Male | 34
Can I Regenerate My Damaged Pancreas at 34?
I am 34 years old My pancreas has been damaged

Surgical Gastroenterologist
Answered on 27th May '24
When the pancreas is injured, it can cause all sorts of problems. You may have terrible tummy aches, throw up a lot, and lose weight without trying to. A damaged pancreas could be the result of gallstones, or too much alcohol, or it might just run in your family. Eating well and staying away from booze is important. A gastroenterologist could prescribe some pills that would help you out and they might also recommend that you go on a special diet to make your pancreas feel better.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)
I’ve been experiencing pain on the left side of my stomach just below my ribs and my back also. It gets worse when I don’t eat
Female | 21
Pain on the left side of the stomach below the ribs, which worsens when not eating, could be caused by various factors. It could be gastrointestinal issues, like gastritis, or pancreatitis, among others. It could also be related to kidney problems, muscle strains, or other conditions.But you need to get a proper examination done to determine the cause .
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Digestive system not work properly
Male | 23
If our stomach isn't functioning properly, it can cause bloating, gas, and digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea. These issues might arise from eating too quickly, not drinking enough water, or stress. To improve digestion, try eating slowly, drinking plenty of water, and consuming more fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
Answered on 29th July '24
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I have been experiencing pain on the lower n upper part of my stomach for weeks sometimes it's worse than cramps n plus I feel my belly is enlarging n sometimes it reduces,on the upper part gets so painful when I try to press it down ,then it becomes hard at times though have not seen my periods for two months,what coul
Female | 19
The pain in the lower and upper parts of your stomach, the belly enlargement, and the missed periods could be signs of a serious condition. These symptoms can be the result of different problems like hormonal imbalances, ovarian cysts, or even pregnancy. You should consult a gastroenterologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
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nausea after eating, hot flashes, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort
Male | 18
This could be caused by bad food, a virus, or digestion issues. Try this: eat smaller meals, avoid spicy or fatty foods, and drink plenty of liquids. If you don't feel better soon, it's best to see a gastroenterologist. They can properly assess your condition and provide medication if needed.
Answered on 31st July '24
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Digestive system new plastic etiology
Female | 76
Symptoms such as the feeling of fullness, flatulence, or the fact that your bowels are not working as they normally do can be caused by various reasons: diet, tension, and infections. Gradually, simple changes in diet, drinking enough water, and stress control will help in dealing with these problems. A gastroenterologist may give you a comprehensive evaluation and personalized advice to manage your condition.
Answered on 13th Dec '24
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Incomplete bowel movement. The stool is either runny, balls or very sticky. Constant stomach pain especially when just woke up from a sleep/nap. It's been happening for over a year now. Sometimes can't evacuate at all even if I want. Green tea or hot drinks sometimes help and sometimes makes it worst
Other | 18
Inconsistent stool consistency, along with pain, can be linked to various factors, such as diet, hydration, stress, or gastrointestinal issues. It's great to hear that certain warm beverages offer some relief, but if symptoms persist, it’s essential to identify the underlying cause. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in fiber, staying hydrated, and managing stress can be helpful. However, given that this has been ongoing for over a year, I recommend consulting a gastroenterologist for a thorough evaluation and tailored guidance.
Answered on 27th Jan '25
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I 20 year female , i always have some digestion problem feeling bloating constipation and from 6-7 year i always had pimple on my face and neck and from last year my menstrual date always increase in every month's there is so many mood changes as well . Feeling like some cramp in my lower abdomen . Poop is also a problem . My weight is increasing slowly slowly even when i am not eating bad my stomach fat increase so much . How do i get rid off alll the problem
Female | 20
These symptoms could indicate a hormonal imbalance. A balanced nutrition plan, proper hydration, regular exercise routine, and stress management techniques might alleviate symptoms. However, consulting a gastroenterologist remains crucial for hormone evaluation and appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have bymistakely taken cooked fish gall bladder
Male | 19
Fish gallbladders contain toxins that humans can't process. Eating cooked ones may cause stomach issues, nausea, throwing up, and diarrhea. Drink water to flush toxins. See a gastroenterologist if symptoms are bad or continue. Be careful what you eat next time.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
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Gas formation,bloating heaviness after meal ie. Post meal fullness.please suggest remedy.
