Male | 23
আমি কি বাম দিকের পিঠে ব্যথা অনুভব করছি?
হাই ইয়ান 23 এবং আমার বাম দিকে পিঠে ব্যথা

জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জন
Answered on 30th Aug '24
পিঠে ব্যথা বিভিন্ন কারণে ঘটতে পারে যেমন অনুপযুক্ত অঙ্গবিন্যাস থেকে পেশীতে চাপ দেওয়া বা ভারী জিনিস ভুল তোলা। অন্য সময় এটি আরও গুরুতর সমস্যার একটি উপসর্গ হতে পারে। এলাকায় গরম বা ঠান্ডা প্যাক ব্যবহার করার চেষ্টা করুন, মৃদু প্রসারিত করুন এবং প্রথমে এটিকে কিছুটা সহজ করে নিন। যদি ব্যথা অব্যাহত থাকে বা আরও খারাপ হয় তবে এটি একটি দ্বারা পরীক্ষা করা বুদ্ধিমানের কাজঅর্থোপেডিকব্যাপারটা কি জানতে।
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)
How to sleep with ankylosing spondylitis?
With ankylosing spondylitis the major issue is stiffness it’s best to be in a functional position knee slight bend and on your sides keep pillows in between your knees and also keep the torso in straight line. If this doesn't give you relief you can consult Orthopedist near your area
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 19 years old male. I have bow legs how to solution bow legs.
Male | 19
Bowlegs occur when a person stands with their feet together and their knees far apart. Symptoms of bowlegs may include pain around the ankle or knee joint. Conditions such as rickets or inherent bone formation can cause a person to be bowlegged. Exercises or braces may help correct mild cases; more severe instances might require surgery. It is best to consult an orthopedic surgeon.
Answered on 28th May '24
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I am 30 years old. My knee is paining since 3 months. I did MRI...... Discoid lateral meniscus showing grade 2 signal intensity. -mild intra substance hypertensity in the distal fibres of anterior cruciate ligament with no obvious tear -likely sprain. Mild joints space narrowing, subchondral marrow edema and tiny bony spur in anterior aspect of lateral tibial plateau. Mild joint effusion extending along the supra patellar recess. Jyadader khade hone Mein pain jyada ho rha hai.washer jahan hota hai Vahan jyada pain hota hai. Ye treat ment se tik ho jaega kya?
Female | 30
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is frequently assumed to be a source of lower back and/or leg discomfort, however it is sometimes difficult to diagnose. The sacroiliac joint, which connects the triangle bone at the bottom of the spine (the sacrum) to the pelvis, can cause discomfort if its natural mobility is disrupted. More precisely, sacroiliac joint discomfort can be caused by excessive or insufficient movement.
• Leg pain produced by sacroiliac joint dysfunction can be difficult to distinguish from radiating leg pain caused by lumbar disc herniation (sciatica) since they can feel quite similar.
• The major reasons of SI joint dysfunction include - Too much or lack of movement.
• Too much movement in the sacroiliac joint (hypermobility or instability) can cause the pelvis to feel unstable and produce discomfort. Excessive mobility causes pain in the lower back and/or hip, which can extend into the groin, whereas lack of movement (hypomobility or fixation) can result in muscular tension, discomfort, and a reduction in mobility.
• Sacroiliac joint inflammation (sacroiliitis) can also cause pelvic discomfort and stiffness. Inflammation may arise as a result of sacroiliac joint dysfunction or as a result of an infection, rheumatoid disease, or other cause.
• There is no one-size-fits-all solution for controlling SI joint discomfort. For successful pain management, a combination of non-surgical therapies is frequently required.
• Treatment includes – resting for 1 to 2 days, applying ice or heat (applying it to lower back reduces inflammation and alleviates pain and discomfort; applying around the joint provides relief from pain), pain relievers like paracetamol and inflammation treating agents such as NSAID’s are recommended in case of mild or moderate pain relief. Muscle relaxants or high-end pain killers can be prescribed in case of episodes of severe and acute pain, Manual manipulation can be effective if sacroiliac joint pain is caused due to too little movement, Support or braces can be used to stabilize the pelvic area and sacroiliac joint injections such as anaesthetics such as lidocaine along with anti-inflammatory medicine like corticosteroids are given to reduce inflammation and pain.
Consult an Orthopedics for further investigations and customised treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Lower back pain at right side while sitting for more than 30 minutes
Female | 18
Causes of the lower back pain at right side that occurs after one sits for more than thirty minutes include a number of factors which can range from poor posture or muscle strain to herniated discs. However, it is best to visit an orthopedic specialist
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm afjal after 10 days my back pan my uric acid test report for 5.9
Male | 29
Back pain can happen for many reasons, like strained muscles or poor posture. A uric acid level of 5.9 might be high and could be due to gout, which occurs when crystals form in the joints. To lower uric acid, drink plenty of water and avoid red meat and alcohol, as they are high in purines. It's also important to maintain good posture, do gentle stretches, and avoid lifting heavy objects to protect your back. If the pain continues, seeing an orthopedist is the best way to get proper advice and treatment.
Answered on 20th Aug '24
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what if i am a 62 years of woman having a inner hody pain near my chest because i got kicked there by someone's leg and If i do any work i am having a bad pain
Female | 62
The reason you are hurting can be a bruise or it can be a rib fracture as well. Common symptoms are stabbing pain, tenderness, and dyspnea when you breathe deeply. To relieve the pain, rest, make up the ice pack, and take pain relievers like acetaminophen. If the pain worsens or doesn't go away, it's best to consult a cardiologist. In the meantime, you should not do high-impact activities that you know will aggravate the pain.
