Male | 55
ব্যথা ছাড়া পিত্তথলির পাথরের জন্য আমার কি অস্ত্রোপচারের প্রয়োজন?
ডান তলপেটে ব্যথা নেই। কিন্তু পিত্তথলিতে পাথর আছে। অপারেশন লাগবে?

অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজিস্ট
Answered on 26th Aug '24
গলস্টোন ধরে রাখা এবং কিছু সময়ের জন্য ডান তলপেটে ব্যথা অনুভব না করা একটু কঠিন। পিত্তথলির পাথর পিত্ত নালীকে বাধা দিতে পারে এবং আপনাকে গুরুতর অসুস্থ হতে পারে। ত্বক হলুদ হয়ে যাওয়া, অসহনীয় ব্যথা বা জ্বর হওয়ার মতো উপসর্গ দেখা দিলে দ্রুত চিকিৎসকের কাছে যেতে হবে। আপনাকে সুস্থ থাকার জন্য পিত্তথলি অপসারণের জন্য অস্ত্রোপচারের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। এটা অত্যন্ত একটি পরামর্শ সুপারিশ করা হয়গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজিস্টএই বিষয়ে আরো তথ্য আছে.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)
Hi am 30 and I have issue of piles bleeding with stoll
Male | 30
You could have piles which are also referred to as hemorrhoids. The following indications could be the symptoms of piles if you see blood in your stool, feel pain or discomfort around your bottom, or notice swollen lumps. Piles occur when blood vessels in the area become swollen and inflamed. Eating fiber-rich foods, drinking water, and avoiding straining are some methods that can help alleviate the symptoms.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Male | 46
You have been under the weather for a long time. The symptoms you mentioned (such as constipation, loose motions, stomach pain, and passing stool with mucus) are typical of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. These can be caused by a combination of diet, stress, and gut health. The first step is visiting a gastroenterologist who will determine if you have any of these diseases as well as a proper course of action for you. At the same time, making lifestyle choices, coping with stress, and consuming a balanced diet can also reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I take Aciclovir dispersible tablet approx 1 week & due to this there have arise a problem that .... there is pain in my stomach & also cause weakness arise
Female | 21
Aciclovir dispersible tablets could cause stomach aches. You might feel weak too. That's because the tablets irritate your stomach lining sometimes. Take them with food to avoid irritation. Drink lots of water. Eat small, mild meals. This helps with the weakness. If stomach pain or weakness continues, talk to a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Ulcerative colitis flare up or stomach bug?
Female | 18
Sometimes flare-ups of ulcerative colitis and stomach bugs show the same symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and cramps. However, a stomach bug is usually a short-lived infection that may disappear on its own while ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition that needs medical intervention. Visit a gastroenterologist who can effectively make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My boyfriend had, what I suspect to be, Norovirus 8 days ago. He had diarrhea for about 18 to 22 hours, and he only had one bout of vomiting, which he believes was due to the Mountain Dew he drank on an upset stomach. Since its been 8 days since his symptoms have stopped, would it be safe to engage in close contact activities like kissing again?
Male | 23
Norovirus is a bug. It can make your stomach feel bad. After it goes away, wait a bit before kissing. This makes sure it is all gone. 8 days since his last symptoms are good. But wait longer to be safe. Washing hands well stops the spread.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My child, who is 2 years old, does not have a potty on time and the potty is tight, there is a lot of pain while going potty .
Male | 2
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dr Randhir khurana
I Got a bigger problem and need help! Prob famous of all words for you But Any medication otc or prescription taken only causes way more problems for me and I mean like heart stopping or beating bad type! Begins with burning in lower right abdomen in fake hernia area now known as lipoma after my scan! Then proceeds to my lower right area like a cigarette is being put out in area of lipoma! Then after seconds it turns into stomach pain, liver and pancreas aching all organs eventually basically begin to ache severely! Now the New symptom, when medication is taken it causes a super high blood pressure and my heart begins to start and stop and I verified this by home ekg, it just beats, then stops for secs then begins again beating and lasts hours and hours! Truly a defining moment! I do Take vitamins Daily for years and I won’t feel them at all! I screwed up and I Took some workout aminos and they set me on fire For days and days causing feet to burn and chest to have sparks shoot across it! Now tingles inside digestive system 247! But only when mutiiple amino acids are taken! Also side Note and anoyimg but I do urinate 50 times daily now with 1hr every hour at a time while trying to sleep! Had caused me Severe headaches now and lack of sleep is wearing me out! I Was up 11 days straight last month! Wish I was kidding, I have witnesses to testify?? had to be the most messed up thing I have gone thru! Blood work comes back within guidelines! No cancer and I’m truly shocked! Help, wearing thin looking to reset heart now with devices to see if it helps I am 45yrold male that is so desperate! Anyone? Help! Scans are clear except lipoma area and inflammation! Thought I had appendicitis but now with amino help it has subsided allot! Help! This is nuts!
Male | 45
It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort . . Have you talked to your doctor about alternative treatments? It's good that your blood work looks NORMAL, but it's still important to keep monitoring your symptoms. Have you tried any lifestyle changes, such as changing your DIET or reducing STRESS? It's important to keep seeking medical advice and exploring all options available to you. . . . .
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 19 years old female and I am having a pain in my lower and upper abdomen both left and right side Even my chest also pains alot . Sometimes my pain in my stomach is too much . Whenever I eat anything, I vomit.
Female | 19
You seem to be having these pains to the point that you have been putting up with a lot. Pain in the lower and upper abdomen, as well as chest pain and vomiting after eating, can be signs of a problem with your digestive system. You could be facing problems like gastritis or acid reflux. A gastroenterologist must be consulted to obtain precise diagnoses and suitable medicines.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
How should I take cozen 600mg capsules with food or without food?
