Female | 8
আমার 8 বছর বয়সী 63° এর জন্য স্কোলিওসিস সার্জারির প্রয়োজন হবে?
আমার 8 বছর বয়সী মেয়ে সম্প্রতি 63 ডিগ্রি থোরাসিক ডেক্সট্রো বক্রতা (স্কোলিওসিস) রোগে আক্রান্ত হয়েছে। তাকে কি অস্ত্রোপচার করতে হবে?

জয়েন্ট রিপ্লেসমেন্ট সার্জন
Answered on 6th Sept '24
একটি 8 বছর বয়সী একটি 63-ডিগ্রি থোরাসিক ডেক্সট্রো বক্ররেখা খুব কমই কম। আপনার মেয়ের কোনো এক সময়ে অস্ত্রোপচারের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে, কিন্তু সতর্ক দৃষ্টি রাখা অপরিহার্য। কখনও কখনও, ব্রেসিং বা শারীরিক থেরাপি সাহায্য করতে পারে। সার্জারি সাধারণত গুরুতর বক্ররেখার জন্য বিবেচনা করা শেষ বিকল্প বা যদি বক্ররেখা দ্রুত খারাপ হয়। অতএব, আসুন আমরা এটি নিরীক্ষণ করি এবং সর্বোত্তম পরিকল্পনা নিয়ে আসতে ডাক্তারদের সাথে সহযোগিতা করি।
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Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1042)
How i cured my degenerative disc disease
Female | 36
Degenerative disc disease is a common age related low back problem. It can be a significant cause of low back pain. The best treatment for it is non-operative. Back strengthening to stabilize the spine and application of topical pain measures should be tried first.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Prasad Gourneni
My legs give out. Sometimes I can't even get up when they get out.
Male | 14
Your legs may feel weak. There are many possible reasons for this, including lack of exercise, poor diet and nutrition, or low levels of certain vitamins. Try eating well-balanced meals each day and getting regular physical activity. Additionally, don’t forget to drink plenty of water. If these suggestions do not help, then it would be wise to consult with an orthopedist so that potential underlying causes can be eliminated.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty
I have a sudden and severe continuous back pain that goes to the stomach, it started 3 days ago and painkillers don't work
Female | 36
Back pain radiating to your stomach could indicate a kidney infection or stone. Fever, sickness, and persistent discomfort unrelieved by medication often accompany these conditions. Prompt medical evaluation is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, such as antibiotics or procedures to remove kidney stones, if present. Seeking timely care from an orthopedist is essential.
Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty
What is the best treatment for a compression fracture
Female | 37
A compression fracture i.e. a vertebral compression fracture is characterized by back pain
- patients are advised analgesic drugs, take rest wear brace.
- Acupuncture combined with medications produced positive outcomes in such patients which includes pain reduction, improved daily living activities of a patient.
Acupuncture analgesic points help in alleviating pain to a great extent. Local back points and the corresponding acupuncture points help to relax a patient to a great extent.
- Acupuncture helps in improving bone strength, bone metabolism, bone mineral density.
Regular acupuncture sessions improves the quality of life of patients with compressed fracture.
Acupuncture sessions would be regular initially but can be reduced as per patients response and a scan after 3 months would be advised to discuss further course of action.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani
How long after achilles surgery can i run?
In normal condition one can run 3 months after surgery. If any complications during/post surgery you need to speak with your orthopedist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Dilip Mehta
I have lower back pain, from past two years some time it increase more
Male | 30
It's essential to consult a professional for a proper evaluation. In the meantime try gentle exercises, proper posture, heat/ice packs, and pain relief medications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
Suffering from spine pain since 2 years.
Female | 45
Incorrect posture, injuries, and medical conditions can cause back pain. This might make it hard for you to move and make you sore or stiff. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles in your back and improving your posture help a lot. Also, try sitting or standing properly by using ergonomics to relieve the pain. When these do not work, get advice from an orthopedist who will check it out further and then give treatment options if necessary.
Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
I am 18 years old.Suffering from knee pain on right leg left side.i decreased my weight in 2 months upto 3 kgs.feeling neck pain and spinal cord pain
Female | 18
The knee pain on the outer side might be from some trauma or strain. The hurting of the neck and the spinal cord can be from bad posturing and muscle tension. You need to let that affected region recover, apply ice to the area, and do light stretching with the injured or painful part. Always keep your posture in the right way and make more decisions to reach out to a physiotherapist as a part of your strategy to get better quicker.
Answered on 23rd June '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
What is the estimated cost in US dollars for tennis elbow and shoulder?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. velpula sai sirish
I am 21 years old and currently have been going through my leg foot and ankle pain i am diagnosed from typhoid almost every year in summers the typhoid has reduced but not the pain i usually have low blood pressure the pain stays for all they day and night if i change my position during night
Female | 21
It seems like you have felt a lot of pain in your leg, foot, and ankle. Your past typhoid sickness and low blood pressure could be why you still hurt. Sometimes, typhoid can make joints ache. It is very important to drink lots of water and rest. Using cold packs and keeping your leg up high can help the pain go away. If the pain does not stop, you should see an orthopedist to find out what is wrong.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty
Hello, i have knee injury and already done the MRI... i wanna ask questions & opinions to the best Orthopedics in the world whether or not i need to do surgery, is there any platform for Q&A? Much Appreciated,thankyou!