Answered on 11th Sept '24
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Today, my father injured his leg with a rod from a moving bike. Thankfully, the injury is not severe, but his leg is swollen and painful. We are applying an ice pack and using Volini spray. There is no redness, numbness, wound, or cut. A few days ago, he also experienced muscle cramps in the same leg. I'm very worried. Could you please advise me on what to do next?
Male | 49
A muscle injury may have developed in your father due to the impact of a rod striking his leg. This type of injury often results in swelling and pain as well. The muscle cramps he had earlier may be linked to this incident. Continue applying the ice pack and using Volini spray for swelling and pain relief. Prevent him from exposing his leg to any extra tension and ensure he does not move his injured leg. If the pain remains or gets worse, visit an orthopedist.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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Why do I have a bony lump on top of my left shoulder?
Female | 30
That bony lump is likely an "acromial spur." It happens from wear and tear on your shoulder joint. You might feel pain when moving your arm or raising it up high. To help with discomfort, try gentle shoulder exercises. Also, apply ice to reduce swelling. If the pain continues, see a physiotherapist for guidance. They can advise on ways to manage the condition.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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What is the best treatment for a compression fracture
Female | 37
A compression fracture i.e. a vertebral compression fracture is characterized by back pain
- patients are advised analgesic drugs, take rest wear brace.
- Acupuncture combined with medications produced positive outcomes in such patients which includes pain reduction, improved daily living activities of a patient.
Acupuncture analgesic points help in alleviating pain to a great extent. Local back points and the corresponding acupuncture points help to relax a patient to a great extent.
- Acupuncture helps in improving bone strength, bone metabolism, bone mineral density.
Regular acupuncture sessions improves the quality of life of patients with compressed fracture.
Acupuncture sessions would be regular initially but can be reduced as per patients response and a scan after 3 months would be advised to discuss further course of action.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have been waiting 5 yrs for a complete keen replacement operation and can not wait much longer. Could you please tell me what the total cost will be ?
Male | 82
Answered on 23rd May '24
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There is a bony protrusion on my right metatarsal region
Female | 45
You likely have an extra bone growth called a bone spur. It causes a painful bony bump on your right foot's metatarsal area. This happens when you walk or stand. Wear shoes with good support and cushioned insoles. This should help ease discomfort. However, if pain persists, see an orthopedist.
Answered on 16th Aug '24
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I am 18 years ol girl I have back pain and pain in arms
Female | 18
You're having a hard time with back pain and arm pain. These are signs that may be brought on by factors such as bad posture, heavy bags, or sitting in an uncomfortable position for too long. Don't forget to take a break now and then, stretch, and do some light exercises like yoga which can help alleviate the ache. Additionally, you could use a hot water bottle or take a warm bath for relief.
Answered on 10th June '24
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Back spine and leg pain last 2 month I am unable to stay stand and walk
Male | 20
The pain that runs from your back to your leg might be because something is pressing down the spine nerves. It might be a slipped disc or a spine issue. For healing purposes, visit an orthopedist as soon as possible to get a checkup.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
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I need pain meds for back
Male | 34
For back pain, consult an orthopedist to identify the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Pain medications should be prescribed by a doctor. Avoid self medicating and consider non pharmacological approaches alongside medication.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I fell on my wrist 6 months ago and still have pain when I put pressure on it and after physical activity, the pain is located on the pinky side of the hand and there is a clicking noise when I twist my wrist.
Female | 24
Considering your symptoms, you may have a wrist sprain or ligament injury. It is recommended to see an Orthopedic doctor in order to get a correct diagnosis and treatment. The specialist will conduct a physical examination and may suggest imaging tests to establish the severity of injury. Procrastination in treatment can cause chronic problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I got little accident by scooty I felt 3 days before.. there is no more scratch... But my toe (leg) is swelled and bood clott got reddish patch and having pain.. please suggest me what to do.
Female | 17
You may be suffering from a blood clot in your leg as a result of the accident. Injury to the leg causes blood to pool and form a clot causing swelling, redness, and pain. This is serious because the clot may break free and travel to other parts of your body. Elevate your leg above your heart, apply ice, and take a break. When the pain persists or becomes severe, go to the nearest hospital immediately.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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What if you have shoulder imbalance
Male | 21
It's not possible to say anything without examining. An orthopedic can evaluate your shoulder condition, diagnose any underlying problems, and recommend appropriate treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Have back pain issue. Is stem cell therapy can treat the back pain issue
Female | 78
Back pain could be due to bad posture, lifting heavy weights, or old injuries. Stem cell therapy is a treatment that makes use of the body's own cells to repair damaged tissues. It is like your body being assisted to recover. Some people have experienced the help of this therapy along with the research it is still undergoing. This is a matter that should be discussed with an orthopedist.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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My son recently has hurt his wrist or hand he fell now his knuckle is enlarged and weirdly shaped and a bit bulky and feels different this happens 3 days ago
Male | 14
Your kid may have injured a knuckle while he landed. All the symptoms, even the growth of the knuckle, its strange shape, and heavy sensation do show a fracture or dislocation. So, applying ice is a typical solution to reduce any swelling the hand has. It means that once the swelling has shrunk using ice, one can then gently bandage the hand. The best thing to do is to visit an orthopedist for evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24
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I am having frozen shoulder for last 4 months there is no pain but the shoulder is stiff cannot move up is there any creme for frozen shoulder relief
Male | 48
This happens when tissues around the shoulder joint get tight. It can make arm movement hard. No pain is good, but the stiffness can bother you. There is no cream just for frozen shoulder relief. But easy stretches and physical therapy can loosen the shoulder over time. It is key to move the shoulder as much as you can without pushing too much. If stiffness remains, get advice from an orthoopedist.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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- Hi Ian 23 and back pain on my left side