Female | 50
ما هي المدة التي يجب أن تتناول فيها Exantal وVermox لعلاج الديدان المعوية؟
عمتي تعاني من مشاكل في الكلى. وتخضع لغسيل الكلى مرتين في الأسبوع. لديها ديدان في أمعائها. بدأ بتناول إكسانتال 500 ملغ مع فيرموكس 500 ملغ لعلاج الديدان. وبعد تناول الأدوية تظهر في أمعائهم ديدان تخرج بالآلاف عن طريق البراز. إذن، كم من الوقت سيتعين عليهم تناول الحبوب التي يتناولونها؟ الحشرات صغيرة جدًا وهناك حشرات سوداء إلى جانب حشرات بيضاء كبيرة. من فضلك قل لي إذا كان هناك أي علاج آخر لهذا.
أخصائي أمراض الجهاز الهضمي الجراحي
Answered on 19th Sept '24
تعاني عمتك من ديدان معوية، ولكن الخبر السار هو أن الأدوية مثل Exantal وVermox يمكن أن تساعد في التخلص منها. من الطبيعي ظهور الديدان في البراز بعد تناول الدواء. قد تحتاج إلى الاستمرار في تناول الحبوب لبضعة أيام أخرى للتأكد من اختفاء جميع الديدان. إذا كانت لا تزال تعاني من الديدان بعد الانتهاء من العلاج، فمن المهم استشارة الطبيب لمزيد من الخيارات.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1117)
Hi sir im getting a liquid from my stomach and it smells
Male | 22
This may be an indication of a digestive disease. It is best to see a gastroenterologist who can both diagnose and treat the problem.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I had problem regarding bleeding while latrine and all day pain in the anus region. My question is that a doctor prescribed me medicine which are beneficial but they are of 5 day dose and I want to ask whether I continue those doses if that are befitting me and doet not have any side effect .
Male | 19
You could be having signs of hemorrhoids, which are the causes of bleeding during bowel movements and pain in the anus area. Your doctor's medicine is related to these symptoms. It's usually important to follow the full course of medication as prescribed by your gastroenterologist, even if you start feeling better. This is the best way to ensure your full recovery and also to prevent the symptoms from returning.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Sir mujhe bhuk ne lgti or pet bhara bhara rehta he daaru bhe jyaada Peeta hu plss solution
Male | 30
You likely have a reduced appetite and feel full after meals, along with a habit of drinking alcohol frequently. These symptoms could indicate a possible digestive issue caused by heavy alcohol use. Alcohol irritates the stomach, leading to less hunger and a feeling of fullness. To improve your appetite and stomach health, try reducing or eliminating alcohol, eat smaller meals more frequently, and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Remember, moderate alcohol consumption is key to maintaining overall health.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
too much stomach pain and headache
Male | 20
Underlying causes of stomach pain and headaches may include stress, poor diet, maybe even a stomach virus, etc. Drinking lots of water, eating light and easily digestible foods, and making sure to get some rest is best. If the pain persists or becomes more intense, it's advisable to go for a check-up from a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have a pain in the lower right side of my stomach. It feels palpable. It's been a day. Does it indicate any major problem?
Male | 36
The pain if it is stretched can be caused by different reasons like gas, constipation, or even the inflammation of a small infection. Sometimes, the pain can last for one or two days and then disappear on its own. However, if the pain becomes more severe, or you experience other symptoms such as fever or vomiting, consult a gastroenterologist for further instructions.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Is a hemorrhoid a firm/hard vein like lump close to anal area?
Female | 46
Yes, it could be hemorrhoid. However, it's important to note that not all lumps in this area are hemorrhoids. If you are experiencing any discomfort or notice any changes in the appearance of this area, it's best to visit a gastroenterologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Ulcerative colitis flare up or stomach bug?
Female | 18
Sometimes flare-ups of ulcerative colitis and stomach bugs show the same symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramps. However, a stomach bug is usually a short-lived infection that may disappear on its own while ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition that needs medical intervention. Visit a gastroenterologist who can effectively make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hii.. My father had done Bypass Surgery on 4th December 2021.But from today evening he is suffering from severe Gas and Acidity. Please help what to do..??
