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What is the IVF treatment cost in Bangalore?

Lowest Cost (approx) $1673

Average Cost (approx) $2008

Highest Cost (approx) $2410

  • Treatment Type : In-vitro fertilization
  • Treatment time : 3-4 weeks
  • Recovery time : 2 days
  • Hospitalization days : Not required

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The IVF treatment cost in Bangalore ranges from ₹1,33,598 to ₹1,92,451 ($1,673 - $2,410). But, this cost estimate is just not made for one treatment itself. There are several types of treatments in IVF which differ in terms of cost and which IVF hospital you are choosing.

The IVF treatment cost in Bangalore differs depending upon the type you opt for. So, the above cost is not the same for all types. On this page, we have given a complete guide of IVF Cost in Bangalore by its types.


Treatment Cost


$101 - $251


$1,527 - $3,506


$1,878 - $3,130


$2,504 - $4,257

Assisted Hatching

$314 - $501


$501 - $1,002

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Beginning with the fertilization process using Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), it has various types such as In-vitro fertilization, Intra-uterine Inseminations, and so on. There are three types of IVF: Basic IVF, ICSI, and IMSI. Along with this ART has another few types within which one of them is most commonly used i.e. IUI.

IVF cost is something that every individual looking out for fertility treatment is worried about. You will be surprised to know that IVF cost in Bangalore is highly economical.

Your well-being is our priority - call us to book your appointment today.

For your reference, we have mentioned the various IVF procedure cost in Bangalore below:

Types of In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)IVF price in Bangalore (for each cycle) in INRIVF price in Bangalore (for each cycle) in USD
1.In-vitro fertilization (IVF)₹1,33,598 - ₹1,92,451$1,673 - $2,410
2.Intra - Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)₹1,50,000 - ₹2,50,000$1,878 - $3,130
3.Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI)₹2,00,000 - ₹3,40,000$2,504 - $4,256
4.Assisted Hatching₹15,000 - ₹40,000$188 - $501
5.Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)₹40,000 - ₹80,000$501 - $1,002

NOTE: IVF / Test tube baby cost in Bangalore varies from clinic to clinic and also depends on the expertise of doctors.

In recent decades, India and its major cities like Bangalore have risen to prominence for their healthcare tourism, mainly due to their highly skilled surgeons in various fields such as IVF and more. In addition, they use novel techniques to treat their patients.

1. Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) cost in Bangalore:

Generally, IUI cost in Bangalore ranges from ₹8,000- ₹20,000 ($101 - $251). Basically, IUI is not a part of IVF, it is a specialized assisted fertilization process. It is normally recommended by the doctors before proceeding with IVF at an initial stage.

Semen Analysis₹500- ₹3,000$7 - $38
Sperm Related Tests₹2,000- ₹5,000$26 - $63
Sperm Transfer₹5,000- ₹8,000$63 - $101
Additional Diagnostics (If needed)  
• Semen Freezing₹4,000- ₹12,000$51 - $151
• PESA, MESA, TESA₹10,000- ₹20,000$126 - $251

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

2. In-vitro Fertilization (IVF)cost in Bangalore:

The IVF cost in Bangalore ranges from ₹1, 22,000 – ₹2,80,000 ($1,527 - $3,506). The structure of the cost in this process varies upon individual cases. Generally, the main factors that decide the cost of In-vitro fertilization are laboratory charges, medication costs and assessment costs.

The charges also include almost five consultations during the entire process. The cost of IVF treatment may also rise up to ₹4,00,000 ($5,008) Considering all the factors, we have mentioned the price of every variable that has to be counted on for one cycle of IVF:

Per Assessment cost₹500 - ₹2,000$7 - $26
Procedure cost₹80,000 - ₹1,80,000$1,002 - $2,255
Medication Cost₹40,000 – ₹85,000$501 - $1,065
Donor Cost (if used)  
• Donor egg₹30,000 - ₹40,000$376 - $501
• Donor sperm₹10,000 - ₹15,000$126 - $188
• Donor embryo₹45,000 - ₹50,000$564 - $626

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

3. Intra- Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Cost in Bangalore :

ICSI being an advanced method of IVF shows more positive results. It costs around ₹1,50,000 – ₹2,50,000 ($1,878 - $3,130) for one cycle. The important variables of ICSI treatment are medication, treatment, and disposable cost.

