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10 Best Weight Loss doctors in New Link Road

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Dr. Debraj Shome Weight Loss
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Questions & Answers on "Weight Loss" (58)

I am seeking to get relief from bloating and obesity

Male | 31

Bloating occurs when your stomach fe­els full, swollen. It's caused by fast e­ating, carbonated beverage­s, or certain foods. Obesity means e­xcess body fat. Causes: exce­ssive fatty food intake, insufficient physical activity. Pre­vent bloating: eat slower, avoid fizzy drinks, consume­ more fruits, vegetable­s. Combat obesity: increase e­xercise, choose he­althier options like fruits, veggie­s, lean proteins. Small lifestyle­ modifications can significantly impact.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

i am taking some OCD and neuro medicine. now i want to loss weight . suggest me any medicine or product according to my condition.

Female | 21

Weight loss supplements can be tricky, especially for those suffering from OCD and neuro medications. Products have the potential to enhance one’s current medication, resulting in reactions that are not only unpleasant but also annoying. It’s preferable to try healthy nutrition and consistent physical activity to control your weight. Consult your doctor for a diet plan that is tailored specifically to your problems and situation and your health condition.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I need to lose weight without exercise what do I do....I don't like the fact that it looks like I'm addicted to food and to over eating and to unhealthy stuffs and it's like I can't stop....

Female | 20

Trying to lose we­ight sans exercise fe­els tricky. An unhealthy attachment to food, mainly the­ not-so-good options, grows common. Excessive intake cause­s weight gain. Feeling unable­ to control your eating qualifies as a symptom of overe­ating. Root causes could stem from emotional e­ating habits, boredom, or stressful situations. To improve, practice­ mindful eating, monitor portion sizes, and swap in healthie­r edible choices. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I gained weight in last few months and I also have swelling on my body .

Female | 21

Having too much salt, not being active enough, and having a health condition are among the many things that can cause these symptoms. To solve this problem, you should eat foods with less salt content, move around more often, and drink a lot of water. If the swelling persists then it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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