पुरुष | 19
هل أحتاج إلى علاج السكتة الدماغية لمشكلتي؟
سيدي، لدي مشكلة عصبية، السكتة الدماغية تحتاج إلى علاج سيدي.

جراح أعصاب
Answered on 25th Sept '24
السكتة الدماغية هي مشكلة في الجهاز العصبي يمكن أن تسبب أعراضًا مثل الضعف وصعوبة التحدث والارتباك. يحدث ذلك عندما يتحرم الدماغ من الأكسجين بسبب انسداد الأوعية الدموية أو انفجار الأوعية الدموية. يختلف علاج السكتة الدماغية وقد يشمل الأدوية أو العلاج أو الجراحة. أفضل فرصة للشفاء هي أن تصل إلى المستشفى في أسرع وقت ممكن.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)
I am 18 years old boy and I have very mild epilepsy and I am on medication and not getting seizures. I want to take L- Citrulline as a pre-workout supplement. Is it safe ?
Male | 18
L-Citrulline is a supplement that is usually safe, but if you have epilepsy and are already taking medication, it is better to be careful. L-Citrulline may interfere with the medication you are taking for epilepsy, so it is best to consult a neurologist before introducing it to your routine. Your doctor will make sure it won't create any difficulties for you.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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Actually one of my friend who is of 19 years old has taken overdose of medicine..she has taken flunarizin dihydrochloride 6-7 tablet....will it effect or not??
Female | 19
Maybe your friend will be feeling that she/he is very sleepy, very dizzy, or may lose consciousness. This occurs because the body is overwhelmed by the drug. It is crucial to take the right steps immediately and calling emergency services is an important one. They will give the needed treatment so that your friend can heal.
Answered on 1st July '24
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Headache in brain and negative feelings
Male | 26
You may get headache from many factors: stress and dehydration among them. Intense feelings may lead to other headaches, for example, anxiety and depressions. Talking to experts is important to help you identify the cause and get the proper treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm a practitioner in Navimumbai since 30yrs and my grand child 9months old normal mile stones till now normal , has started showing typical stereotyped movements in the upper limbs and my daughter being a ophthalmologist feels it is like infantile spasms. I'm worried. She stays in chattisgarh. What can be done? Kindly help Dr.
Male | 9months
Jerky motions in a baby's arms may be infantile spasms, a seizure disorder common around this age. These sudden twitches in limbs need medical care quickly. See a pediatric neurologist soon for proper tests and plan. Early action matters to avoid issues and help the baby's growth.
Answered on 13th Aug '24
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i am 33 year old female 4 days back i started suffering from a terrible head ache and feeling weak now i am noticing my lymp nodes behind my ears are swollen and my eyes i painful today they where swollen what might be the cause
Female | 33
Severe headaches, weakness, swollen lymph nodes behind the ears, and painful, swollen eyes could indicate an infection, possibly sinusitis, which is the inflammation of the sinuses. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids, and apply warm compresses to the eyes to reduce swelling. If the symptoms persist, seek medical evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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I am feeling sick mentally and very stressed for the past one week and before that I used to in this state and can recover with in 1 or 2 days but now a days even after a I feel the same
Female | 28
If you have been feeling mentally sick and highly stressed for an extended period, it is important to seek support from a doctor who can help you. they may recommend therapy, counseling, medication, or a combination of approaches to help you recover.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Prostrate gland enlargement treatment
Male | 63
Prostate gland enlargement treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and whether or not a person is generally healthy. Mild cases can be treated with lifestyle changes and medications, while severe cases may need to undergo surgery. A health professional should be sought for proper evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can you please suggest some nontropics medicines which can remove Amyloid Plaques from the brain ?
Male | 53
Amyloid plaques in the brain are associated with memory issues and confusion which are typical of Alzheimer's disease. Nontropic drugs which are the drugs being studied for their possible use in removing the plaques are still in the research phase. Currently, there isn't a particular medicine that can do this. Consuming a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and stimulating your mind are all great ways to support brain health.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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Hi what causes fatigue , chest pain , pressure in my head , weakness in my left arm and leg , irregular heartbeat , I have bad dental and a lump at the base of my skull , low blood pressure
Female | 30
From what you describe, carotid artery disease could be causing your issues. This condition blocks blood vessels in your neck. It can lead to tiredness, chest discomfort, head pressure, and left arm/leg weakness. The irregular heartbeat, poor dental health, and skull base lump may relate. Reduced blood flow from the blockage could cause low blood pressure. To properly address this, seeking medical evaluation and treatment is vital.