Even though it is advanced, comparatively it costs less than basic IVF. And of course, the cost may also differ depending upon the severity of the case.

The cost factor of ICSI treatment is mentioned below:

Assessment and laboratory charges₹1,00,000 – ₹2,00,000$1,252 - $2,504
Medication cost₹45,000 – ₹90,000$564 - $1,127

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

4. Intra-cytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) Cost in Bangalore :

The price of IMSI is approximately ₹2,00,000 – ₹3,40,000 ($2,504 - $4,257). IMSI is an advanced procedure of ICSI and the most result giving process at the same time. Under this type of IVF, they use an inverted microscope which gives you 6000 times better vision.

Assessment and laboratory charges₹1,40,000- ₹2,70,000$1,753 - $3,381
Medication cost₹40,000- ₹90,000$501 - $1,127

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

5. Assisted Hatching Cost in Bangalore :

Assisted hatching is mainly relied upon laser hatching. Generally, the cost of assisted hatching ranges from ₹25,000 – ₹40,000 ($314 - $501). Many best fertility clinic in Bangalore offer this procedure.

The cost estimate is mentioned as follows:

Laser Hatching₹20,000 – ₹40,000$251 - $501
Embryo Transfer (If required)₹40,000- ₹80,000$501 - $1,002

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

Take the first step to recovery. Get in touch with us for your treatment.

6. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET ) Cost in Bangalore:

FET reduces the procedure of egg and sperm retrieval. Egg freezing is also a procedure that is closely related to the retrieval of eggs in the context of fertility preservation and assisted reproductive technologies. The egg freezing cost in Bangalore ranges from ₹ 1,10,000 to ₹ 1,20,000 ($1325 - $ 1445).

Frozen embryo transfer is highly considered when there is a failure in fresh IVF transfer or when the parents wish to give their child a sibling using the embryos from the last IVF procedure. It is comparatively affordable and costs around ₹40,000 - ₹80,000 ($501 - $1,002). FET also raises better chances for pregnancy.

The procedural cost of FET is mentioned as follows:

Embryo Freezing₹10,000 - ₹20,000$126 - $251
Frozen Embryo Transfer₹40,000 - ₹80,000$501 - $1,002

Note: The above-mentioned cost structure may vary from clinic to clinic.

Other Details


  • Donor Sperm/ Donor Egg: If there is a requirement for donor’s sperm / eggs then the price estimate IVF treatment cost in Bangalore may increase as it is to be charged differently.
  • Age: The other very important factor to be taken into consideration is ‘age’. Basically, the success rate of IVF for younger woman is higher as compared to woman above the age of 35. When the age of the patient exceeds 35 years, the chances of complications tend to rise due to which the cost of treatment may also differ. Generally, the proper type of treatment can be analyzed on the basis of the age and the medical history of the patient.
  • Cost of Embryos Freezing: This takes place when the patient prefers to store the additional embryos, in case if the IVF cycle fails. This may lead to additional charges.
  • Donor Embryo: The cost of donor embryo is quiet expensive. In case the couple needs a donor embryo, then the total IVF price in Bangalore may substantially increase.
  • Expertise of the Doctor: Generally, highly experienced IVF specialist in Bangalore charge higher as they have handled many successful cases.
  • Complexity of the case: In case, if the couple has undergone multiple IVF failures due to complications, additional cost may be charged.

Your health is too important to ignore – schedule your appointment now.

Disclaimer : The above rates are for reference purpose only and may vary based on different requirements. To know actual rates, please contact us.

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Questions & Answers on "Ivf (In Vitro Fertilization)" (81)

Whats the conception date if ultrasound results on 25th July 2024 showed that the baby is 30 weeks old

Male | 28

Based on the ultrasound findings on 25th July 2024, the baby is probably 30 weeks old, so the conception date was around mid-November 2023. Symptoms like fatigue, morning sickness, and missed periods usually notify about pregnancy. These symptoms are the direct effect of the hormonal changes in the body. Take care of your health during pregnancy by eating well, being active, and going to your prenatal check-ups regularly for a healthy pregnancy.

