on my lower stomach like period cramps but it happens everytym when I'm not on periods and if I had my period it will finish in 8 days but the flow will be drops only from day 7.It started in February when I came from my country to Uk
Female | 18
You seem to be dealing with a situation that is clinically known as pelvic pain. This pain in the lower part of the stomach might be because of a lot of reasons such as ovarian cysts or endometriosis. These may cause the uterus to be painful even when one is not in the menstruation window. Occasional delay and duration of your period may also serve as a clue that something is not right with your hormones. You can visit a gynecologist for consultation and treatment.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am 28 female. I had no periods from November 2023 to january 2024. I consulted a gynaecologist for the treatment. I have PCOD and weigh 75. I am tring to loose weight. Currently I am on Harmoni F (which I should take on the 5th day of my period)medication. But now i have 2 days of period and it had stopped. What should i do. Should I take regestrone (prescribed by gynaecologist to take to induce period)?
Female | 28
It is normal for women with PCOD to have irregular periods. However, if you have only been menstruating for two days after commencing treatment with Harmoni F, then there is no cause for alarm. Your system might require some time to get used to this medicine. In such situations, Regestrone is usually prescribed for inducing menses. Additionally, concentrate on eating balanced meals and engaging in physical activities to lose weight because it can aid in controlling PCOD signs.
Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello I stop birth control before 2 mother but still am not pregnant what shall I do I feel pain breast nipples hurt
Female | 27
Stopping birth control may cause breast and nipple soreness. Once you stop birth control, your body will need time to readjust. Hormonal changes due to this may be the cause of these symptoms. Wait it out a little longer, but if the pain persists or worsens, consider speaking with a gynecologist to ensure everything is okay.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I missed my period for 25 days. My last month period was on march 1st and on march 16 and 17 I had an intercourse. I have pain on my lower belly some days not always. I had pain when I touch nipples but now it's not there. I have no tendency of frequent urination and I have no vaginal discharge. But when I push while pooping, some discharge coming from vagina Please tell what is this condition
Female | 31
Your body experiences hormone shifting. This impacts monthly cycles. Lower belly and nipple aches could result. When pushing during bowel movements, discharge may happen. Perhaps vaginal infection or irritation causes this. See a gynecologist to understand what's occurring.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Can I be pregnant at 45 with tubes tied and 2 missed periods
Female | 45
AT 45, pregnancy possibility is low..Tubes tied prevents pregnancy.. Missed periods could be normal. Consult a doctor for confirmation .There are many advanced options available like IVF is one of them. You can talk to an IVF specialist to confirm
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Hello doctor I am Lalita 24 year old we are planning for convince...my last LMP was 28th of April 2024 and on 29th of May I feel light vaginal bleeding so on 30th May I checked through pregnancy kit and it was faint line on kit after that I went to gyno doctor and he said it was positive.. after that doctor advised blood beta hCG test and it was 14 and he prescribed HCG injection progesterone tablet and on 8th May I again check through pregnancy kit and it was no showing any line in T section..so am I pregnant or not ?
Female | 24
It can be confusing when there is light bleeding from the vagina with pregnancy test results that keep changing. Having a negative pregnancy test alongside low beta hCG levels might mean that a miscarriage has occurred quite early in the conception process. Please make sure you see your gynecologist so they can check on this matter further and guide you accordingly.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am girl .. I am 18 years old . My periods starting date is 5th date of month . I sex with my bf very first time on 13 date of month.. than next day bleeding was started for 4-5 days.. next month my periods not come at 5th date , than I take ginger water for 4-5 days , than my periods come at 13th of month , can I pragnent, I have no situation to take pregnancy test , please tell me I am pregnant or not , I don't tell this to my home , if they know that , they will kill me , please suggest me
Female | 18
Stress, dietary changes, and hormonal imbalance are some reasons that lead to changes in the menstrual cycle. You might have ginger water to thank for aiding your period's normality to some extent. In the absence of a pregnancy test, the uncertainty is inevitable. Keep an eye on nausea, fatigue, or swollenness of the breasts for signs of pregnancy. To be on the safe side, look out for frequent urinating, food cravings, and mood swings too, if any of these show up. If you experience any other symptoms or your period is delayed again, it's better to consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
missed period what should i do
Female | 17
Missing a period can happen for various reasons, such as stress, hormonal changes, or pregnancy. It's essential to stay calm and consider taking a home pregnancy test if there's a chance of pregnancy. However, it's always a good idea to consult a gynecologist to understand the underlying cause and get appropriate advice.
Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Vagina se halki si bleeding kyu hoti hai, doctor ko dikhaya tha par kuch hua nehi, altrasound bhi kiya tha par kuch nehi he
Female | 35
The cause may be hormonal changes, an infection, or even irritation. Even though the ultrasound didn't show anything, If the bleeding continues or worsens, it's better to consult a gynecologist for further evaluation and possible treatment.
Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had unprotected sex may 25th and then two hours later I took a plan b. Then a week later I had it unprotected again he didn’t cum and wasn’t even close and I didn’t take anything. I was getting worried and decided to take a pregnancy test and it was negative. The test I took was a first response test which can tell you early. Then I took an EPT branded pregnancy test and that was also negative. I did it yesterday and this was a week from my period. I just want to know if those results are something I should rely on? Can they be right if they are specifically for early testing?
Female | 18
In case you didn’t know, a not positive report from First Response brand or EPT brand kits is a good thing. This is because they can identify pregnancy hormones early, enabling you to trust the results. However, it is recommended that you seek further guidance from a gynecologist if you have any concerns or start feeling unwell.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Climbing steps frequently will it cause miscarriage in early pregnancy? I am 40 days pregnant. My age is 31. I am working in a school, I need to climb up the third floor 4 to 5 times a day. Is it safe or creates any issues?
Female | 31
Climbing stairs during the early stages of your pregnancy is usually safe. No one has shown scientific proof that using stairs can be the cause of miscarriage. At your stage of pregnancy, it is still ok for you to climb stairs as you usually do. Take things easy and pay attention to your body. If you notice any symptoms like bleeding or sharp pain then visit your gynecologist as soon as possible.
Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi , I have pcod and before marrige i gone to hospitals and get treatment.They regularise my periods for 3months using tablets.But unfortunately ,my next periods occur in my mrg date so they gave me tablets to postpone.Then after a week of mrg i got my periods.But then i didnt get my periods.It is almost 6 months.can you prescribe me some medicine for my periods.
Female | 26
This occurs when hormones get out of whack, sometimes due to PCOD. To help regulate things, birth control pills prescribed by a doc can be useful; they help balance hormones and manage cycles. But before taking any meds, it's crucial to chat with a gynecologist first. They'll give personalized advice.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I feel pain at my Lower abdominal
Female | 28
lower abdominal pain can stem from various causes. APPENDICITIS is common.. Kidney stones, urinary tract infections and menstrual cramps can also trigger it. Often, the pain may be harmless. Still, if it persists, consult your doctor. They can diagnose and treat the underlying cause. Avoid self-diagnosis and treatment, since it can worsen the condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai
I am 35 year old female From past 1 year I am problem with my periods if its comes then its painful or I bleed for whole month sometimes its brown discharge or red and brown discharge both. I am taking treatment for it. According to my doc its endometriosis and according to my recent report there is block in fallopian tube. Write now i am on vissane but bleeding is not stopping. Ovarian Cyst is also there size is around 8 cm. Is surgery the only option for me?
Female | 35
Endometriosis can cause irregular and painful periods, and blocked fallopian tubes can contribute to your symptoms. Given your ovarian cyst's size and persistent bleeding despite medication, surgery might be necessary. Please consult a gynecologist to discuss the best treatment options for your condition.
Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I'm 18 old female. Last month I had my period and at the same time I had fever so the doctor gave me medications and injection for fever, that time I had light periods. After stopping the medicines, I had bleeding for 3 days which soaked half of the pad. So I took meprate for 23days as one of my doctors advised me. Since 2 days I am not having the meprate tablet and experiencing symptoms like cramps, headache, nausea, bloating. Also I had protected sex 6 weeks ago, but we are sure that he did not inseminate. Im worried about my health, I'm facing pregnancy symptoms but I don't think I'm a pregnant. I was also diagnosed with pcod 1year ago.
Female | 18
Your symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, nausea, and bloating, could have various causes. The bleeding after stopping Meprate might be related to your PCOD. Since you had protected sex, pregnancy is unlikely if there was no insemination. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated, and if your symptoms persist, consider discussing them with gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Issue related to vegina need help
Female | 22
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar
What period pain medication can I take
Female | 27
Period pains can be relieved by over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen or naproxen. But consulting a gynecologist will help in the process of ruling out any troubling conditions causing the pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
My fiance had taken birth control pill before 15 days Now she got the periods But the blood flow is less Is she pregnant ?
Female | 21
It's unlikely that your fiance is pregnant Birth control pills alter hormone levels, which can cause lighter periods. However, if you're still concerned, take a PREGNANCY test or consult a doctor Remember, birth control pills are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy, so it's important to use additional PROTECTION if you're not ready to conceive.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Vaginal Yeast Infection. Tried ointment and pills but didn’t cure. It developed some days after I used V wash.
Female | 19
Yeast infection is a frequent vaginal disease that occurs when there are excessive yeasts present. Ointments and pills do not always eliminate the infection. In this situation, therefore it is advised to visit a gynecologist. Do not use products such as V wash until the disease is fully healed.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
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