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Female | 31

هل صعود السلالم بشكل متكرر آمن في بداية الحمل؟

صعود الدرج بشكل متكرر هل يسبب الإجهاض في بداية الحمل؟ أنا حامل لمدة 40 يومًا. عمري 31 سنة. أعمل في مدرسة، وأحتاج إلى صعود الطابق الثالث 4 إلى 5 مرات في اليوم. هل هي آمنة أو تخلق أي مشاكل؟

Answered on 13th Sept '24

عادةً ما يكون صعود السلالم خلال المراحل المبكرة من الحمل آمنًا. لم يقدم أحد دليلاً علميًا على أن استخدام السلالم يمكن أن يكون سببًا للإجهاض. في مرحلة الحمل، لا يزال من الجيد أن تصعدي السلالم كما تفعلين عادةً. خذ الأمور ببساطة وانتبه لجسمك. إذا لاحظت أي أعراض مثل النزيف أو الألم الحاد، قم بزيارة طبيبكطبيب نسائير في أقرب وقت ممكن.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

Mere periods nahi ho rahe hai kaise thik hoga

Female | 34

Consult a qualified gynecologist.. to assess your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and perform necessary tests for diagnosis. Follow a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, and limit caffeine and alcohol intake. Address any medical conditions like PCOD or thyroid disorders, as they can affect your periods. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

My endometrial thickness is 3-4 mm in thinken 18th day after my periods. Is it normal?

Female | 23

A normal endometrial thickness is usually between 3 to 4 mm, approximately 18 days after periods finished in women of reproductive age. It is advisable to contact a gynecologist who can evaluate you and recommend the best option for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Does methotrexate abortion have side affects

Male | 27

Yes, methotrexate abortion can have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I m experiencing continuous bleeding since december

Female | 28

For months, the bleeding persisted since December began. The irregular flow might indicate fibroids, hormonal imbalances, or infections. This can lead to weakness, paleness, and fatigue. The answers lie with doctors—they'll examine you, identify the cause, and provide the necessary treatment. Prolonged bleeding requires medical attention, so don't hesitate to seek care.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hello, I am here on behalf of my girlfriend. Story is: Her periods: (January) 18-20 (February) 18-20 (March) 18-20 Then we were physically intimate on 4th April and she took ipll on 6th April. Later, we were physically intimate again on 11th or 12th April and she took ipll again. Yes, she took ipll twice in one month, with a one-week gap. On 13th April, she experienced spotting, very light bleeding, which might have been withdrawal bleeding due to the ipll. It continued for 2-3 days. Then we waited for her next period, which was supposed to come by 13th May, but it was missed. On 16th May evening, we used a home urine test kit which was negative. On 17th May morning, we used another home urine test kit which was also negative. To be sure, we had an hCG test on 18th May, and it reported a level of 7.84/10, which was also negative. We waited, and on 21st May she had a period that was bright red but light, and it continued until 24-25th May. We did another urine pregnancy test on 26th May which was negative. We want to know your viewpoints on this.

Female | 26

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I want to start birth control regular pills as I'm sexually active and i have pcod too. Which birth control pills are safe for me ? Can you give me prescription?

Female | 23

Avoid pills containing ESTROGEN.. They can worsen PCOD. Consult a doctor for a prescription.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Hello, I am 31 year old female, about a month ago during my gynecologist exam, they found that my fallopian tube is dilated and I have a sactosalpynx or a cyst, they are not sure. They ordered more tests - cervical screening and CA125 and HE4. Cervical screening shows epithelial cells and lots of gram positive bacilli. CA125 is normal, while HE4 is elevated. I have a check up in two weeks but I was wondering should I be concerned?

Female | 31

I would recommend you make an appointment with an ob-gyn who focuses on the female reproductive system health and fertility disorders. Tubes blocked, lining thickened and cysts are some of the conditions that are indicated by fallopian tube dilation such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or hydrosalpinx. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I am 17 years old and I recently learned about sex education I was so excited to feel how does sex feels . So I inserted a bathroom whiper in my vagina and I came to know that because of this my hymen broken as I could see some blood on the whiper . I am so stressed that what will I tell to my future husband about how my hymen broke . So is there any way if I can grow my hymen back . I just a really small stain of blood so is there any chance that my hymen is not fully broken and it can regrow on its own ?

Female | 17

Sometimes the cause of the hymen breaking can be due to different factors such as exercise, tampon use, or simply natural growth. Once shattered, a hymen can never grow back.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

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