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Male | 31

لماذا أشعر بألم خفيف في وريد الساق؟

أشعر بألم خفيف في الوريد من الخصر إلى الركبة أثناء الوقوف منذ 4 أيام. لا مشكلة في الجلوس أو المشي أو الجري. في اليوم الأول شعرت بالخدر أيضًا. لدي قلق بشأن الوريد vericose.

1 Answer

Answered on 9th Sept '24

قد تكون بعض أعراضك مرتبطة بالدوالي، وهي عبارة عن أوردة متضخمة يمكن أن تختلف في اللون والشكل. أنها غالبا ما تسبب عدم الراحة والألم الخفيف. الوقوف لفترات طويلة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تفاقم هذا الألم. قد يكون الإحساس بالخدر الذي شعرت به بسبب عدم كفاية تدفق الدم عبر الأوردة. لتحسين الدورة الدموية، حاول رفع ساقيك عند الاستلقاء وارتداء جوارب ضاغطة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن تساعد ممارسة التمارين الرياضية بانتظام وتجنب النوم المفرط. راقب أعراضك، وإذا تفاقم الألم أو أصبح شديدًا، قم بزيارة أحد الأطباءجراح العظام.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1043)

Is there orthopedic doctor available or what the fees or is there xray machine

Female | 37

No, it's a physiotherapy clinic. No xray facility available too

Answered on 20th June '24

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Neck pain from last 10 days. Burning pain on upper cervical spine. Pins and needles in left hand and left foot.

Female | 38

When you mention neck pain for the last 10 days, do you mean a burning sensation in the upper part of your neck? Also, have you felt pins and needles in your left hand and foot? These could be signs of a nerve problem due to the alignment of your neck bones. A medical professional should scan this area to find the exact cause and prescribe the proper treatment, which may include physical therapy or medication if necessary.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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How to get rid of arthritis in fingers?

Female | 45

Acupuncture helps in opening up the energy level ( commonly referred as 'Qi' in acupuncture theory).
Acupuncture needles are put on various parts of the body which helps in increasing the blood flow.
It has an anti inflammatory effect. It stops body's inflammatory response, increases blood flow and relaxes muscle tone. It helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Acupuncture releases endorphins which are natural hormones to reduce the feeling of pain and puts the patient in ultimate relaxed state i.e feeling of well being.
Electro acupuncture pulsates electric current through the needles.
Such procedure gives quick response and helps in reducing both pain and inflammation in people with arthritis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Knee pain from last 2 months and swelling since 7 days ,started after dance workout . No injury as such , took xray ,no fracture, difficulty in walking. Using knee support and crepe bandage , had Zerodol sp for pain and swelling

Female | 33


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I Want to check knee issue of my mother

Female | 55

Take her to see an orthopedic professional, such as a primary care physician or orthopedic specialist, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Diagnosed with bulging disc yesterday they sent me home with meds they are not doing anything for the pain and I lost my balance alot yesterday day and feel down a few times should I go back to the hospital

Male | 56

A bulging disc pressing against nerves can cause pain and affect your balance. Falling is dangerous. You better go back to the hospital. They might have to change your medicine or try something else. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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