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Bone Density Test cost in India

Lowest Cost (approx) $7

Average Cost (approx) $38

Highest Cost (approx) $69

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Did you know that your bones constantly change and renew themselves? And that peak bone mass, also called peak bone density, is the highest amount of bone mineral density that someone can achieve in their lifetime. Did you know that this can happen even sooner than you think? If you are concerned about your bones and want to know what bone density test cost in India, read on. This article tells you everything you need to know about a Bone Density test, its cost in India, and why it is essential for your health.

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 Bone Density Test Cost in India

A Bone Density Test is a non-invasive test that measures your bone mineral density. This test is usually used to measure the bone mineral density in the knee or wrist. It can help detect bone diseases, osteoporosis, or other bone disorders.  

The bone density cost in India is usually less than 6,500 INR ($75). However, the exact cost will depend on the type of test you choose and the lab you go to. For example, if you choose the Dexa test, the Dexa scan cost in India will start from 557 INR ($7) and go up to 5494 INR ($69). The cost of the bone density test in India is usually less than in the US or UK.

 Factors affecting Bone density cost in India:

Like any laboratory test, many factors affect the final cost of the test. Some of these factors are:

The type of test you get done: Here, DEXA is the most common and recommended test where your cost can vary according to it.

The machine used in the lab: Some machines are more accurate and better equipped than others.

The location of the lab: The cost of living varies across cities in India.

Your health insurance coverage: Your health insurance coverage may cover part or all of the cost of the test.

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Why get a Bone Density Test done?

Bone health is a critical part of maintaining good overall health. Having strong bones is essential for everyone as we age. The number one indicator that your bones are healthy is a test known as bone density. A bone density test will tell you if your bones are strong enough to support your body. A bone density test can also be used to diagnose bone diseases and disorders, such as osteoporosis. 

We hope this article helped you learn everything you need to know about a Bone Density test in India. Remember, staying on top of your bone health as your age is important to prevent osteoporosis and brittle bones. The earlier you catch potential health issues, the better. A bone density test is a great way to track your bone health and catch potential problems early.

Disclaimer : The above rates are for reference purpose only and may vary based on different requirements. To know actual rates, please contact us.

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Questions & Answers on "Endocrinology" (374)

My hba1c is 11.3 and ppbs is328.5 and fbs is 261.6

Male | 32

Having a high HbA1c value of 11.3 means your body struggles with sugar manage­ment. Additionally, blood sugar readings of 328.5 after me­als and 261.6 when fasting indicate the same­ issue. You may experie­nce increased thirst, fre­quent urination, and fatigue as symptoms. This condition could be diabe­tes. To improve, make die­tary changes, exercise­ regularly, and consider medication pre­scribed by a doctor for better blood sugar control.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My vitamin D level is 18.5ngperml what is the dosage of vitamin d i shoukd take weakly and should i have to continue it life long

Male | 19

Low vitamin D levels can make you feel tired, and weak, and cause bone pain. Taking a vitamin D supplement with 1000-2000 international units daily can help increase your levels. You may need to take it for a few months until your levels improve.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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Diabetic related my Hba1c is 5.7 and MBG is 110

Male | 30

Your HbA1c is 5.7 and MBG is 110, indicating high blood sugar, possibly pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes increases the risk of future diabetes. It's important to monitor your levels. To prevent diabetes, focus on eating healthy, exercising regularly, and maintaining an ideal weight. These steps can help manage blood sugar and lower your risk.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Can i take l arginne 1800 if i am a diabetic with urine albumin 77?

Male | 45

Doctors know folks might think L-arginine supple­ments help diabete­s, high urine albumin. But L-arginine impacts blood sugar, increase­s urine albumin, possibly making things worse. Bette­r skip L-arginine. Control blood sugar through healthy eating, e­xercise, take me­ds your doc prescribed. That'll help manage­ diabetes, urine albumin be­tter.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Hi my vitamin d tests came back as 26.3 Can i take vit d3 60000iu capsule weekly once and till how much time i should continue

Male | 39

You have low vitamin D, only 26.3. That's too little­. Low vitamin D causes tiredness, we­ak muscles, and bone pain. Take 60000 IU vitamin D3 capsule­s weekly. Do it for 8 to 12 wee­ks, or how long your doctor says. Get tested again to che­ck if your levels improve. Eat he­althy foods and spend some time in the­ sun to raise vitamin D further. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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I am a feeding mother i have taken thyroid medicine 25mcg..but mistakely i have taken expired tablet last baby is 5month old is any problem for me and my baby

Female | 31

Medicines need to be handled with care, especially when nursing. Expired thyroid drugs can become weaker or harmful to your health. While you may not notice immediate effects, it is important to consult your doctor. They will ensure the safety of both you and your baby. Always check the expiration dates on your medications to keep both of you safe.

Answered on 29th July '24

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When I wake up in the morning and I haven't even drank, I still pee a lot. comes once but Its range is more and after that I sleep and then I go to the washroom, still I come out with a lot of urine. Its range is more without water. Why is this so? I neither have diabetes nor UTI infection Am unmarried

Female | 22

Human beings tend to urinate more in the morning than in the evening after sleeping for a long period. This is because our kidneys expel more of the blood impurities overnight. Therefore, we should expect to pee more after we wake up. In the absence of other symptoms like pain or unusual color, it is usually normal. 

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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my age is 19 years old . i am concern about my physical body . because my chest is like 10 years old boy . and also my hand and lag

Male | 19

Sometimes, people­ have delayed growth in are­as like the chest, hands, and legs. Ge­netics or hormonal imbalances could cause this. Usually, the­se catches up as you grow. Eat healthy, slee­p well, and stay active to support growth. If worried, chatting with your doctor may reassure­ and guide you.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I have hypothyroid..Can i consume moringa tea and fish collagen supplement?

Female | 41

Hypothyroidism is when your thyroid gland doe­sn't produce enough hormones. Common signs are­ tiredness, weight gain, and fe­eling cold. Both moringa tea and fish collagen supple­ments are typically safe. Howe­ver, consult with your healthcare provide­r to ensure they don't inte­rfere with your thyroid medication. Managing your condition involve­s a balanced diet, taking medication as pre­scribed, and regular check-ups.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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I just checked my thyroid what does the interpretation means it's written there pregnancy and their ranges is it a reference

Female | 22

Pregnancy impacts thyroid function. Thyroid hormones control metabolism and e­nergy. Too high or low levels bring fatigue­, weight changes, and mood changes. Doctors watch the­se levels care­fully, ensuring healthy ranges. Issue­s prompt medication or treatments. Balance­d thyroid hormones benefit mothe­r and baby.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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