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Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment Cost in India: SMA Expenses

Lowest Cost (approx) $7891

Average Cost (approx) $8048

Highest Cost (approx) $8285

  • Treatment time : Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Hospitalization days : 10.45 days
  • Success rate : 50%

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The spinal atrophy treatment cost in India starts from Rs. 6,46,600 ($7891) to Rs. 6,78,963 ($8285).
When your child is diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), one of the first things you probably start worrying about is the cost of SMA treatment. The disease is scary and even more alarming when you know that very few effective treatment options are available for your child. So how much does SMA treatment cost? This article explains everything you need to know about SMA disease treatment costs in India, including the cost of various treatment options. Keep reading to learn more!

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How much Does Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment Cost in India

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder that causes muscle weakness and loss of muscle function as the child grows.

SMA is inherited, which means it's passed down through families. It affects 1 out of every 7,744 childbirth in India.

The average Spinal muscular atrophy treatment cost in India is $7,890. This cost also varies depending on a child's age and treatment options.

For example, highly expensive drugs are often needed for treatment, which can significantly increase the treatment cost.

The cost of the SMA treatment is very expensive in the world! However, the SMA disease treatment cost in India is considered meager. 

Don’t believe it? Continue reading to know more.

Take the first step to recovery. Get in touch with us for your treatment.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment Cost in Different Countries

The table below compares the Spinal Muscular Atrophy treatment cost in India with other countries:


Disclaimer: The costs given above are estimates only. Actual prices may differ depending on several factors. Continue reading further to know more!

Types of Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatments and their Costs in India

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a rare disease caused due to genetic mutations. Gene therapy is expensive but also the most recommended treatment to counter SMA.

We have summarized the costs of gene therapy in India to treat SMA:


People with SMA lack protein in their genes to function with motor neurons properly.

Spinraza enhances the body's ability to produce the required protein. 

The cost of Spinraza in India is around $1,08,000 per injection.   


People with SMA have a mutated SMN 1 gene. This gene is responsible for muscle weakness due to the improper development of motor neurons.

Zolgensma is a drug providing a healthy copy of the SMN 1 gene to the patient. It is a one-time treatment.

The Zolgensma injection cost in India is around $2 million.


Evrysdi is a medicine that enhances the growth of the SMN protein in the blood. 

The protein will flow inside the brain and the spinal cord via blood. 

The cost of Evrysdi in India is around $7,500 per bottle.

The type of treatment may particularly determine the cost of the treatment. Yet, several other factors may influence SMA disease treatment costs in India and elsewhere.

We have discussed them further, so make sure you don’t miss out!

Factors Affecting the Cost of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

The factors that affect the price of SMA treatment are:

Age of the child

SMA treatment costs increase with age. Older children require more intense therapies, which increases treatment costs. 

Child's weight

The cost of SMA treatment increases with the child's weight. It is because heavier children require more intensive therapies. 

The extent of the child's weakness

SMA treatment costs increase if the child's deficiency is severe enough to warrant intensive support.


Different types of drugs are available to treat SMA. As discussed earlier, the cost of these drugs varies significantly.

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Other Details

Why Should You Choose Spinal Muscular Atrophy Treatment in India?

There are many reasons why it makes sense to go with SMA treatment in India. Let's have a look at some of them.

Lower healthcare costs

Spinal muscular atrophy treatment cost in India is much lower compared to other countries. This makes it much easier for parents to manage the expenses of SMA treatment in India. 

Experienced Doctors

India has highly skilled and qualified doctors. They are well known for treating Spinal Muscular Atrophy globally.

Modern Facilities

Indian hospitals are developed with the latest technologies to provide patients with the most reliable and positive outcomes.

Availability of Medications

Drugs to treat SMA are hard to access worldwide. This is one of the reasons for their high prices. Yet, it is possible to access them in time in India.

Disclaimer : The above rates are for reference purpose only and may vary based on different requirements. To know actual rates, please contact us.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (928)

I am 39 old women feeling lip twitching or vibrating little. Kindly what is the reason

Female | 39

These lip twitches or tremors that you are experiencing are quite common and for the most part, are harmless. On some occasions, these involuntary contractions are because of stress, fatigue, or even the overconsumption of caffeine. If the twitches persist or get worse, you can try relieving stress, getting enough sleep, and reducing caffeine. Make sure you are staying hydrated as well.

