Female | 19
Sollte ich nach einer vergessenen Minipille eine Notfallverhütung einnehmen?
Wenn ich vor mehr als 48 Stunden ungeschützten Sex hatte, aber heute meine Minipille vergessen habe, sollte ich eine Notfallverhütung nehmen
Soziale Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologe
Answered on 28th Aug '24
Der Verzicht auf die Einnahme einer Minipille und ungeschützter Geschlechtsverkehr kann die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Schwangerschaft erheblich erhöhen. Innerhalb von 48 Stunden ist der beste Zeitpunkt für die Anwendung einer Notfallverhütung. Die Notfallverhütung wirkt, indem sie den Eisprung im Körper stoppt oder verzögert. Wenn Sie unsicher sind, ob Sie schwanger werden möchten, ist die Einnahme einer Notfallverhütung die beste Möglichkeit, das Risiko zu senken.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
I have stomach pain for pcos
Female | 24
PCOS causes hormonal imbalance which is evident in symptoms like bloating, cramps, aches, and discomfort in the abdominal area. Besides the case above, pain can develop due to digestive issues, like constipation or gas. To these attempts to treat the pain, try to manage your PCOS symptoms with a proper diet, physical activity, and keeping a proper weight. If the pain is intolerable or the situation worsens, it's advisable to go to a gynecologist for proper treatment.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Left tubal ectopic pregnancy my USG report. Ectopic pregnancy treatment
Female | 23
A left tubal ectopic pregnancy means the embryo grows outside the womb, often in the fallopian tube. This is dangerous! Symptoms like severe belly pain, bleeding, and shoulder ache require quick medical care. Ectopic pregnancies can't continue normally, so treatment removes the embryo surgically or with medication. Complications are possible without proper care from a gynecologist. Follow their instructions precisely – make all follow-up visits to ensure full recovery.
Answered on 23rd July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Irregular periods. My perios 41day late then start 2may but 20 day my periods are light today my periods is heavy why? ialso fibroids. What can i do
Female | 42
Your condition requires medical attention. Consult a gynecologist for a thorough evaluation from a reputed hospital. They can assess the cause of irregular periods, potentially perform hormonal tests and ultrasound for fibroids, and recommend appropriate treatments, which may include lifestyle changes, hormonal management, or fibroid specific interventions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am 29 years old and i am lightheaded for a week now , a feeling of dizziness almost pass out everytime i move a lot or walk , my eyes get irritated also with bright lights , and i had my period last month but its only like spotting ,this is unusual for me thank you
Female | 29
Your symptoms could have various causes. It's recommended to consult with your gynecologist to evaluate your symptoms and provide a proper diagnosis. Potential factors could include dehydration, inner ear issues, low blood sugar, anemia, or hormonal imbalances.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am Ramya 23 years old age I took I pill tablet last week but I got periods and today is my 7th day of my periods it's not stopping after 5tg day and stomach pain back pain to
Female | 23
Stomach pain and back pain are common symptoms after taking Ipill. If bleeding dosen't stop after 7 days and the pain is severe then consult a gynecologist for further evaluation and management. The doctor may perform a pelvic exam, ultrasound, or blood tests to determine the cause of the prolonged bleeding and pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I was pregnant today was 13 day my period date was 14 march but now I m getting brown discharge and lyt cramps in stomach coming and going And 17 march my beta HCG was 313 and yesterday it was 1000
Female | 27
Brown discharge and light cramps during early pregnancy can occur for several reasons. Like, implantation bleeding or hormonal changes. Rising beta HCG levels is usually a good sign. However, it's important to keep an eye on your symptoms. And speak with your gynecologist if you have any worries.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Why am I having vaginal spotting with a negative pregnancy
Female | 30
Women sometimes get spotting from the vagina when not pregnant. There are lots of possible reasons - hormones changing, feeling stressed, or a minor infection. If no pain and not too much blood, it's likely okay. Stay calm, drink water, and eat good food. But if it keeps happening or worries you, it's wise to talk to a gynecologist to be sure everything's fine.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Why is my vagina long and brown I’m insecure cause I’m so young and only did it with one guy
Female | 20
Normal changes can make private parts appear different in shape and color. Sometimes, the vagina may seem longer or darker. This is often due to genetics, hormones, or pigmentation. Sexual activity could also cause changes. If it worries you, focus on health over looks. Discuss any concerns with a gynecologist.
Answered on 25th July '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have had an abortion 4 days ago, now I’m experiencing sore back, gurgling sounds and needle like pokes on my lower abdomen, what could be the problem?
