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Female | 34

هل يمكن أن يؤثر قرص pierood المؤجل على الحمل دون علم؟

زوجتي دس قرص تأخير pireod. لكننا لا نعرف أنها حامل

الدكتور هيمالي باتيل

طبيب أمراض النساء والتوليد

Answered on 31st July '24

إذا تناولت زوجتك أقراص تأخير الدورة الشهرية ولكنها لم تدرك أنها حامل، فابحث عن أعراض مثل الغثيان وألم الثدي والتعب. قد يكون من الخطير تأجيل الدورة الشهرية أثناء الحمل لأنه قد يؤثر على الجنين. ولضمان سلامة الأم والطفل على حد سواء، ينصح بالامتناع عن استخدام الحبوب واستشارة أطبيب نسائي.

82 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3828)

I had an ipill and had inetercourse within 12-15 hrs or taking the pill do I need to take another one

Female | 25

If you had an emergency contraceptive pill within 12-15 hours of intercourse, you are usually protected. It's common to experience changes in your period after taking the pill. Wait for your next period; if it's late or abnormal, do a pregnancy test. Also, using regular birth control methods is important to prevent pregnancy in the future.

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

I have doubts related to pcod and pregnancy

Female | 25

PCOD is a common hormonal disorder in women who are of reproductive age. Disruption of the menstrual cycle can occur, as well as a significant rise in gestational diabetes and blood pressure. A visit to a gynecologist who concentrates on fertility and reproductive endocrinology is suggested to tackle PCOD and pregnancy problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Can a boy with B+ blood group and girl with B- blood group marry and have healthy kids?

Male | 30

Your child needs to be reviewed by pediatric Neurologist for any red flags.  He will need multidisciplinary team approach including occupational therapist, sensory integration, applied behaviour therapy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sneha Pawar

Dr. Sneha Pawar

Hello My periods are missed for 15 days when I checked in prega news it showed light pink at t but I don't have any symptoms please suggest.

Female | 27

There are several causes of missed periods, such as pregnancy, stress, hormonal disorders or any other underlying illnesses. Tests and procedures can be done by a gynecologist, who also gives the necessary treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

My ovaletion occur sir My doctor told me there is no problm to concieve with hemorrhage cyst and suggest me take a dydroboon tablet for 10days I'm not having any trouble from cyst doctor also told don't about it

Female | 30

Ovulation can happen even in women with hemorrhagic cysts but look at the size and the kind of cyst. It is always advised to see a gynecologist who is an expert when it comes to cysts for a thorough examination and treatment plan. Please take prescribed drugs and go for regular check-ups 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

I am a 22 year old female and I had a medical abortion 4 days ago. I took the oral pill but then vomited a very few minutes later. I inserted the rest 48 hours later and I bled. I really regret doing this and I can’t help but feel guilty. My breasts still feel sore and I’m still feeling tired. Could my baby be still alive? I really hope so. And when can I take a scan to check if the abortion failed? which I’m really hoping for.

Female | 22

After you have your medical abortion, it’s quite natural that you will experience breast tenderness and tiredness for a couple of days. Nausea after taking the jumpstart pill may have compromised its effectiveness but by placing the remaining dose inside a vagina, you have helped the medication. If you still feel unsure of the present status of the child, a scan in 1-2 weeks will be needed to confirm. 

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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