Male | 19
Cozen 600mg capsules can be taken with or without food, but it's best to follow your doctor's advice for your specific condition. If you experience any stomach upset, taking it with food may help. Please consult your doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist, for personalized guidance.
Answered on 16th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Im having chest acids reflux
Male | 32
Acid reflux disease may have chest acid reflux as a common symptom. It happens if the stomach acid backtracks through esophagus leading to chest pain, burning sensation and difficulty swallowing. The best treatment for acid reflux disease is visiting a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am facing digestion issue and a lot of heat is storing in my body. My head is burning, and my eyes are swelling. I also experiencing too cold my hands and my foot but while body is burning
Male | 31
You are probably suffering from hyperthyroidism. In simple terms, your thyroid gland is overactive, thus, your body produces too much heat. The symptoms include digestion issues, feeling too hot, eye swelling, and cold hands and feet. To get help, you should visit a gastroenterologist who can provide treatment to balance your thyroid hormones and improve your symptoms.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello , I have pain in my lower abdomen below my belly button and continues over my belly button and when I press my belly it hurts on the right side , I have COVID and I had some gastrointestinal symptoms could this be something more serious like appendicitis? I also have gas and burping
Male | 22
It's important to seek proper medical evaluation and treatment for your symptoms. Abdominal pain can be caused by appendicitis. And Covid 19 can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms. Inform your doctor about your symptoms, medical history, and covid19 status. Gas and burping alone are not specific to appendicitis.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Doctor, My son have colostomy surgery. I want to know how much time to second OT for normal out stool process....?
Male | 2month 10days
After a colostomy operation, it may take some time for your son to have normal bowel movements. This is normal as the body needs time to adjust. It usually takes about a week for bowel movements to return. During this time, it’s important to stay hydrated, eat nutritious food, and follow the advice of healthcare professionals. If you notice any alarming symptoms such as severe pain, abdominal swelling, or no bowel movements for an extended period, consult your doctor immediately.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I feel a bulge when i press down in my lower left abdomen. I dont feel any pain.
Male | 28
You might be suffering from a hernia in your lower left abdomen. A hernia is a condition in which an organ or a tissue pushes through a weak area in the surrounding muscle. So it is possible that it feels like a bulge when you touch it. Hernias can sometimes be painless, but it's always a good idea to see a doctor to make sure of a diagnosis. Treatment usually includes surgery to repair the hernia. Visit a gastroenterologist to make sure you get the right treatment.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
A week ago I had some foul tasting food, I've had bleeding since then like a very heavy period , and now my resting heart rate is down 10-20bpm roughly from last week.
Female | 30
It is possible the bleeding you are experiencing is the result of problems with the digestive system, including the eating of spoilt or contaminated food. It is necessary to go to a gastroenterologist immediately to find out the causes and symptoms of the bleeding.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Meri Nani hai jo bahut din khana na khane ke wajah se bahut serious ho gya hai . Abhi khana kha Raha hai to vahe vomiting kar deta hai
Female | 60
This may be as a result of several factors. A popular cause may be a stomach bug or food poisoning. These can upset the stomach and therefore make the person vomit. Give her water to drink little by little and if she feels better, she can try bland foods like toast and crackers which will help her stomach. If she still vomits, she might need to go to see a gastroenterologist quickly to check if everything is fine with her.
Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Whenever I masterbate, my spine hurts, I have trouble breathing, my stomach doesn't clear, I have gallstones.
Male | 29
Body signals should be cared for. The stress in your body is shown by your spinal pain, difficulty breathing, upset stomach, and gallstones when you are doing masturbation. However, it's important to stress that your body is the one you should notice and not these signs that are sometimes ignored. The next step can be to approach a gastroenterologist to discuss these symptoms in more detail.
Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Symptoms are : Gassy Farting Stomach pain and it goes are pooping Can see little little parts of undigested food on stool for eg sesame seeds, fresh coriander small fragments Only 1 time i have seen small circular white thing i dont know it its the undigested food but i have seen only one time Before 2 3 days i have gone through watery stool very very watery and feels full for a long time after eating more gassy than before but now i am not facing watery stool its just thin soft stool. If i eat normal veggies and rice i have seen my stool is little yellow colour but when i eat meat products then stool turns to little brownish or it looks like meat curry and more smelly than the stool done after eating veggies Feeling to do poo after eating a meal within 1 hr and when i do poo i only do very small amount of poo. While doing poo in the morning i can feel very little pain while straining on stomach. I have done blood test, stool test, urine test and every tests are normal except bilirubin is 35 umol/L and urea is 2.7 L and little deficiency of vitamin B12.
Male | 20
Your digestive issues might be due to problems with food absorption or digestion. Symptoms like gas, stomach pain, and changes in stool could indicate issues with how you process food. Undigested food in your stool and watery bowel movements might suggest digestive problems. Even though your blood, stool, and urine tests were normal, elevated bilirubin levels, low urea, and vitamin B12 deficiency may point to underlying conditions that need attention. Eating a balanced fiber-rich diet and staying hydrated could help with your symptoms. Probiotics or digestive enzymes might also support gut health. If your symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to consult a gastroenterologist to explore the best treatment options.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have diarrhea and heavy stomach cramps and gass I'm diabetic
Female | 38
These symptoms can often be associated with some gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or a food intolerance. Another contributing factor of this condition could be diabetes. It is suggested that a consultation with a gastroenterologist is necessary for the right treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Mai jb bathroom jaati hu toh anal se blood aata hai
Female | 17
Swollen blood vessels, called haemorrhoids, might cause this. Constipation or diarrhea could also cause it. Drinking water, eating fiber-rich foods, and using medicated ointments may help. However, it is better to consult a gynecologist, as they would help identify the underlying issue and give you proper treatment plan
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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