Male | 56
There could be many reasons for gas and acidity after bypass surgery, including diet changes, stress, medications, or surgery itself. Some of the symptoms can be bloating, burping, and heartburn. It is important that you advise him to take smaller meals, steer clear of spicy foods, stay upright after eating and ensure he takes sufficient water. In case none of this seems to help then do not hesitate to contact his physician immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I'm 25m I always have stomach heat and loose motion
Male | 25
Stomach heat and loose motions can happen due to gastroenteritis, food intolerance or allergies, or even stress and axiety. Stay hydrated by drinking fluids and try consuming bland, easily digestible foods.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
27 years old woke up having cold sweat. Body temperature very low and Feeling giddy. having watery diarrhoea
Male | 27
You may be down with gastroenteritis or stomach flu. The most common symptoms are chills, cold sweat, low body temperature, vertigo, and fluid-runny diarrhea. Lufta can be triggered by viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Consume more water to maintain proper body fluid balance or eat bland meals. .
Answered on 21st June '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have blood in my stool and want advice
Male | 24
Seeing blood in your stool can be concerning and may indicate a digestive issue or other health condition. It's important to consult a gastroenterologist, who specializes in digestive system problems. Please visit a gastroenterologist to get proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 21st June '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Have been having back pain and was prescribed zerodol for 5 days but I have gastric. NOW I am having some pain in chest after the completion of medication zerodol.
Female | 26
You could be suffering acid reflux which is the actual reason for a painful chest. Zerodol has the potential to occasionally cause stomach inflammation, which might have been the cause of your chest conditions. In this regard, try to eat smaller meals, avoid hot, spicy foods, and remain standing for some time after your meal. You might also consider talking to a pharmacist for advice on which over-the-counter medications are best for acid reflux.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Do we have treatment of Chronic Hpylori and duodinities. Please let us know.
Female | 37
Yes, there are treatments available for Chronic H. pylori infection and duodenitis. The treatment involves a combination of antibiotics and acid reducing medications to eradicate the bacteria and let the area heal. Consult a professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Most cases can be effectively managed and resolved with proper treatment and adherence to medical advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Babita Goel
I have frequent hiccups my eyes are watery and I sleep at night but after 5 days 7 days and 10 days I have hiccups the stomach is swollen for the past 6 months I have any physical problem No disease, no medicine
Male | 23
Hiccups are often temporary and harmless, but if there's swelling in stomach and symptoms are persistent or becoming chronic visit a gastroenterologist or neurologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have continuous hiccups from morning..can't control it
Male | 21
Hiccups are caused by a muscle under the lungs called the diaphragm getting agitated is the main reason behind it. This may be caused by the fact that you eat faster, are stressed, or swallow a lot of air. To deal with the hiccups, you can try holding your breath for a couple of seconds, then sipping cold water, or gently scaring yourself. If they persist for more than 48 hours, you should see a doctor.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
What does an elevated che level mean. 13766 U/L
Female | 36
This level of ASTE of 13766 UL could mean a problem with the liver or simply indicate that the disease is present. Consulting with a gastroenterologist or hepatologist is crucial for proper diagnosis and crafting an appropriate treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 34 years old My pancreas has been damaged
Male | 34
When the pancreas is injured, it can cause all sorts of problems. You may have terrible tummy aches, throw up a lot, and lose weight without trying to. A damaged pancreas could be the result of gallstones, or too much alcohol, or it might just run in your family. Eating well and staying away from booze is important. A gastroenterologist could prescribe some pills that would help you out and they might also recommend that you go on a special diet to make your pancreas feel better.
Answered on 27th May '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach pains after eating. Pre cancerous cells in cervix. Pcos Dull, cramping, aching
Female | 25
Do you experience dull, cramping, or achy feelings after meals? Those sensations might be indigestion or gas troubles. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), prevalent in women, can also bring stomach discomfort. But abnormal cervical cells usually don't directly impact belly pains. To ease post-meal woes, eat smaller portions more frequently. Avoid greasy, spicy foods too. Stay hydrated. If pains increase or persist, seek medical advice from a gynecologist promptly.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
Tb problem, gastric, fever
Male | 33
You might be suffering from tuberculosis which is characterized by gastric disorders and fever. Tuberculosis is a member of the group of bacillus bacteria. Symptoms can be weight loss, coughing, sweating at night, and chest pain. TB can affect the stomach, presenting as pain and appetite. The recommended action is to use antibiotic drugs over months of usage. Ensure you consume all your medicines as your medical practitioner describes it to you for the best results. Make sure to finish all your medication as prescribed by a gastroenterologist to get better.
Answered on 21st July '24
Dr. Samrat Jankar
So after having dinner i suddenly felt vomiting so while vomiting there was little blood what to do
Female | 24
As soon as you can, go to a gastroenterologist. The symptom of hematemesis – vomiting blood is a serious sign that must not be overlooked. It may refer to various diseases, including gastric ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining or even cancer. Only an expert can identify the underlying condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
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