Male | 65
It looks like you're experiencing gas, bloating, and a feeling of fullness after eating. This could be due to eating too quickly, swallowing air, or consuming foods that are hard to digest. To reduce these symptoms, try eating more slowly, avoid fizzy drinks, and include probiotic foods like yogurt in your diet. Drinking peppermint tea might also help soothe your stomach.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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Acute stomach pain 1 days pain and pain area are in right side below diaphragm
Male | Aman Raj
It appears you are experiencing a pain in your stomach on the right side under the ribs. This might have appeared because of the trouble with your gallbladder, appendix, or muscle strain. Periodically digestion issues or gases can be a reason for this kind of pain. To get over it, consume light foods, drink water, and avoid fatty or spicy foods. If the pain intensifies or doesn't vanish, it is a must to see a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 8th July '24
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I FEAR DOCTORS!!! I was put in a coma in 2016 & was near death the 3rd day. I didn't come out of the coma till the 7th day. I found out last year, that my diagnoses was kept from me. I was told in 2016, it was only bc of trigeminal neuralgia, septic shock and ARDS. HOWEVER, I learned last year that I was also diagnosed with pulmonary edema, emphysema, a mild heart attack, a cyst on my right kidney, a damaged liver, they removed my gallbladder .... along with the Septic Shock, trigeminal neuralgia and ARDS!! I also saw that I was overdosed on the 3rd day in the coma on 1 of my epilepsy meds. I've been an epileptic since about a year old from a spider bite. So, throughout my life I've taken multiple meds. In 2016, I was taking 400mg of Lamictal, 300 mg of tegretol (which i was overdosed on in the coma) & I was also on 500mg of Dilantin then. I went to the hospital for weeks bc, my chest had been killing me, I had trouble breathing bc it hurt to take a breath, I got wicked headaches often, dizzy spells & body weakness. I was put in the coma the next day. Again I was only told about the Septic Shock, trigeminal neuralgia and ARDS. Shortly after the coma, my neurologist put me on 600 mg of Lamictal, 400mg of toprimate, 2000mg of levetiracetam & 1800 mg of felbamate. In 2019, my old neuro told me i had "mental issues". Throughout the years since, I've had sepsis 1 time & Septic shock twice. After I moved & found a new neurologist I learned that toprimate & Lamictal weren't for my type of epilepsy. Although i have seizures often, they were not helping my epilepsy or any of my health. I saw a neuro physiologist after my VNS battery was changed & he diagnosed me w late stage 1 alziemers due to the seizures, meds & 2 brain surgeries on my temperol lobe and agreed that Lamictal & toprimate weren't helping. My neurologist took me off toprimate but wanted to have my kidneys, liver & heart checked before he took me off Lamictal bc both levetiracetam and Felbamate can mess w those & taking me off Lamictal he plans on upping one of those. So he put me on Lamictal xr to help stop my dizzy spells & had me see a cardio, a pulmonary, a liver doc and a kidney doc. They saw the scaring on my heart & an irregular heart beat, the cyst on my right kidney, emphysema & my liver scared, w fatty tissue and enlarged to 21cm. When they asked me about pains and or unusual issues i had, I only told my neuro physiologist first, bc I remembered what my old docs put me through. Ive not been completely diagnosed bc my liver will swell up for weeks (& I know when it does bc pains r indescribable), but then the swelling will go down. I've chest pains when my liver swells, I also have periods when it hurts all around my stomach & back to stand up straight or sit straight up. My periods been irregular for years. I'll be incapable of eating sometimes bc of pain all around my stomach. The right side of my back is excruciating sometimes. I'm incapable of holding urine & sometimes I don't feel I have to go or realize I'm going. My urine is red every few weeks but will go back to almost orange or sometimes ... it'll look like water. My new doctors have seen it all in urine tests. My feet swell up sometimes to where my legs will hurt when I where socks bc theyre too tight. I don't get headaches as often now, but when I get them, the pain can't be explained. I've diarrhea constantly & I have for years. My shoulders were in unreal pain this past year a few times, for a few days. I'm not asking for a recommendation bc again, I fear doctors due to them overdosing me in a coma & keeping medical info & records from me. I just want an idea of what this is!! Yes I smoke. I have since I was 14 (26years). No I DO NOT AND WILL NOT DO DRUGS!!! Biggest reason being my epilepsy, but I've also lost a friend who gave his life to drugs when he got out of the military. I do smoke pot right before bed (I do it to put me in another world to help me sleep bc I have flashbacks of abuse from my x and honestly, i will say that sometimes it'll help the pain im in). I HAVEN'T TOUCHED ALCOHOL IN 3 YEARS! From the end of 2018 to 2020, I was an alcoholic due to doctors refusing to help me, abuse from my x and the pains I was experiencing. However, when I left my x, I stayed w christian friends & w/in 1 month, I gave my life to Christ ???? When pains act up or symptoms, I simply pray ?. BC God IS ? Im living proof to that!! He's the only reason I made it out of my coma. It's on the records that, they didn't comprehend my coming too. However, it's also on the records of an eeg when I was in it that I was having a dream while in the coma. (& Its A dream that I will never forget!!?) There's times when I'm indescribably nautious! The pains and issues I've explained come and go non stop. What is this and why is it ignored by my new docs who tested everything and diagnosed what was found?
Female | 40
According to your symptoms, it is critical for you to see gastroenterologist in order that the doctor will make proper evaluation and diagnosis. The symptoms show that you may be suffering from gastrointestinal concerns like liver disease and kidney complications. Prompt addressing these issues will prevent further complexities. We suggest to visit a specialist who will give you the necessary treatment and care.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I was very young around 2 years old when I was diagnosed with inguinal hernia then when I was 6 and half I had a surgery and after sometime hernia reoccurred since then I am living with inguinal hernia size of testicles is enlarged and my penis is short like that of kid
Male | 18
A condition like inguinal hernia happens when intestine bulges through a weak spot near your tummy. It causes pain, swelling, or a lump by your groin. Surgery fixes it sometimes. But if hernia returns after surgery, discuss treatment options with your doctor. Enlarged testicle and shorter penis might relate to hernia. So, mention these concerns to your healthcare provider for further solutions.