Male | 22
For your knee injury and MRI results, I suggest you see an orthopedic surgeon. Only a professional can exactly evaluate the degree of your injury and know if a surgical measure will do or not. You should go to a local orthopaedist to determine the nature and to provide the best possible treatment for it.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
Based on My experience I have serious pain and sound around My shoulder or My elbow joint, or around the head of femur when I get bone pain, it began pain around My pelvic bone then it spread to My arm's ,legs, skull, phalanges, and my jaw, I got sound around My hip joint, elbow joint and shoulder scapula plus with head of humerus, it also spread into my phalanges and recently I get serious pain in My shoulder around the head of humerus and it lasts 5 days still now, few years back I went to Dr. And he diagnosis me with the deficiency of Vitamin D in My bone and he prescribed vitamin D3 supplements he ordered me to take one capsule per week but even when I was taking the supplement I felt weakness and tired I didn't notice positive results and I made car accident 17 years back but the cause starts recently like 4years and Based on My experience I have serious pain and sound around My shoulder or My elbow joint, or around the head of femur when I get bone pain, it began pain around My pelvic bone then it spread to My arm's ,legs, skull, phalanges, and my jaw, I got sound around My hip joint, elbow joint and shoulder scapula plus with head of humerus, it also spread into my phalanges and recently I get serious pain in My shoulder around the head of humerus and it lasts 5 days still now, few years back I went to Dr. And he diagnosis me with the deficiency of Vitamin D in My bone and he prescribed vitamin D3 supplements he ordered me to take one capsule per week but even when I was taking the supplement I felt weakness and tired I didn't notice positive results and I made car accident 17 years back but the cause starts recently like 4years and recently I feel deep pushing pain it's on my left arm , the righ arm isn't good too but i am feeling more in my left arm and i feel like the pain is pressing pushing deep Which should I suspect more osteosarcoma or vitamin D3 deficiency
Female | 22
Based on your symptoms, it's important to consult an orthopedic specialist or a rheumatologist. Persistent joint pain, sounds, and discomfort spreading to multiple areas could indicate several conditions, including vitamin D deficiency or other bone/joint disorders. It’s crucial to have a thorough evaluation by a specialist to determine the exact cause and get appropriate treatment. Please visit an orthopedic specialist or rheumatologist for a detailed assessment and proper management of your condition.
Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty
What does this MRI mean? Very small right of midline C6-C7 disc herniation. No stenosis. No spinal cord edema or abnormal enhancement. There is a 9 mm right thyroid nodule
Female | 33
MRI with a very small right of midline C6-C7 disc herniation indicates a small protrusion of the spinal disc that lies between the neck bones. There's no abnormal swelling in the spinal cord and no narrowing of the spinal canal. Moreover, the 9 mm right thyroid nodule is seen, which needs to be evaluated by an Endocrinologist. You should book an appointment with an Orthopedist and an Endocrinologist to discuss further diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
I broke my big toe. It was pretty bad and painful and I went to the ER. They do X-ray and told me that by big toe is fractured. It was late and they didn't give me any other information nor my X-ray. They said that I have to buddy tape it for now but I cat step on it or put any shoes. Do you think I need a walking boot or some kind of immobilization to my foot?
Female | 28
I would suggest that you should consult an orthopedist for further investigation of the health status. The X-rays reports as well the correct diagnosis of fractures are necessary for severe injury assessment. Based on the level of severity, he or she may recommend immobilization using a walking boot or cast.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
How to treat acute gout pain?
If it's confirmed gout , need to start anti inflammatory medications like brufen / indomethacin/ cholchicine and febuxostat 40 mg. Apply ice packs. If you don't feel better then dosage should increased or alternated after an Orthopedist consultation
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Saksham Mittal
I am 52 tears and can have sex with my partner at 10 times in a month Now I feel slight pain in my legs and back.Plwase provide a remedy to overcome this problem.
Male | Sajad Ahmad
When your muscles are hurting, it may be due to exertion, including from sexual intercourse. This can affect your legs and lower back if you've overused these muscles. It's important to stop and rest. Applying mild warmth and doing gentle stretches can help relieve the pain. Keeping your body hydrated and relaxed will also aid in muscle recovery. If the pain persists or you develop new symptoms, it's important to consult an orthopedist for advice.
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
One point in back pains for 2yrs after a big sneezing
Male | 31
You may have a slipped disc, caused by extra pressure from sneezing. A pointy, lasting pain results. Symptoms include numbness and tingling legs. Rest, avoid heavy lifting, and try gentle exercises to strengthen back muscles. If pain persists, see an orthopedist.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Deep Chakraborty
Which are the best hospitals for hip treatment in India?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. velpula sai sirish
Complete tear of supraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted at the level of acromioclavicular joint. Mild atrophy of supraspinatus muscle. Complete tear of infraspinatus tendon noted from its insertion site with torn retracted end noted just proximal to coracoid. Mild atrophy of infraspinatus muscle. The infraspinatus muscle appears edematous at places. Diffuse tendinosis with high grade partial tear of subscapularis tendon at its insertion site. Partial tear of intra articular part of long head of biceps tendon. Severe acromioclavicular joint arthrosis noted with subchondral cysts and small bony spurs. Mild shoulder joint effusion with fluid in subdeltoid and subacromial bursa. Do this need surgery
Female | 48
Your shoulder has multiple problems causing pain and limiting movement. You have torn tendons, muscle weakness, and joint issues. Surgery may repair the torn tendons and reduce joint arthritis. That could relieve symptoms and improve function. Visit an orthopedist for further treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
I am 22 female I have a bump on my foot that is getting bruised and bigger
Female | 22
You could have what’s referred to as a bunion. A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the base of the big toe. Tight shoes or heredity can be the cause of it. If it’s getting swollen and larger, it’s advisable to wear comfortable shoes and apply ice to reduce swelling. In some cases, surgery may be necessary if it’s very painful.
Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Pramod Bhor
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