Answered on 26th July '24
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I have headaches daily from 1 month this is gradually increasing day by day it occurs sometimes on the back and upper part of brain
Male | 17
Your pain in the back and upper part of the head is a possible indication of tension headaches. These issues may originate from stress, sleep deprivation, and bad posture. Keep your shoulders down, sleep well, and straighten your back. If you experience persistent headaches, it is better to consult a neurologist.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
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I am 17 and I’ve had lumps in my head since I was a little girl, I sometimes have headaches, I just wanna know what they are
Female | 17
When your body battles illnesses, small lumps called lymph nodes help fight infections. At times, they become swollen on your head. These bean-shaped lumps could provoke headaches. You should visit a neurologist to find out more.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I'm a 21 year old female and I've been having headaches on the top part for like a week now, I've also been dizzy sometimes and I feel like vomiting.
Female | 21
Speak with a neurologist to know the main cause of your headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Some possible causes include migraines, tension headaches, and viral infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Aaj morning se sir me pain ho raha hai Vaisograin tablet bhi Li par koi releif nahi hua
Female | 24
Headaches can arise in many ways, for example, stress, lack of sleep, or even looking at screens for too long can cause them. It's better to lie in a peaceful place, drink a lot of plain water, and abstain from excessive screen time. If the pain persists, you need to go to a doctor and get a thorough checkup done.
Answered on 2nd July '24
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I’m a 26 year old female who is a diagnosed epileptic. I have been taking 200mg of lamotrigine since January. However I’m still having frequent seizures and cluster seizures so I’m looking to see if I could get an additional medication prescribed alongside the lamotrigine to support my symptoms and gain more control over my seizures.
Female | 26
It’s important to tell a neurologist about those symptoms again. Sometimes taking another medicine such as levetiracetam or valproate can help to bring seizures under control. These drugs act in different ways to help lower the chances of having a seizure. Your doctor will be able to advise you better on what treatment plan will suit you most appropriately.
Answered on 27th May '24
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Is there treatments or cure to AVM? He encounters seizures often
Male | 26
There are treatment options available to manage the conditions, like surgery, endovascular embolization, radiosurgery, or observation. Seizures, a common complication, can be controlled with medication. Consult a neurosurgeon or a neurologist near you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm 21 years old and I take the 2 capsule of the vitamin e 400g and I didn't sleep well and my brain is too much heavy
Male | 21
Seems that insomnia and the sensation that your brain is heavy might have appeared after you consumed two 400mg Vitamin E capsules. The reason is that Vitamin E overdose suppresses the nervous system and symptoms like insomnia which may be accompanied by feelings of confusion. Get enough hydration, eat well, and stay away from Vitamin E.
Answered on 14th June '24
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Head pain problems back said too painful my self
Male | 36
Your head hurts and your back too. This can be a result of nervousness, worry, and you might not even notice your sitting or looking at a screen. Give yourself time to walk around, stretch, and perform relaxation methods. You can also apply a warm compress to the painful areas and exercise walking Somewhat slow, easy walking, and jogging are also good for the body. And if the pain is still there, let a specialist examine it.
Answered on 19th June '24
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Hi sir / mam My self Paras Agrawal from Indore , I am having sharp headache one just above the right side eye . Pls guide me for cure and treatment .
Male | 35
You probably have a migraine. A migraine can be characterized by a very severe stabbing headache over one side of the head. Other symptoms you may encounter are light and sound sensitivity. Stress, a lack of sleep, some foods, or hormonal changes are among the common causes. For example, you can use these methods if you have headaches: try to rest in a dark, quiet room, drink plenty of water, and avoid triggers like caffeine and processed foods.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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Watery eyes headache felling ansious
Male | 28
Watery eyes cause issues. Headaches too. Anxiety hits hard sometimes. There are reasons why. Allergies may happen. Sinus troubles start problems. Anxious feelings also trigger symptoms. Deep breaths may help. Stay hydrated too. If issues continue, see a neurologist.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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My son is 5yrs old. He is suffering by autism. What are the treatment here for the autism?
Male | 5
The signs in kids may involve having trouble with social interactions, repeating certain behaviors, and speech being delayed. As of now, there is no known cause for this condition. Treatment can consist of different therapies such as occupational therapy which focuses on skills needed for day-to-day living, behavioral therapy aims at managing symptoms so they don’t interfere too much with life quality, or even just speech therapy if that’s where most help seems necessary. Be sure to team up with a neurologist who will assist in coming up with a treatment plan that best fits your son.
Answered on 8th June '24
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