Female | 22
You may experience some discomfort after an abortion. A sore back could stem from hormone changes. Gurgling sounds and needle-like pokes in your lower abdomen might indicate intestinal gas shifting. It's crucial to rest, stay hydrated, and consume light, nutritious meals. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, contact your gynecologist promptly.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have a strong smelling chemical vaginal odor
Female | 18
A strong bacterial odor in the vagina can indicate a bacterial infection or an imbalance in vaginal pH. A gynecologist should be seen in order to get a precise diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Hello,i had sex with my partner 5 days after her ovulation period stopped and we used a condom,is there any chance my partner is pregnant still?
Male | 20
Using protection during intimacy is wise, as condoms provide a barrier against potential pregnancy. Since your partner was past their fertile window, the likelihood of conception is reduced. However, no method offers absolute certainty. A faint possibility remains. Should she exhibit signs such as a delayed menstrual cycle or queasiness, a pregnancy test can definitively confirm or allay concerns.
Answered on 24th July '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am having a yellowish discharge
Female | 29
you should see a gynaecologist right away. The presence of a yellowish discharge could bear witness to an infection or inflammation in the reproductive system.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
My last period.was on 17.September I had a positive pregnancy test but my ultrasound shows.the.fetus.is.4.weeks.old,it should've.been 7.weeks.by now, Why is.the.baby not growing properly
Female | 24
I would recommend that you see an obstetrician right away. Slow fetal growth may signal a potential miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Tests and ultrasounds can be run by an obstetrician in order to find the core of this problem. Thus, it is crucial to seek help from an expert obstetrician who can provide the correct diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I'm 4 days late for my periods. I had protected sex on 13th Jan and we also used the pulled out method even after wearing a condom. I'm experience no signs of pregnancy and I had 3 negative tests in past 3 days I've been experiencing very low intensity cramps for past 2 days. I drank last night and also tried many home remedies to bring my periods early like massages, exercises and yoga.What are the chances that I still might be pregnant?
Female | 19
With protected intimacy and negative tests, pregnancy risk appears minimal. Mild cramps can stem from various factors like imminent periods or hormonal shifts. Prudent to avoid alcohol if pregnancy suspected. Stay observant of symptoms; if concerned, consult a gynecologist for guidance.
Answered on 16th Oct '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I have taken unwanted72 on 1st march and light bleeding ol 9 march for 2 days.on 17 it was my period date and i didn't got my periods yet.when will my periods come?
Female | 24
It's quite normal for this type of pill to affect your menstrual cycle a bit. The light bleeding on March 9 was likely caused by the pill. Sometimes periods get delayed after taking it, so your next one might come later than usual. However, if your period still hasn’t arrived in a few more days, it’s a good idea to speak with a gynecologist. These temporary cycle changes can happen with emergency contraception, but everything should normalize soon.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Why do i bleed after sex? Even if it’s months after losing my virginity
Female | 18
Bleeding after sex, even months after losing your virginity, can be due to vaginal dryness, cervical polyps, infections, or other conditions. It's imp to consult a gynecologist to identify the cause and receive appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
My gf has taken Unwanted 72 a day before her period date, so when will her periods come and what to do to get her periods early?
Female | 20
Taking Unwanted 72 before her period can change your girlfriend's cycle. That time may come earlier or later than expected. This medicine can cause irregular bleeding or spotting. It's best not to rush and let her body get used to the natural adjustment. One should encourage her to take a lot of liquids, to have a balanced diet, and at the same time to manage stress. If it's taking too long or she feels any other abnormalities, it is important to seek help from a gynecologist.
Answered on 18th June '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I had intercourse two days before my period and two days after I’m trying to conceive is there a chance I might get pregnant
Female | 23
Sperm linger inside your body for several days and therefore a woman can readily become pregnant. Some early signs of pregnancy are a missed period, tiredness, and vomiting. If you suspect you are pregnant, a home pregnancy test can be used to confirm it.
Answered on 4th Oct '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I’m 21 years old,I’m using medicines for skin allergy, I’m having less period blood flow when compared to before. What is the cause for that?
Female | 21
Changes in menstrual blood flow can be influenced by various factors, including hormonal imbalances, medications, stress, changes in weight, or underlying health conditions. Since you mentioned using medications for skin allergy,
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am 19 year old female and I had unprotected sex on 27 April for the first time and within 45 min I took the unwanted 72 tablet...my periods are delayed about 3 days....when will my periods come ???
Female | 19
Sometimes taking emergency contraceptive pills like Unwanted 72 can make your period come late, this is normal. Anxiety and stress also play a role in postponing periods. Give your period a week or more, it should show up.
Answered on 11th June '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the average cost of Gynecological treatment in Istanbul?
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when can you visit a gynecologist?
How do you choose a suitable gynecologist for you?
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What happens if I get my uterus surgically removed?
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