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Female | 33

Possible Pregnancy with Irregular Periods

Is it possible you can be preg while seeing your periods 3 times a month,,let's first week it was just a dot then next week 3 days over flowing then last week the flowing is tomuch.l wanna know the reason

1 Answer

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Pregnancy is not possible if you have­ your menstrual cycle. The change­s in your period's amount and duration could result from various factors. For example­, hormone imbalances, stress, or e­ven certain medical conditions. Consulting a gynecologist is advisable to de­termine the pre­cise cause. The profe­ssional can then provide appropriate tre­atment. 

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4874)

During precum his penis touched his hand and he did fingering with same hand. Can i get pregnant?

Female | 20

No, that is not possible. Sperm needs to directly enter the vagina and travel up to the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg.

Answered on 6th Mar '25

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I had an intimacy last week Wednesday and evening I took Lydia contraceptive, Friday I took just one tablet of postinor 2 .. Yesterday was my ovulation day and I saw blood spots it's not yet time for me to menstruate does it mean am pregnant

Female | 20

Spotting doesn't nece­ssarily indicate pregnancy. Emerge­ncy contraceptives can disrupt your menstrual cycle­, leading to irregular blee­ding. This stems from hormonal fluctuations within your body. Wait for your period before­ panicking. If it doesn't arrive, take a pre­gnancy test for reassurance or talk to your gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A.o.a Dr SB mjhe vagina infection bht zada hai kharish bht zada hoti phr Pani ana start ho jata. Especially hair removal k bd jb choty bal ane start hoty bht kharish hoti infection ho jata

Female | 32

You may have vaginal infection, which manifests in the form of itching and white discharge. It is advisable to see a gynecologist that will identify and manage your condition in an amicable way. Also, it is recommended not to use any aggressive soaps or perfumes at the genital and follow good hygiene rules.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi Doctor, can someone that has given birth with scissors due to high blood pressure be able to give birth normally for the second time?

Female | 28

Hey, consult with the OBGYN or gynecologist who is experienced with complicated pregnancies. They have the capability to review the patient’s medical history to make specific suggestions depending on the individual case. Get professional advice from a health care provider before going ahead with conceiving again.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Periods time ayy sex kora jaba

Female | 19

HAVING SEX during periods is safe and common. It doesn't affect your health. Use protection to prevent sexually transmitted infections.. Cramping can be helped with a heating pad. Changing pads/tampons frequently is important.. Consult a doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have had my period for 2 weeks since November 19th it started off so light it would be one day blood the next no blood then all of a sudden super heavy period and it haven’t stopped

Female | 21

irregular PERIODS can be NORMAL, but two weeks is excessive. It's important to see a doctor to identify the underlying cause. There are many possible reasons, including HORMONAL imbalances, thyroid problems, FIBROIDS, or polyps.. Your doctor may recommend a pelvic exam, an ultrasound, or blood tests to identify the problem..It's important to address this issue as excessive bleeding can lead to anemia and other complications. Don't hesitate to seek medical attention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had protected intercourse 15 day ago and after that on 1st December I had unprotected intercourse but after 1hr I had contraceptive i-pill. My date was 7th November and today is 3rd November and I have symptoms of periods but fever from yesterday. And I am having something very tiny discharge of white color I guess because can't even see it clearly. What is that. And when will my periods come. I'm I pregnant??

Female | 21

FEVER may not be related to PREGNANCY.. Tiny discharge is NORMAL.. I-Pill is EFFECTIVE within 72 hours of intercourse.. CONTRACEPTIVES can sometimes alter MENSTRUAL CYCLES.. Symptoms may indicate PERIODS coming soon.. If no periods in a week, take a PREGNANCY TEST..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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