Female | 30
لماذا يرتفع هرمون LH بعد الدورة الشهرية؟
لماذا يرتفع مستوى Lh في البول أثناء الدورة الشهرية؟ لقد توقفت للتو عن النزيف وأصبح سمتي لزجًا الآن لذا هناك شيء غير متطابق أنا في اليوم السادس من الدورة

طبيب نسائي
Answered on 27th May '24
عند النساء، من المتوقع زيادة LH في البول خلال فترة الحيض. LH هو هرمون يساعد في إطلاق البويضات من المبيضين. بعد انتهاء الدورة الشهرية، قد ترتفع مستويات LH كوسيلة للتحضير للإباضة. يمكن أن تكون هناك تغييرات في مخاط عنق الرحم طوال الدورة. من الشائع وجود إفرازات تشبه المستحضر قبل الحصول على المادة اللزجة.
24 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3842)
10 days missed period but pregnancy test negative brown spotting with back ache but I am planning for pregnancy
Female | 34
When a woman experiences a negative result but still misses her period, the absence of pregnancy is not the only explanation. She may have underlying hormonal imbalances or medical conditions, such as thyroid issues or polycystic ovary syndrome. I recommend you seek help of a gynecologist who will do a detailed evaluation and diagnosis. The specialist doctor who will assess your issue may advise you on the best treatment to be considered and also help with the planning of your pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I started my period Saturday afternoon, & I began to have intense cramping pain Saturday night. I never cramp when on my period. It is now Monday night & I I’m still in extreme pain and it is getting worse, the pain is now in my upper stomach, under my rib cage. I can’t eat or sleep.
Female | 30
You're going through a tough time. Periods are when menstrual cramps can occur, but the horrendous pain in the upper part of the abdomen is not the norm at such times. This may indicate other conditions such as an ovarian cyst or an infection. Direct access to a gynecologist is crucial to finding the exact cause of the disease and receiving the proper treatment. Be on the safe side and seek medical help if you need it.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hi, I have a lump on the inside of my labia, where the soft hairless skin is, it’s situated quite deep under my skin and is about a centimeter long. it hurt for a day and now it’s numb. what is it?
Female | 25
A cyst is probably causing that lump and numbness. It's a fluid-filled sac that grows in the body. The swelling likely caused pain initially. But now numbness suggests the liquid released pressure. Blocked glands or hair follicles can form these cysts. If it doesn't bother you, leave it be. However, if it grows bigger or causes more discomfort, see a gynecologist promptly.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hey I am 21 years old woman. I am having a issue in my menstrual periods. Last i got my period on 30th Dec. 21 and i was suppose to have my periods on around 29th jan 22. Its 4th feb now and didnt have my periods. I have abdominal pain sometimes. Earlier i never had problem related to periods , i used to have my periods on the given date only. I had protected sex on 5th January, still i get tested with the kit its showing negative.
Female | 21
Hi, There are several causes for delayed periods. U first need to rule out pregnancy by taking a urine pregnancy test if it shows a single line means it’s negative. After that, u need to visit a nearby gynaecologist or a Sonologist and take transvaginal sonography of the pelvis and get your endometrial thickness checked, depending upon which the gynaecologist will give medicines to bring in periods If the urine test is positive then u need to go to the gynaecologist and she will explain you further details
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Shah
Heavy mensuration 20 day Medicine:pause tab 7 days
Female | 26
Menstruating heavily for 20 consecutive days can be challenging. Hormonal imbalances or uterine issues might be the underlying cause. You could try taking a short break from your cycle using medication like Pause tab for 7 days. This temporary pause can help regulate your menstrual flow. If heavy bleeding persists after this reset, consulting a gynecologist would be advisable.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 21 year old. Me and Boyfriend had unprotected intercourse on 6 th day( 25th April) of my menstrual cycle.( not penetrated not ejaculated ). But had doubt because of precum , hence I took unwanted 72 within 24 hours( 26 th April). My usual menstrual cycle is of 30 to 37 days. I had Brown spotting after 9 days of taking the i pill and it lasts for three days. I had tested using prega news two times one on 21 st may and second on 14 th June. Both are negative. Today is 17 th June, still i am waiting for my menses. What should i do?
Female | 21
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ankita Mago
Is it possible you can be preg while seeing your periods 3 times a month,,let's first week it was just a dot then next week 3 days over flowing then last week the flowing is tomuch.l wanna know the reason
Female | 33
Pregnancy is not possible if you have your menstrual cycle. The changes in your period's amount and duration could result from various factors. For example, hormone imbalances, stress, or even certain medical conditions. Consulting a gynecologist is advisable to determine the precise cause. The professional can then provide appropriate treatment.
Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
How to sit on toilet after hysterectomy?
Female | 32
After a hysterectomy, especially initially, be gentle with your movements. Before sitting, ensure you have adequate support, such as handrails or a nearby sink or counter to assist you. Keep your movements slow and controlled.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi. My partner is male and I am female. He recently disclosed that he was diagnosed with herpes many years ago but has never had an outbreak since. So I have allowed us to have unprotected sex. Am I able to contract it even though he’s been dormant for years ?
