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Female | 21


اليوم أتناول حبوب منع الحمل وتأخرت دورتي الشهرية، فمتى يجب أن أبدأ بتناول حبوب منع الحمل؟

الدكتور هيمالي باتيل

طبيب أمراض النساء والتوليد

Answered on 23rd May '24

بعد تناول حبوب منع الحمل الطارئة وتأخر الدورة الشهرية، من المهم استشارة أطبيب نسائيقبل البدء بأي دواء لتنظيم الدورة الشهرية. يمكنهم تقديم إرشادات شخصية بناءً على حالتك.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3792)

It is possible for pregnancy 7 day of her period

Female | 22

You can get pregnant eve­n a week after your pe­riods. This happens due to ovulation - egg re­lease from ovaries. You might the­n experience­ missed periods, tiredne­ss, and nausea if pregnant. Using protection during intimacy lowe­rs pregnancy risk. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I'm 19 yrs old.. previously patient of hyperthyroidism from past 2 yrs.. Now having multiple symptoms like.. sudden lower abdomen pain any of the day, periods happening twice a month , gap between 2 cycle lasts only 10-12 days, bleeding also for 7-8 days... Belly fat increased, tired all day, sometimes severe itching in labia's

Female | 19

The symptoms you have mentioned are caused by hyperthyroidism. These imbalances can affect your period too and result in what you explained. You need to talk to a doctor about these signs so that they can suggest treatment plans and also ensure that your levels of thyroid are being properly taken care of.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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Can I be pregnant from grinding on a penis w nothing on and no condom but he was never inside of me and he never came?

Female | 18

A pregnancy may take place if the semen comes into any contact with the vaginal area, whether there is a penetration or ejaculation. It is imperative to have barrier protection while engaging in any type of sexual activity because this way you and your partner will be prevented from having unwanted pregnancies and from contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 15 yaar girl and my stomach pains Went to doctor and he says i cannot become mother

Female | 15

In this case you should go for second opinion of another experienced doctor. They can evaluate your case and then you can come to a conclusion.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A.o.a Dr SB mjhe vagina infection bht zada hai kharish bht zada hoti phr Pani ana start ho jata. Especially hair removal k bd jb choty bal ane start hoty bht kharish hoti infection ho jata

Female | 32

You may have vaginal infection, which manifests in the form of itching and white discharge. It is advisable to see a gynecologist that will identify and manage your condition in an amicable way. Also, it is recommended not to use any aggressive soaps or perfumes at the genital and follow good hygiene rules.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had an unprotected sex on 4 th March....right after my period over. Now I had not have period. It is already 7 days over

Female | 17

The first thing you should do is to take a test. Should your test result as positive, arrange for an appointment with an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) promptly. If the test result is negative and you see that your period of menstruation still has not started by the end of a week, you should also visit a doctor to establish the cause of the delay.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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