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

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I want to show my pregnecy ultrasound report

Female | 24

An ultrasound report check is always a great and thrilling moment. Frequently seen in the images are the size of your baby and his or her growth and development. The first trimester of pregnancy is often an emotional roller coaster. In case of any question whether it is any discomfort, or you see any unusual patterns, it is a good idea to talk it over with your healthcare provider. They are the ones who are qualified to analyze your test results and to make sure you are healthy and your baby is too. Just a quick repetition that consulting professionals are the most effective way to find the peace of mind you are searching for always.

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

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I checked out my semen test for fertility Sperm count 120million/ml Motality 70% Sluggish 10% Abnormal 20% Is this normal or not? Having trouble in erection

Male | 26

Your sperm count remains commendable but, unfortunately, you have some things to look at. Despite the fact a 70% mobility rate is an acceptable level, if you experience problems with your penis, you will need to do something about it on time. Some of the notions on erection difficulties can be associated with stress, lifestyle elements, or the existing health condition. Implementing healthy lifestyle behavior, acquiring less stress, and performing regular physical exercise will contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the penis. It is advisable to go for a consultation if the problems persist.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Low sperm quantity affectes on baby growth

Male | 39

Low sperm amounts can influe­nce a baby's developme­nt in the womb. It can make getting pre­gnant harder. Signs may be challenge­s conceiving. This occurs when not enough he­althy sperm exist to fertilize­ an egg. Causes could be smoking, drinking alcohol, poor nutrition, and ce­rtain medicines. Doctors may recomme­nd lifestyle adjustments, he­althy eating habits, and resolving underlying proble­ms to boost sperm quantity.

Answered on 25th July '24

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hi mam good evening we have unplanned pregnancy of 4rth month we are not ready for it right now we want some more time

Female | 20

By the time they are four months, most women may experience tiredness, nausea, and mood shifts, among other issues driven by shifts in hormones. You also should talk with a gynecologist if you are exploring various routes to obtain guidance on each of them; the methods are parenting, adoption, or termination. Each option comes with its consequences, and receiving professional advice is a necessary component for getting out of it unharmed. 

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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I wanna know my baby sex

Female | 36

It is illegal to go for sex determination in india. Wait till birth

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Sorry for asking this but how Can I mame a false positive pregnancy in prega news

Female | 20

Some of the symptoms may be missed periods, breast tenderness, or nausea, which can be misleading. In case you suspect that you have got a false positive, wait for a few more days and take a retest; this way, you can find out everything for sure. The most important thing is to stay cool, and the best thing is visiting a professional doctor to give you the right instructions and support. A health consultant can be the first to put it right and thus relieve you of the problem. You must care for yourself, so don't hesitate to book an appointment with a doctor.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Man pregnancy problem help me

Male | 23

It does need you to be aware of the fact that men won't be pregnant, but it will take you on a roller coaster as it's concerning to the extent of feeling pregnancy. Physical problems like hormonal imbalances or psychosomatic responses can sometimes resemble those of pregnancy. The symptoms the person might have are for example nausea or emotional changes. Growing up, the idea of facing this, implies that one must attend to their nutrition and even apply stress-beating techniques. In the case that the symptoms continue to cause discomfort or do not recede, it's absolutely rational to go to medical assistance. It's possible for the doctor to chart a way that suits and supports you, delivering the good stuff as well as maintaining your general health.

Answered on 30th Dec '24

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I had my last period on 23 rd October and after I met my husband on November 9 th after I come to know on December 2 nd that I’m pregnant …the sonography shows I’m 6 weeks pregnant but actually I’m 4 weeks

Female | 29

The inequality of weeks usually comes from variations in ovulation and conception dates. By and large, health professionals calculate the duration of pregnancy from your last menstrual period which could sometimes cause confusion. The most common symptoms are feeling tired, difficulty in swallowing, and your breasts are aching. You have to get all the nutrients from a proper diet, drink plenty of water, and reduce stress. Regular prenatal check-ups are necessary to ensure you and the baby are healthy. Kindly speak to your ob/gyn for personal advising and reassurance.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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