Female | 28
Infections can be transmitted through sexual contact, even without visible outbreaks. Even if your partner may not have had symptoms for years, the virus can still shed and pose a transmission risk. Please consult a good medical facility and a gynecologist for proper evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Im a 19 yr old female. Im experiencing yellowish nipple discharge from rt breast. It comes with squeezing and is in small quantities
Female | 19
Discharge can happen due to some reasons like hormonal changes, mammary duct ectasia, infection, or fibrocystic changes. Talk to your gynecologist to check what the problem exactly is.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
My wife is pregnant but last 02 months but suddenly she change her mind and we not want child write now then which medicine is useful for her
Female | 26
Please consult your gynecologist for medicine prescriptions for you particularly.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have taken unwanted 72 on 6 th of may and I have experienced some spotting on 14 th of may is it normal??? Plzz give confirmation is there any chances of pregnancy??
Female | 22
Spotting after taking unwanted 72 is a common side effect and does not necessarily indicate pregnancy. Emergency contraceptives are not 100% effective, so if you're concerned, take a pregnancy test about two weeks after your period is overdue.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
My PMS has not been happend, I'm doubtful whether I'm Pregnant or not
Female | 25
It's normal to wonder why is your period late. If you had sex, there's a chance you're pregnant. You might feel tired, sick, or have sore breasts because of the baby. Take a pregnancy test at home or go to a gynecologist to know for sure. It's good to confirm so you can take care of yourself right.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Hi there , i need advice and help , my birth control showed dat my due period date was last month 29th april but istarted one day late then got my period but i keeo overthinking and making myself sick and feeling sick rather than that no pregnanvy symptoms , i dont know how to stop stressing im making myself sick and i keep thinking myself pregnant, i dont know if it is period or spotting but my period lasted four days and was dark brown almost like black with little bit of dark and bright red blood inbetween so is it my period? i took clear blue test two weeks after my period and it said im not pregnant at all but is it true, did i take it too late? am i okay? is there any need to stress cause i cant stop myself from overthinking . Also i got light broen discharge three weeks after my period or two weeks after and i had it for three days . Could it be mabe because i drank five birth control pills in one day and two plan bs in two days ? what help can you give me
Female | 16
variations in period flow and color are normal, and the dark brown blood you experienced could be older blood being discharged. Taking multiple birth control pills and emergency contraceptives can also affect your cycle. Since it's been two weeks since your period and the pregnancy test was negative, it's unlikely you're pregnant. Stress can symptoms like nausea, so try to relax and trust the test results. The light brown discharge you later experienced could be a result of hormonal changes from the medications you took. If you continue to feel unwell or anxious, seek guidance from a gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I would like to start the conceptive pill, my period is late and I’m not pregnant, can I still get started on the pill
Female | 21
It is normal to have late periods without being pregnant; there are different causes, such as stress, disruption of your normal routine or hormonal imbalances. You should find out the reasons for your missed cycle before taking birth control pills. If you are sure that you are not pregnant and your gynecologist says so, begin taking them, but do not forget to follow every instruction given.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Last month i had sex and than after 7 days my periods came 10 days early but lasted only 3 days usually my periods lasted for 5 days. Now i am 15 days late
Female | 23
Periods often vary due to stress, weight changes, or hormonal fluctuations. Pregnancy could also be a possibility, so it's important to take a test to confirm. Stress can delay your period, so try to stay calm and take care of yourself. If you're concerned, consider talking to a gynecologist.
Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Pirods Leta ate hai is bar blood ke sath water aa Raha hai
Female | 21
These things can arise from different causes such as hormonal imbalances, fibroids, or even infections. It's really necessary to monitor the volume of blood and any other symptoms you may experience. Make sure to drink enough fluids and get some rest. If the problem persists, see a gynecologist as soon as possible.
Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I had sex two days ago, but I am experiencing extreme discomfort after. My vagina is leaking a white pee like liquid which is a lot. Then also my vagina lips and vagina area are so sensitive and painful.
Female | 22
From the description, it seems like you are having a vaginal infection, and immediate medical attention is needed. Symptoms may include a thick yellow or white discharge and irritation due to yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. These infections may occur to women after getting intimate because of the pH level changes in the vagina following sex. Diagnosis and treatment should be left to a gynecologist. Besides, refrain from using any scented products during this time.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Suffering from nausea With leucorrhoea With pain during urination
Female | 22
These signs might indicate a urinary tract infection or another reproductive health problem, and an expert can help perform accurate diagnosis with the right treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am not confirmed that I am pregnant, but my first period after pregnancy came late and I have not had my period since last one month: what is the reason?
Female | 21
Your body may be changing. If you are not pregnant, your period can be late for many reasons such as stress or hormonal changes. This may lead to irregular cycles. Look out for other symptoms you may experience. If your period does not return within a few months or if you have other concerns, it would be best to talk to a gynecologist who will give you advice according to your specific needs.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
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