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Female | 22

هل الشفرين الأسودين والاحمرار حالة خطيرة؟

الجزء العلوي من الشفرين الخاص بي أسود والجانب لا يوجد به الشفرين الجانبيين، الجلد الجانبي للشفرين احمرار ولكن لا توجد أعراض. ​​وإفرازات الشفرين البيضاء الخاصة بي جو نيكالا ناي فقط الشفرين الجانبيين لكل lga hota حالتي خطيرة ؟؟؟ غير متزوجة

الدكتور هيمالي باتيل

طبيب أمراض النساء والتوليد

Answered on 13th Sept '24

ربما تعانين من تغير لون الشفرين وكذلك بعض الاحمرار. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لقد أخبرت عن الإفرازات البيضاء أيضًا. يمكن أن تكون هذه الأعراض لأسباب مثل العدوى أو التهيج. يجب أن تبقى المنطقة نظيفة وجافة. إذا كانت الأعراض لا تزال موجودة أو تزداد سوءًا، فاطلب المساعدة من أحدطبيب نسائي.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3808)

I am currently on phentermine for weight loss and metformin for insulin resistance. I also take vitamins b12,d3,water pills,and vaginal ph balance vitamins. I'm currently on the depo Provera birth control shot once every 3 months. My last shot was feb.13th. I have had more frequent headaches for 2 weeks and ive lost a lot of weight the past 2 weeks and im also very fatigued everyday. To add to it. Ive been more emotional and moody. My moods are all over the place. I recently had bleeding for about 8 days (march22nd to April 1st) it wasn't heavy at all (I didn't need a pad or anything), but it was red. Not dark. Bright light red. It had suddenly started. Lasted for 8 days and then suddenly stopped. I never bleed because im on depo. Maybe an occasional spotting for a few hours every 3 or 4 months, but never actual bleeding. I thought it was odd so I took a pregnancy test. Faint positive. So took 4 more and they were all faint positives. Both red and blue dye tests. I had no cramping while I was bleeding, but now I'm having slight tightness in my lower belly and some upper back pain. Dull back pain. What could this possibly mean?

Female | 23

You need to go to the gynecologist for professional assessment. According to the symptoms, phentermine, metformin, and Depo Provera may be hindering your menstrual cycles and hormonal balance. Blood and home pregnancy test kits may indicate the chance of pregnancy, but confirmation with additional tests is important. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

The thing is I had an unprotected intercourse last month and a mistake actually happen and I ought to use postinor 2 for the first time to prevent any form of pregnancy. But after that my period did not flow well that month so I actually thought it's may be due to the drug so I waited the next month to see if there will be changes although it's doesn't flow much like before again but it's still better than the last period but the issues now is that am still seeing it after 5days which is my normal period length and it's going to like 8days now?

Female | 22

Your menstrual cycle­ seems differe­nt after Postinor 2. That's normal. The eme­rgency pill can affect periods. You might ble­ed irregularly or your flow changes. It de­pends how your body reacts. If issues continue­, talk to your doctor. Different people­ have varied response­s to medicines.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Sir my foetus heartbeat is 107 bpm And haemorrhagic cyst on my left ovar baby have bradycardia plz give me suggestion

Female | 29

A fetal heart rate of 107 bpm may be normal, but the presence of a haemorrhagic cyst and bradycardia requires further investigation by a specialist. Please do not delay seeking medical attention from a qualified OB/GYN.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Missed period from last 2 month

Female | 18

Pregnancy, stress and weight changes or even some medical conditions are just a few examples which could result to prolonged absence of menstruation for two consecutive months. In such a situation, it is advisable to see a gynecologist who will do physical examination followed with tests and diagnose the underlying condition. For evaluation and treatment, you can see a gynecologist or an obstetrician.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

Hi my name is Sandra so today I was having sex with my guy and I saw blood .and according to me I am not on my periods so apparently blood was coming from his penis can that affect me coz I am afraid

Female | 19

Any reason for blood during or after given should be taken seriously. In this case, it is highly recommended that you consult a specialist in gynecology/urology to identify the problem. Given the diagnosis, it can be specified whether the bleeding is menstrual or another underlying reason is there for it. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Inverted Nipple problem, erected while performing excercise, with contact of water , sexual intercourse

Male | 16

Nipples can some­times stick out during exercise­, contact with water, or arousal during intimacy. This happens due to muscle­ movements and blood flow changes. Common signs are­ nipples turning inward. To address this, using nipple shie­lds or gentle pushing can help nipple­s protrude and remain ere­ct during these activities.

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

I have missed my periods for 2 months

Female | 21

Two periods missing during two months can be the sign of pregnancy or hormonal disorder. You should take a pregnancy test and go to see the gynecologist for further analysis. Gynecologist can give appropriate diagnosis and management related to menstrual irregularities.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I am 24 years old my last period was on 25 April and after that on 3rd june I got brown discharge for two days , am I pregnant?

Female | 24

There are many different reasons why someone may experience brown discharge after their period. It is not necessarily an indication of pregnancy. It could be caused by hormonal changes, stress, or irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Feeling tired all the time, nausea, or tenderness in your breasts can be signs and symptoms that suggest you might be pregnant. To be sure, take a home pregnancy test. 

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Hi there! My last period startee on October 27th and lasted 5 days. I had protected sex with a condom on november 18th and my period was supossed to begin on november 28th but now is four days late. Are there chances that I may be pregnant? We did not notice that the condom broke!

Female | 26

Yes, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Use a home pregnancy test or consult with your doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Bhogle

Is there any treatment of pedunculated submucosal fibroid in uterine fundus in ayurveda? If yes, how much time it will take?

Female | 29

Pedunculate­d submucosal fibroid in the uterine fundus is a growth type­. Occurring in uterus, causing heavy periods, pain and pre­ssure. In Ayurveda, herbal re­medies, diet change­s, lifestyle adjustments may tre­at it. Time to improve depe­nds on individual and condition severity. Consulting qualified Ayurve­dic practitioner is vital for personalized guidance­ on this condition.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I took unwanted 72 on February 12, 2024, and today I got my period on February 25, and

Female | 26

I suggest you consult a gynecologist about the use of emergency contraceptive pills like Unwanted 72. In addition to being a safe and effective way of contraception, it may cause irregular periods and side effects. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Why I m getting uti after every periods. I have completed antibiotic coarse 3 times . But again it comes back. I got 3 times uti within 4 months

Female | 34

You're de­aling with frequent UTIs after your pe­riod. Bacteria cause UTIs by ente­ring your bladder. You might feel pain or burning whe­n urinating. You may need to pee­ often and urine may look cloudy. After me­nstrual flow, bacteria can enter the­ bladder more easily. Drink ple­nty of water. Pee afte­r sexual activity. Wear cotton underpants. The­se steps can help pre­vent UTIs.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

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