Female | 21
Warum nimmt mein Periodenfluss monatlich ab?
Hallo, ich bin 21 Jahre alt und wiege 65 kg bei einer Körpergröße von 5,3. Und meine größte Sorge ist, dass mein Menstruationsfluss in den letzten 5 bis 6 Monaten sehr stark zurückgegangen ist. Ich habe keine weiteren gesundheitlichen Probleme oder größeren Symptome. Auch meine Periode ist regelmäßig, da ich jeden Monat pünktlich meine Periode habe, aber der Fluss ist im Vergleich zu vor 6 Monaten, was normal war, sehr gering. In 10-12 Stunden ist meine Einlage nicht einmal zur Hälfte bedeckt.

Soziale Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologe
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Ihr Periodenfluss ist in den letzten Monaten schwächer geworden. Dies kann durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Stress, Gewichtsveränderungen oder hormonelle Ungleichgewichte verursacht werden. Möglicherweise müssen Sie sich ausgewogen ernähren, aktiv bleiben und mit Stress umgehen. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, besprechen Sie es mit aGynäkologe.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
My period date was 7 and I am having my period again in 17 ?what is the cause? Is it dangerous?
Female | 19
Havin two periods in a month is not uncommon. The cause could be stress or hormonal imbalance. It's generally not dangerous, but consult a DOCTOR if concerned.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I had unprotected sex (40 days) no periods 20 days pregnancy test is negative
Female | 18
If you've missed your period and got a negative test after having unprotected sex, it may be a hormone imbalance or stress is the reason. The historically held view is that one can get pregnant only through fibrous tissue. When you become stressed or uneasy, your hormones become imbalanced. This can lead to missed periods. To establish the root of the problem, give it time to sink in and then check for a new pregnancy test or go to the gynecologist for a checkup.
Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Spotting after 6 months of delivery and no periods...after 3 months of delivery 1st period started and it was normal and next month onwards only spotting no bleeding .is it normal?
Female | 32
Your body goes through big changes when you have a baby. Spotting can be quite normal. Hormones make things shift. Since your first period after birth was regular beforehand, this spotting may just be adjustment. But if spotting keeps happening, or you notice odd signs, talk with a gynecologist to stay safe.
Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am 21 year old girl and i want to know about my periods. My period date is 6 june and today on 22 june i again got a period spot and 2 months ago i also got periods 10 days early and it lasts for about 2 hours
Female | 21
It sounds like your periods are a bit irregular, which can happen sometimes. Spotting between periods can be due to hormonal changes, stress, or even a minor infection. Getting periods 10 days early might be influenced by these factors too. It's good to keep track of your periods and any unusual symptoms. If it continues, it's good to discuss this with a gynecologist.
Answered on 25th June '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I have a missed period with a negative pregnancy test
Female | 22
If you've missed your period but received a negative pregnancy test result, don't worry. Several factors, such as stress, weight changes, hormonal imbalances, and health conditions, can lead to a missed period. To understand the cause and address any concerns, it's best to consult a gynecologist who can conduct a thorough evaluation and provide appropriate guidance based on your specific situation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi I am Patience a 20 year old who got a discourage 2 months ago and I am still bleeding I would like to know what medicine to take to stop the bleeding cause I have been bleeding for two months now
Female | 20
Such a long period of bleeding could be due to a hormonal imbalance, infection, or some problem with your uterus. It is important to see a gynecologist for the correct diagnosis and the right treatment. However, you can take iron supplements which are common medications to avoid anemia caused by excessive bleeding.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
My labia upper is black and side no labia side labia side skin is redness but no symptoms .and my labia white discharge jo nikala nai only labia ki side per lga hota my conditions dangerous ???unmarried
Female | 22
You may be dealing with some discoloration of the labia and also some redness. Besides, you have told of the white discharge too. These symptoms could be due to reasons like an infection or irritation. The area needs to be kept clean and dry. If the symptoms are still there or getting worse, get help from a gynecologist.
Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
i am planning to get pregnant can i take enzoflam for bodybpain
Female | 25
Enzoflam is a medicine for pain relief; however, it should not be taken while pregnant because it can harm the unborn child. It is normal to have aches and pains throughout your body when you are pregnant. You could do light physical activities or soak in warm water instead of using enzoflam. Also, talk to your gynecologist for advice on which painkillers are safe to use during pregnancy.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I m 19 weeks pregnant..my baby is kicking too much and very often is it normal
Female | 27
These movements are generally considered normal during pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, your baby's movements will become more noticeable and stronger. If you have more concerns visit a gynec.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Over white discharge reason
സ്ത്രീ | 21
White vaginal discharge is a common problem which has many causes, most of them are related to various issues including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis and hormonal changes. Talk to your gynecologist is vital in getting the right diagnosis and treatment
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I missed my periods this month
Female | 20
It is usually common. Stress affects your body. Weight changes and hormones cause issues, too. You may notice sore breasts, bloating, and moody feelings. Take care - eat the right foods, relax well, and get good rest. If still persists after efforts, see a gynecologist for further guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Doctor I have missed my periods today is my periods date I have 4 months baby
Female | 21
Missing periods while breastfeeding is common Nothing to woRRy about that and wait for a few days. Then if you want you can consult an gynecologist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I'm 22 years old,I got my period on May 20-23.I had sex on 29,i used ECp on May 31st to prevent ovulation (I was like 5-6 days away from ovulation).I started to have brown discharge and mild cramps on June 9.It turned red on 10 and today being 11.It doesn't really stain my paint liner. I only get drops when I pee or poop.Normal?. When will it stop as well?.
Female | 22
The brown discharge could be old blood and early signs of the period starting. The routine of the ECp may have altered your cycle. Cramps are usually mild during periods. The bleeding should cease within a few days. It’s fine to observe for now. If it becomes heavy or lasts for a long time then you might want to have it looked at.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have wart like growths formed on the external labia since last two months. Not sure if its STI or something else. The last time i got intimate was in August 2023, we used a condom and didn't have multiple partners. Should i visit a gynecologist or dermatologist?
Female | 28
One must have the wart-like growths found on the outside lips of the genitalia checked by a physician. Such growths could be due to a viral infection such as HPV which is not always associated with sexual activity. A gynecologist can help to determine what has caused them and advise on the most appropriate treatment.
Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I'm 27 years old,I finished my period on the 21st of ds money and I'm ovulating now ,the thing is I've been having sticky creamy discharge and today I'm seeing blood discharge now with burning when I pee , I've been down with fever please what is wrong with me?
Female | 27
Urinary tract infections cause symptoms like blood in urine, burning during urination, and fever. Though discharge can change during ovulation, blood is worrying. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out bacteria. But, you'll need to see a urologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. UTIs are common infections that require medical care. Changing discharge is normal during ovulation, yet blood indicates concern. Staying hydrated combats infection, but medical attention is crucial.
Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm not getting periods from.10 months on Aug 2023 I had periods with heavy bleeding and clots and same happened in September from then I'm not getting my periods can u pls explain
Female | 23
It's a bit scary to think that bleeding for 10 months and getting a period would make you worry. There are many reasons why a woman may not get a proper period like hormonal problems (For example, PCOS), and many other ones. You can consult a gynecologist to go through some tests to find the exact problem. The treatment plan can include the use of drugs that will regulate hormones or the elimination of a problem.
Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
What can I use to stop the bleeding because I am on a depo birth control injection what pill can I use just to be safe
Female | 19
If you see any blood while taking the Depo birth control shot it is likely that you will experience abnormal bleeding in the first months. If the bleeding is heavy or prolonged, you will be able to get over-the-counter drugs e.g. ibuprofen to make the bleeding less. It is better to drink a lot of water and take a good rest. If nothing helps, or you get worse, discuss the situation with your gynecologist for appropriate advice.
Answered on 15th July '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 9 weeks pregnant and i have been done vomiting 3 to 4 time a day and doctor recommends some medicine like DOXINATE should I take this medicine and how much.
Female | 32
Yes, it is common to experience illness or vomit several times during the first months of pregnancy. This is the morning sickness phenomenon. It can be annoying, believe me, but don't worry; it will pass. Your gynecologist may have recommended a drug called Doxinate to you for alleviating your symptoms. It is safe for pregnant women and can also help you vomit less.
Answered on 17th Oct '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I fell sometimes pain sides of labia ,vagina no inside sides sometimes pelvic no severe but pain but i fell no symptoms during toilet or daily activities .unmarried
Female | 22
You are having some pain in the sides of your labia and vagina. This type of pain can occur due to various reasons such as irritation, infection, or even a small cyst. It is not too serious and does not affect your daily life or your ability to go to the bathroom, so it might not be a big deal. But, it is still necessary to tell the gynecologist about this to rule out any concerns and get the right advice.
Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I took misoprostol first insted of mifepristone what should I do now I am not bleeding as well it was just a spotting after taking the 4 medicine took 2 after that the other 2 after ,24 hours and still I am not bleeding.
Female | 23
When you first had misoprostol instead of mifepristone, this might have altered the results you sought. No bleeding may suggest a possibility of some complication. You should consult a gynecologist to make sure that everything is normal. They will give you the help and advice that are the most appropriate for your situation.
Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
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