Female | 21
اليوم أتناول حبوب منع الحمل وتأخرت دورتي الشهرية، فمتى يجب أن أبدأ بتناول حبوب منع الحمل؟

طبيب أمراض النساء والتوليد
Answered on 23rd May '24
بعد تناول حبوب منع الحمل الطارئة وتأخر الدورة الشهرية، من المهم استشارة أطبيب نسائيقبل البدء بأي دواء لتنظيم الدورة الشهرية. يمكنهم تقديم إرشادات شخصية بناءً على حالتك.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3792)
It is possible for pregnancy 7 day of her period
Female | 22
You can get pregnant even a week after your periods. This happens due to ovulation - egg release from ovaries. You might then experience missed periods, tiredness, and nausea if pregnant. Using protection during intimacy lowers pregnancy risk.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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I'm 19 yrs old.. previously patient of hyperthyroidism from past 2 yrs.. Now having multiple symptoms like.. sudden lower abdomen pain any of the day, periods happening twice a month , gap between 2 cycle lasts only 10-12 days, bleeding also for 7-8 days... Belly fat increased, tired all day, sometimes severe itching in labia's
Female | 19
The symptoms you have mentioned are caused by hyperthyroidism. These imbalances can affect your period too and result in what you explained. You need to talk to a doctor about these signs so that they can suggest treatment plans and also ensure that your levels of thyroid are being properly taken care of.
Answered on 3rd June '24
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I am not confirmed that I am pregnant, but my first period after pregnancy came late and I have not had my period since last one month: what is the reason?
Female | 21
Your body may be changing. If you are not pregnant, your period can be late for many reasons such as stress or hormonal changes. This may lead to irregular cycles. Look out for other symptoms you may experience. If your period does not return within a few months or if you have other concerns, it would be best to talk to a gynecologist who will give you advice according to your specific needs.
Answered on 29th May '24
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Can I be pregnant from grinding on a penis w nothing on and no condom but he was never inside of me and he never came?
Female | 18
A pregnancy may take place if the semen comes into any contact with the vaginal area, whether there is a penetration or ejaculation. It is imperative to have barrier protection while engaging in any type of sexual activity because this way you and your partner will be prevented from having unwanted pregnancies and from contracting sexually transmitted infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a sexually active 16 year female, with a period last on MAY 8th and its over 11 days late. When should I take a pregnancy test?
Female | 16
You can take a pregnancy test as soon as you miss your period. Since it's already 11 days late, it is a good time to take the test now. If you have any concerns or need further guidance, please visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 19th June '24
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I am mansi and 20 years old. My periods are missed from last 2 months.
Female | 20
Missing periods may be caused by one of the many reasons. Stress, dressings in weight, hormonal imbalances, or even excessive exercise can be the causes of it. The most common are having abdominal distension or being easily fatigued. To stay healthy, you should try to relax, eat well, and avoid an unhealthy routine. If your periods don't reappear soon, seeing a gynecologist for more advice is a good idea.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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My boyfriend and I having sex after 4 days of my menstruation, but he didn't cum inside me, I'm just wondering why there's gurgling sound in my tummy? My last menstruation was on feb 20 something and now it's march 25?
Female | 23
Normal gurgling sounds come from your tummy, mainly after sex. Gas movement through intestines causes these noises. At times, excessive gas can amplify the sounds. No worries if they disappear quickly. However, pain or bloating accompanying the gurgling requires attention. Try smaller meals and avoid gas-inducing foods. Stay hydrated and keep moving to aid digestion. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a gynecologist for proper guidance.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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I am 30 years old last month 26/07 date for menses but this month no menses what reason but two year before family planning..
Female | 30
Women can have irregular menstrual cycles, particularly if family planning has taken place before. Stress, weight fluctuations, or hormonal imbalances can also be the reasons for prolonged menstruation. If you suspect that you are pregnant, do a home pregnancy test. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and effective stress management will help to balance your cycle. If the issue still persists, then it is better to consult your gynecologist.
Answered on 4th Sept '24
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Can i take i pill in month 2 , 3 time ? Can i
Female | 19
The I pill is a type of emergency contraceptive that is only supposed to be used when necessary. Taking it often can lead to menstrual cycle issues, therefore, causing irregular bleeding, and hormonal imbalance. Regarding emergency contraception, the use of regular birth control methods should be the first option. If you often need emergency contraception, it may be best to consult a gynecologist about more effective long-term options.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
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according to my period tracker , period ended on 27th february . previous month it ended on 3rd january. my period usually is 4 days. 4th day bleeding is almost not there. i had sexual activity (not penetrative sex) on 3rd march and sex with condom on 4th march but he came inside the condom while having sex. according to my app, on 4rd march it was ovulation in 3 days. then i had sex on 8th march and according to app day of ovulation was 7th march. during sex on 8th march there was light pink bleeding all over the bedsheet. i took an I-pill the same day after 2 hours of sex. I am now seeing whitish discharge from vagina sometimes. i have checked position of cervix, it is low and kind of hard and kind of open. what has happened?