Answered on 26th June '24
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My 3 year old boy suffering from stomach ache since a week ago I have consulted a doctor he suggested me to to give Anafortan syrup for severe abdominal pain After giving Anafortan syrup also there is no relief from stomach ache My question is can I give colic acid after giving Anafortan 5 hrs after
Male | 3
Stomach aches in children can be caused by infections, constipation, or food sensitivities. Anafortan is a medicine meant to relieve pain, but it may not always work. Combining Anafortan with Colic Acid can sometimes be unsafe. It’s important not to experiment with medicines, especially those for children. Instead, talk to a gastroenterologist before giving your child any new medicine. The doctor can suggest safer and more effective ways to help your child feel better.
Answered on 22nd Nov '24
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Gastroenterology problem
Female | 51
Gastrointestinal issues can show up as pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or heartburn. A regular diet, for good management of behavior or joy, or curative purposes, is one of the most valid causes. To reduce symptoms, you can keep a food journal along with recording your meals to discover triggers, be aware of your hydration, and eat at least three servings of fiber-rich foods per day. You can also try some over-the-counter medications to deal with the discomfort. On the other hand, when the symptoms continue or get worse, it is very important to consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 7th Dec '24
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Hello. I am 23 years old and I've had heartburn for more than 3 years. Last year in April I took Dexilant 60mg for about 2 weeks and my symptoms were gone for about 2 months. However, the symptoms started coming back after that and I've been having heartburn almost every day since then. I've occasionally been using Pepcid Complete for my symptoms but I know that this isn't a permanent solution. So can you please tell me when I should be worried about heartburn and what kind of treatments are there for heartburn?
Male | 23
Seek medical attention as it could indicate an underlying issue like GERD. It can be treated with lifestyle changes, over the counter medications (antacids and H2 blockers), and prescription medications. Untreated heartburn can lead to complications, so don't delay seeking help. Consult with a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’m 27 y/o already married for 8 months. Yesterday I go to private clinic and did an abdominal ultrasound. But the doctor did not explained to me detail about the result of my scan. I do have picture of my scan. Can you please help me explain result of my scan? Thank you in advanced
Female | 27
Trying to treat this with one of the diseases rather than a hormonal shift or malnutrition is just one of the issues that come to make us fall ill. That's just a small part of what you can do to assist a healthcare professional in evaluating your health. They can provide the necessary information about your health status and can also guide you in the decision-making process to find a solution to your medical issue. I should be amiss if I helped you answer everything and did not stress the importance of your gastroenterologist approval of the solutions. If you want to discuss this with your doctor after the appointment, you do not have to wait for an answer. You have the right to healthcare and, in this matter, jockeying with a skilled liar remains the last resort.
Answered on 4th Jan '25
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मेरी बेटी के कई दिन से दस्त बंद नहीं हो रहे
Female | 0
Loose motions which are caused by infections, food poisoning, or even too much juice can be the reasons. Give your child plenty of fluids to remain hydrated. Offer her light foods such as rice, banana, and toast besides. However, if it still does not improve; it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 26th June '24
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Due to wartbin my genitals doctor asked to undergo HBS test and I got report with below value *Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs)* (Serum,CMIA) observed value 61 mIU/ml. Does that mean I am hepatitis b resistant and need not to worry?
Male | 35
The value of 61 mIU/ml for your HBs antibody is good! In other words, your body won with a hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatitis B is a virus that puts the liver at risk and may lead to yellowing of the skin, tiredness, and stomach pain. You are safe from the hepatitis B infection with your current value.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
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Hello. I have been diagnosed with underactive thyroid since 3 weeks and I was prescribe with L Thyroxin 25. On the 1st week I started to take it everyday in the morning 30 min before breakfast, everything was fine. Then on 2nd week, I started again my birth control pills which is Asumate 30. And from the moment that I have started again my birth control pills and the L Thyroxin 25, I have been having diarrhea problem for 2 weeks until today still on going. I am not sure what is the issue , can you help please ?
Female | 28
I think you might have a stomach upset. When you take birth control pills with L Thyroxin, you might experience diarrhea. This could mean that the combo is affecting your gut. Keep yourself hydrated and consider taking the drugs at different times during the day. If it doesn’t stop, talk to a doctor so they can advise accordingly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello Dr, I got gall bladder removed operation last year in October 2023but from few days I am feeling lih Ght pain in abdomen and stomach too hard, I am very upset please reply why.
Female | 39
You may be dealing with post-cholecystectomy syndrome. After the gallbladder removal, some people may still experience these ongoing symptoms which are abdominal pain and a hard stomach. This can occur due to reasons such as bile reflux or sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. To help soothe the difficult symptoms, eat small frequent meals, exclude fatty foods, and drink enough water. Moreover, it would be advisable to discuss your symptoms with a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
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- I am 34 years old My pancreas has been damaged