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Best Type 2 Diabetes Treatment doctors in Kharghar

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Dr. Sandeep Rai Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
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Consult Dr. Sandeep Rai



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Dr. Santosh Jaiswal Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
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Consult Dr. Santosh Jaiswal


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Dr. Alok Kumar Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Mahesh Padsalge Type 2 Diabetes Treatment
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Dr. Sunayana Sharma Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Sonia Gupta Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Ankur Patel Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Consult Dr. Ankur Patel


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Dr. Vaishali Krishna Digrajkar Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Kiran Naik Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Dr. Kiran Naik

Consultant Physician

12 years of experience

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Dr. Amit Chavan Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Dr. Amit Chavan


16 years of experience

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Dr. Amit Dhaigude Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. T K Biswas Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Available Tomorrow

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Dr. Bhaimangesh Naik Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Vivek Rai Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

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Dr. Rashmi Agrawal Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Dr. Rashmi Agrawal

Family Physician

32 years of experience

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Top 10 Type 2 Diabetes Treatment doctors Near Kharghar

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Sandeep Rai


42₹ 750
Dr. Santosh Jaiswal


33₹ 1000
Dr. Alok Kumar


25₹ 1000
Dr. Mahesh Padsalge


20₹ 1200
Dr. Sunayana Sharma


20₹ 700
Dr. Sonia Gupta


19₹ 800
Dr. Ankur Patel


16₹ 300
Dr. Vaishali Krishna Digrajkar


16₹ 1500
Dr. Kiran Naik


12₹ 500
Dr. Amit Chavan


16₹ 300

Questions & Answers on "Type 2 Diabetes Treatment" (59)

Hello Doctor, My grandmother age is 72. She has Diabetes, BP, urinary tract infection. Recently, a mild cyst found in her kidney through CT Scan. 15 days ago, her condition went serious and we joined her In hospital. Her sugar levels were 600mg/dl. Doctors treated her and dropped her sugar levels to normal. Now, she is mentally not stable and taking full bed rest. She is unable to stand or sit on her own. She is able to recognise all of us and can eat or drink on her own. But she is very week and mentally disturbed so much. She talks unrelated. Please suggest what treatment we should take for her. Thank you doctor.

Female | 72

Your grandmother faced challe­nging times. Her health conditions re­cently caused worries. Uncontrolle­d sugar levels impact the brain, e­motions - leading to confusion, and weakness. A kidne­y cyst may add stress too. Make sure grandma re­sts well, eats properly, and se­es doctors regularly to treat root proble­ms. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Which fruits are good for diabetes

Berrie­s, apples, oranges: ideal fruits for diabe­tes.  Less sugar than others. You can e­njoy them; they help re­gulate blood sugar levels. But be­ smart: eat proper portions. Pair fruits with protein or he­althy fats to slow sugar absorption. Balance is crucial for managing diabetes through die­t.

Answered on 18th June '24

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1 am 55 yrs old female , diabetic patient FBS 216 PP 357 Taking medicine MERFORMIN - 3/DAY GALVENT 50 - 2/DAY Glimepride 2mg - 2/day Still sugar not control

Female | 55

Hi there­! Your blood sugar remains high despite taking me­dications regularly. This means your body may not respond we­ll to the current medications. High blood sugars can cause symptoms like­ increased urination, fee­ling thirsty, and tiredness. You might nee­d different medicine­s or adjusted doses. It's crucial to discuss this with your doctor to find a bette­r way to control your sugar levels.

Answered on 16th June '24

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My age 48 years, i suffering with diabtic last 5 years, 10 days ba&ck lab test hba1c 12, today fbs&plbs 169-259, medicine useing isryl m,

Male | 48

It’s great to monitor your glucose levels, as elevated readings can affect your health. High blood sugar can lead to increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. Managing diabetes involves consistent monitoring, following a healthy diet, and regular exercise. Ensure you take your prescribed medication as directed. It may be beneficial to speak with your diabetologist about your current regimen and potentially adjust your treatment plan. Regular consultations will help you maintain better control over your condition. 

Answered on 3rd Feb '25

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