Female | 26
There are normal bodily changes that happen monthly. You likely had light pink bleeding on March 8th from ovulation. Also, your whitish discharge is regular vaginal fluid. The I-pill is a backup birth control taken after unprotected sex. Even your cervical changes align with your cycle. However, if anything seems off or concerning, it's wise to talk to a gynecologist for advice.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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I am 15 yaar girl and my stomach pains Went to doctor and he says i cannot become mother
Female | 15
In this case you should go for second opinion of another experienced doctor. They can evaluate your case and then you can come to a conclusion.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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The situation is that the patient came to the doctor to change the Mirena spiral. The IUD Mirena was recommended by the attending gynecologist after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst and polyp. Diagnosis: adenomyosis (before surgery, the patient complained of heavy, non-painful menstrual bleeding). The first spiral lasted 5 years without problems. The gynecologist introduced a new IUD without first removing the old one. In connection with this situation, I have some questions. I would be grateful for your professional opinion. 1. Is it possible to correctly install the Mirena coil into the uterine cavity if the previous coil was not removed? 2. What side effects can be caused by the simultaneous presence of hormonal IUDs (two sterile foreign bodies) in the uterus. Could this cause health problems and harm to the patient? 3. How can one explain the symptoms that arose after the installation of the second Mirena, such as pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and excessive menstrual bleeding?
Female | 40
I would recommend that the new coil should not be inserted until the old one removed. This can result in problems such as perforation or infection. The presence of two hormonal IUDs in the uterus may cause hormonal imbalance and the risks of side effects. To treat the symptoms of lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, and heavy menstrual bleeding, consultation with a gynecologist who is an adenomyosis specialist is recommended.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Last month i had sex and than after 7 days my periods came 10 days early but lasted only 3 days usually my periods lasted for 5 days. Now i am 15 days late
Female | 23
Periods often vary due to stress, weight changes, or hormonal fluctuations. Pregnancy could also be a possibility, so it's important to take a test to confirm. Stress can delay your period, so try to stay calm and take care of yourself. If you're concerned, consider talking to a gynecologist.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
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I am saba 38 years old female I am a mother of 3 now i want to get pregnant for the 4th time and my age is 38 but i am unable to concieve this time so i got some blood test of TSH and AMH so my TSH is 3.958 and AMH is 0.24 so can you please tell me that can i get pregnant or not I didnt take any medications for concieveing for my earlier three successful pregnancies.I was taking medications like Tab Ovaflow 25mg in morning daily Tab CQ10 100MG daily 1 Tab retzole 2.5
Female | 38
Your TSH level is slightly high, which can affect your fertility. Your AMH level is also on the lower side, indicating a decreased egg reserve. These factors could make it harder for you to get pregnant. Your doctor may recommend treatments such as fertility medications or assisted reproductive technology to help you conceive. Follow your gynecologist's instructions for the best chance of success.
Answered on 6th Sept '24
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After using a fluconazole less than a dollar in price and two doses of vaginal tabs of Clotrimazole BP 100mg and canazol 200mg for the past 1 week and now my labia minora is swollen due to some intense itchiness. What could be the problem
Female | 36
You might be suffering from a yeast infection. The swelling of your labia minora and the intense itchiness could be yeast overgrowth. The standard treatments for yeast infections that include fluconazole, and vaginal tabs of Clotrimazole and Canazol are not always completely successful. You may have to see a gynecologist for further assessment and a different treatment plan.
Answered on 29th July '24
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Im 16 year old female and i started having irregular periods since i dont know how many months but they used to be regular before. My previous cycle was 25 days and the one before it was 35 days, now its been 37 days and i still havent gotten my period.
Female | 16
A variety of things can cause irregular periods, including hormonal imbalances, stress, significant weight changes, or conditions such as PCOS. Cycles are usually a little unequal – if this persists though, it might be worth talking about with your gynecologist. They’ll be able to work out why and what to do next.
Answered on 10th July '24
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A.o.a Dr SB mjhe vagina infection bht zada hai kharish bht zada hoti phr Pani ana start ho jata. Especially hair removal k bd jb choty bal ane start hoty bht kharish hoti infection ho jata
Female | 32
You may have vaginal infection, which manifests in the form of itching and white discharge. It is advisable to see a gynecologist that will identify and manage your condition in an amicable way. Also, it is recommended not to use any aggressive soaps or perfumes at the genital and follow good hygiene rules.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had unprotected sex during my ovulation circle but I am seeing heavy flow of blood close to my menstrual period what could cause
Female | 32
Experiencing heavy bleeding close to your menstrual period after unprotected sex during ovulation could be due to several reasons, including hormonal changes, implantation bleeding, or the start of your regular period. It's important to monitor your symptoms. If the heavy bleeding continues or you experience any other unusual symptoms, please consult a gynecologist to rule out any underlying issues and to get appropriate care.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I experienced blood spot in my panty after 2 weeks of periods. What is the reason behind it?
Female | 29
Finding blood spots in your underwear after your period is usually not a big deal. It often happens due to hormonal shifts or irregular shedding of the uterine lining. Lifestyle changes and stress can also contribute to this. Keep an eye on your symptoms, and if you have any concerns, let your gynecologist know.
Answered on 29th July '24
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I had an unprotected sex on 4 th March....right after my period over. Now I had not have period. It is already 7 days over
Female | 17
The first thing you should do is to take a test. Should your test result as positive, arrange for an appointment with an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) promptly. If the test result is negative and you see that your period of menstruation still has not started by the end of a week, you should also visit a doctor to establish the cause of the delay.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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