Answered on 18th Nov '24

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Pressure always feel in brain heartbeat suddenly fast

Female | 22

It may be due to stress or anxiety. In such cases, it is advisable to practice mindfulness meditation, deep breathing and some relaxation exercises. Also, knowing the cause of your stress and anxiety may help. If the problem still continues, please consult a reputed doctor to address the issue. I hope this helps.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello! I was diagnosed with OCD a while ago, and one of the compulsions to certain thoughts was to hold my breath for time. It all started from here. I entered medicine, I am passionate about the field and I was always a 10th grade student. My question is if my brain was affected, if there was any cerebral hypoxia. There were times when I held my breath for quite long periods (until I felt that I had to do it), other times when I was not breathing enough and had that feeling of suffocation (the biggest fear here is, I don't know exactly how much). I had a native brain MRI, 1.5 tesla, nothing negative came out. However, on a micro level, was my cognition, my intelligence, my memory affected? The SpO2 value is 98-99% now, should I go to a doctor? I haven't slept much in my life, I always stay up at night to study and I wonder if my brain is more sensitive to such things, also I was born prematurely. I had read on the Internet that people can get hypoxia and not see it on an MRI, that really panicked me. I'm starting college in a week and I'm constantly thinking about this. If I'm going to forget certain details, I won't remember certain things, I'll always think it's because my brain was damaged, not that it's normal not to remember everything. I managed to overcome these compulsions. But I think that there are no after-effects on the brain. What do you recommend? I am very panicked that I might have hurt myself because of some senseless compulsions. I don't feel myself anymore, after reading or many things on the Internet. Is there anything to do?

Male | 18

Holding your breath for a long time can sometimes make you dizzy or suffocate, nevertheless, it is improbable for you to suffer from a permanent brain injury. Your brain which requires oxygen is doing well because you have been receiving good oxygen levels. If you're feeling worried, try some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or talking to someone you trust. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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I am 27 year old I have headache in right last 1 year

Female | 27

Persistent headaches can stem from various sources, including tension, migraines, or even vision issues. It's essential to consider accompanying symptoms, such as nausea or light sensitivity, to better understand your situation. Maintaining hydration, practicing relaxation techniques, and ensuring regular sleep can be beneficial. However, since you've been experiencing this discomfort for an extended period, I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and discuss tailored treatment options. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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I am 24 year old and I m having stiffness in my head feel pinching irritation and feels empty like feeling very quick and tired

Female | 24

Hey, Welcome to ClinicSpots. We understand your concerns and are here to provide guidance.

Feeling stiffness, pinching irritation, and a sense of emptiness in your head could indicate various underlying factors. These symptoms may stem from stress, anxiety, or even migraines. Stress often manifests as tension headaches or a feeling of pressure in the head. It's also possible these symptoms could be related to migraines, which can cause throbbing pain and sensitivity to light and sound. Additionally, conditions like anxiety can contribute to sensations of head stiffness and quick fatigue. It's important to consider any recent changes in your lifestyle or stress levels that might be triggering these symptoms.

Next Steps to Follow

  1. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Schedule an appointment with a neurologist or a primary care physician to discuss your symptoms in detail. They can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause.
  2. Medical Evaluation: Your doctor may recommend diagnostic tests such as imaging studies or blood tests to rule out neurological conditions or other health issues.
  3. Lifestyle Modifications: Practice stress management techniques, and gentle exercises like yoga or meditation, and maintain a regular sleep schedule to support overall well-being and manage symptoms.
  4. Follow-up: Keep track of any changes in your symptoms and follow up with your healthcare provider as advised.


Health Tip

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to help alleviate symptoms. Deep breathing exercises and gentle stretches can help reduce tension and promote relaxation.

For more medical queries, visit again at ClinicSpots.

Answered on 5th July '24

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I have nuero mylities optica NMO DISEASE, is nmo disease affect pregnancy???

