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Female | 17

What are the lumps on my head causing headaches?

I am 17 and I’ve had lumps in my head since I was a little girl, I sometimes have headaches, I just wanna know what they are

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

When your body battle­s illnesses, small lumps called lymph node­s help fight infections. At times, the­y become swollen on your he­ad. These bean-shape­d lumps could provoke headaches. You should visit a neurologist to find out more. 

45 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I'm having stroke symptoms

Female | 19

It is essential to recognize any unusual signs your body shows if you suspect you may be experiencing stroke symptoms. These signs can include sudden numbness or weakness in your face, arms, or legs. A stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when your brain doesn’t receive enough blood, usually due to an artery being blocked by a blood clot. If you notice these symptoms, call emergency services immediately.

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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I am paraplegic due to spine Tumour is it can be recovered may I walk again?

Female | 28

Spine tumour leading to paraplegia is a disease that requires specialist care. It is best to work with a neurologist or spine specialist who will evaluate your situation and advise you of any possible treatment alternatives. Recovery, that is to walk again is dependent upon the tumour type and extent of spinal cord damage.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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माझे वय 65 वर्ष आहे मला मागील 2 वर्षांपासून गुडघेदुखी चा त्रास आहे मला चालायला पण त्रास होतो आणि चालत नसताना पण म्हणजे आराम करत असलो तरी खूप गुडघे दुखतात

पुरुष | 65

नी रेपलेसमेत छान राहील .. ऑपरेशन नंतर सर्वे नॉर्मल होते

Answered on 4th July '24

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I'm 21 years old and I take the 2 capsule of the vitamin e 400g and I didn't sleep well and my brain is too much heavy

Male | 21

Seems that insomnia and the sensation that your brain is heavy might have appeared after you consumed two 400mg Vitamin E capsules. The reason is that Vitamin E overdose suppresses the nervous system and symptoms like insomnia which may be accompanied by feelings of confusion. Get enough hydration, eat well, and stay away from Vitamin E. 

Answered on 14th June '24

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I have diagnosed epilepsy, and I currently take 200mg of lamotrigine. I am still experiencing frequent seizures and also cluster seizures. I would like to discuss if I would have any options to add another medication alongside lamotrigine to try and control my seizures.

Female | 26

You’re still having seizures despite taking lamotrigine. It’s a medication commonly used for epilepsy. When seizures continue, adding another medication may help control them. Your doctor may suggest options such as levetiracetam or valproic acid. These medicines work in different ways to prevent seizures. Discuss with your doctor to find the best option for you.

Answered on 11th June '24

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I just need to make sure there’s nothing wrong with me. I’m in a lot I’m feeling diffuseness like under the rib pain incredibly dry mouth sore eyes forgetfulness, nausea, wheezing chest pain

Female | 14

I listened to your worries about being unwell and describing different symptoms. What you feel, for example, like down at the liver, no saliva, the eyes are so sore, and nausea, could be one of the many possible reasons, including strain, allergy, or dryness that might be the cause. To treat issues like these, you need to look at the whole picture. Keep drinking water, sleeping, and lowering stress levels. However, this magic can be a call for professional help as well. My advice is to see a healthcare professional so that they can screen you fully. They will help you personally with the right advice and health care you need to get better.

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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