Female | 26

NMO disease is an illness that damages the spinal cord and the optic nerves. During pregnancy, NMO can have diverse effects on an individual. Some may see an improvement in symptoms, while others might experience worsening. This issue is so far unresearched, and we still haven’t got concrete answers to how childbirth affects NMO. Discuss any worries with your doctor to keep yourself and your baby safe.

Answered on 14th June '24

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Mild to moderate numbness that comes and goes on right side of head and behind ear. It's been going on for 2+ hours.

Male | 20

Seek immediate medical attention from a neurologist to determine the cause, as it could be related to factors, some of which may require prompt evaluation and treatment. Don't ignore concerning symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by weakness, difficulty speaking, severe headache, or changes in vision.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My grandfather age is 69 he had second brain stroke after 3 month now he able to speak slow slow today he got anger and eat food by himself without ask anyone after I ask him is any problem you in eat he said no problem and easy to eat . so please doctor suggest me can we start giving him food by mouth

Male | 69

It is quite predictable for a person who had a stroke for the second time to have trouble speaking and experiencing behavior changes. The good thing is that he ate without any problem which is a way forward. His improved swallowing ability is reflected in his independent eating skills. It's necessary to lay a good basis by cutting out soft foods and liquids to avoid choking. Let him carry out the process of swallowing without being rushed. It's recommended that a speech therapist or a healthcare provider be the one to provide him with a diet plan that he must follow carefully.

Answered on 11th July '24

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I am feeling dizziness suddenly

Female | 24

There could be several reasons behind this. Perhaps you’re not taking in enough fluids or stood up too quickly. It may even be an issue with one of your ears such as an infection. The best thing to do is sit down, relax, and have a drink of water. If it keeps happening, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 30th May '24

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Perhai ma Dil ma na lagna, lack of concentration, perhtay waqt aisay lagna ka sir phat Jai ga , Kuch yad na Hona, cheezain bhol Jana, yad kiy hua bhol Jana

Female | 22

Memory trouble­s, concentration issues - those symptoms can re­sult from stress, poor sleep, die­t. Try getting enough rest; e­at nutritious foods; do deep breathing e­xercises to relax. Also, organize­ your schedule and prioritize tasks. Staying focuse­d becomes easie­r that way.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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I’m a 22 year old female I’ve been having a headache for the past two weeks making it 3 today .its so severe and I have to the doctor took tramadol Unimed pills today I’m now experiencing symptoms of ringing ears and lightheadedness after the pill .Could this be a sign that the pills are working?

Female | 22

The ringing in your ears and feeling dizzy after ingesting Tramadol Unimed pills may be consequences of the medication. It does not imply that the pills have a beneficial effect. These indications are likely to occur as a result of your body being adjusted to the drug. It is crucial to inform your doctor about these new symptoms so they can assist you in finding the best way to deal with your headaches without these side effects. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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Hello sir my mother is having paralyzed stroke and she is having nerves problem also kindly update me is it possible to operate

Female | 62

A paralyzed stroke is a condition where the blood supply to a certain part of the brain is minimal. This may, consequently, lead to nerve complications that can result in paralysis. Performing surgery on the brain in the case of stroke-related issues is rarely the first line of treatment after a stroke. Rather, the physicians place more emphasis on rehabilitation therapy to restore the patient's ability to walk and do everyday activities. 

Answered on 12th Nov '24

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Hi Doctor. I have a back pain.i had a MRI Scanning of LS Spine. Please analyse my report.

Female | 23

According to your LS spine MRI, you can discern that you most probably have a herniated disc. You should make an appointment with a spinal-disorder specialist to get more thorough advice and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I used tap water to flush my nose out as I was congested before realising and then about 1 hour later used boiled water as I know it shouldn’t be tap water I’m In Northern Ireland what are chances of me getting brain infection I’m worried now No symptoms it was 2 days ago when will I know if I’m clear of infection

Female | 31

Using tap water to flush your nose­ can be unsafe. Tap water may have­ bad germs. But, do not worry too much about it. Getting a brain infection from this is ve­ry rare. Since you used boile­d water later, you are like­ly safe. If you have no signs after two days, you are­ likely okay. But, look out for bad headaches, fe­ver, or stiff neck. These­ could mean infection. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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